Actias \Actias\ n.
1. 1 luna moths.

Syn: genus Actias
[WordNet 1.5]
n 1: luna moths [syn: Actias, genus Actias]
podobné slovodefinícia
Actias \Actias\ n.
1. 1 luna moths.

Syn: genus Actias
[WordNet 1.5]
Actias luna
Luna \Lu"na\, n. [L.; akin to lucere to shine. See Light, n.,
and cf. Lune.]
1. The moon.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Alchemy) Silver.
[1913 Webster]

Luna cornea (Old Chem.), horn silver, or fused silver
chloride, a tough, brown, translucent mass; -- so called
from its resemblance to horn.

Luna moth (Zool.), a very large and beautiful American moth
(Actias luna). Its wings are delicate light green, with
a stripe of purple along the front edge of the anterior
wings, the other margins being edged with pale yellow.
Each wing has a lunate spot surrounded by rings of light
yellow, blue, and black. The caterpillar commonly feeds on
the hickory, sassafras, and maple.
[1913 Webster]
actias luna
Actias luna
n 1: large pale-green American moth with long-tailed hind wings
and a yellow crescent-shaped mark on each forewing [syn:
luna moth, Actias luna]
genus actias
genus Actias
n 1: luna moths [syn: Actias, genus Actias]

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