Alcaic \Al*ca"ic\, a. [L. Alca["i]cus, Gr. ?.]
Pertaining to Alc[ae]us, a lyric poet of Mitylene, about 6000
b. c. -- n. A kind of verse, so called from Alc[ae]us. One
variety consists of five feet, a spondee or iambic, an
iambic, a long syllable, and two dactyls.
[1913 Webster] Alcaid
n 1: verse in the meter used in Greek and Latin poetry
consisting of strophes of 4 tetrametric lines; reputedly
invented by Alcaeus [syn: Alcaic, Alcaic verse]
podobné slovodefinícia
Alcaic \Al*ca"ic\, a. [L. Alca["i]cus, Gr. ?.]
Pertaining to Alc[ae]us, a lyric poet of Mitylene, about 6000
b. c. -- n. A kind of verse, so called from Alc[ae]us. One
variety consists of five feet, a spondee or iambic, an
iambic, a long syllable, and two dactyls.
[1913 Webster] Alcaid
alcaic verse
Alcaic verse
n 1: verse in the meter used in Greek and Latin poetry
consisting of strophes of 4 tetrametric lines; reputedly
invented by Alcaeus [syn: Alcaic, Alcaic verse]

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