ALH,Advanced Liquid Hydrogen [zkr.] [voj.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický
podobné slovodefinícia
Alhambra,Alhambra n: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Calhoun,Calhoun n: [jmén.] příjmení, okres v USA Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
cephalhematoma, n:
coalhole, n:
malheur wire lettuce
malheur wire lettuce, n:
Valhalla,vikingské nebe luke
Alhambra,Alhambran: [jmén.] příjmení Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Calhoun,Calhounn: [jmén.] příjmení, okres v USA Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
chloralhydrát,chloral hydrate Zdeněk Brož
dlouhé kalhoty
dlouhé kalhoty,pantsn: pl. Zdeněk Brož
jelenicové kalhoty
jelenicové kalhoty,buckskins Zdeněk Brož
jezdecké kalhoty
jezdecké kalhoty,jodhpurs Zdeněk Brož
kalhotky,knickerspl. kalhotky,pantiesn: pl. kalhotky,pantsn: pl. Zdeněk Brožkalhotky,thongn: xkomczax
kalhotová sukně
kalhotová sukně,culotte Zdeněk Brožkalhotová sukně,culottes Zdeněk Brož
kalhotový kostým
kalhotový kostým,pantsuitn: Zdeněk Brožkalhotový kostým,trouser suit
kalhoty,pantsn: [amer.] kalhoty,slacks Zdeněk Brožkalhoty,trousersn: pl. kalhoty,trunksn: pl. Zdeněk Brož
kalhoty nad kolena
kalhoty nad kolena,britchesn: viz breeches Jiří Dadák
krátké kalhoty
krátké kalhoty,knee breeches Zdeněk Brožkrátké kalhoty,shortsn:
manšestrové kalhoty
manšestrové kalhoty,corduroy trousers manšestrové kalhoty,corduroys Zdeněk Brož
nosící kalhoty
nosící kalhoty,breeched Zdeněk Brož
pohodlné kalhoty
pohodlné kalhoty,slacks Zdeněk Brož
punčochové kalhoty
punčochové kalhoty,pantyhosen: punčochové kalhoty,tights
přiléhavé kalhoty
přiléhavé kalhoty,tights Zdeněk Brož
volné kalhoty
volné kalhoty,slacks Zdeněk Brož
zalhat,lie zalhat,speak untruthfully
zvonové kalhoty
zvonové kalhoty,bell-bottoms Zdeněk Brož
část kalhot ze 16. století
část kalhot ze 16. století,codpiece Zdeněk Brož
Alhagi maurorum
camel \cam"el\ (k[a^]m"[e^]l), n. [OE. camel, chamel, OF. camel,
chamel, F. chameau L. camelus, fr. Gr. ka`mhlos; of Semitic
origin; cf. Heb. g[=a]m[=a]l, Ar. jamal. Cf. As. camel, fr.
L. camelus.]
1. (Zool.) A large ruminant used in Asia and Africa for
carrying burdens and for riding. The camel is remarkable
for its ability to go a long time without drinking. Its
hoofs are small, and situated at the extremities of the
toes, and the weight of the animal rests on the callous.
The dromedary (Camelus dromedarius) has one hump on the
back, while the Bactrian camel (Camelus Bactrianus) has
two. The llama, alpaca, and vicu[~n]a, of South America,
belong to a related genus (Auchenia).
[1913 Webster]

2. (Naut.) A water-tight structure (as a large box or boxes)
used to assist a vessel in passing over a shoal or bar or
in navigating shallow water. By admitting water, the camel
or camels may be sunk and attached beneath or at the sides
of a vessel, and when the water is pumped out the vessel
is lifted.
[1913 Webster]

Camel bird (Zool.), the ostrich.

Camel locust (Zool.), the mantis.

Camel's thorn (Bot.), a low, leguminous shrub ({Alhagi
maurorum}) of the Arabian desert, from which exudes a
sweetish gum, which is one of the substances called manna.
[1913 Webster]
Alhambra \Al*ham"bra\, n. [Ultimately fr. Ar. al the + hamr[=a]
red; i. e., the red (sc. house).]
The palace of the Moorish kings at Granada.
[1913 Webster] Alhambraic
Alhambraic \Al`ham*bra"ic\, Alhambresque \Al`ham*bresque"\ (?;
277), a.
Made or decorated after the fanciful style of the
ornamentation in the Alhambra, which affords an unusually
fine exhibition of Saracenic or Arabesque architecture.
[1913 Webster]
Alhambraic \Al`ham*bra"ic\, Alhambresque \Al`ham*bresque"\ (?;
277), a.
Made or decorated after the fanciful style of the
ornamentation in the Alhambra, which affords an unusually
fine exhibition of Saracenic or Arabesque architecture.
[1913 Webster]
Alhenna \Al*hen"na\, n.
See Henna.
[1913 Webster]
Cascalho \Cas*cal"ho\, n. [Pg., a chip of stone, gravel.]
A deposit of pebbles, gravel, and ferruginous sand, in which
the Brazilian diamond is usually found.
[1913 Webster]
Fomalhaut \Fo"mal*haut`\, n. [Ar., prop., mouth of the large
fish: cf. F. Fomalhaut.] (Astron.)
A star of the first magnitude, in the constellation Piscis
Australis, or Southern Fish.
[1913 Webster]
malheur wire lettuce
malheur wire lettuce \malheur wire lettuce\ n. (Bot.)
A small mustardlike plant (Stephanomeria malheurensis) of
Oregon, belonging to the family Cruciferae; it is a
threatened species.
[WordNet 1.5]
Spitalhouse \Spit"al*house`\, n.
A hospital. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster] spitball
Stephanomeria malheurensis
malheur wire lettuce \malheur wire lettuce\ n. (Bot.)
A small mustardlike plant (Stephanomeria malheurensis) of
Oregon, belonging to the family Cruciferae; it is a
threatened species.
[WordNet 1.5]
Valhalla \Val*hal"la\, n. [Icel. valh["o]ll, literally, hall of
the slain; valr the slain (akin to AS. w[ae]l, OHG. wal
battlefield, wuol defeat, slaughter, AS. w[=o]l pestilence) +
h["o]ll a royal hall. See Hall, and cf. Walhalla.]
[Written also walhalla.]
[1913 Webster]
1. (Scand. Myth.) The palace of immortality, inhabited by the
souls of heroes slain in battle.
[1913 Webster]

2. Fig.: A hall or temple adorned with statues and memorials
of a nation's heroes; specifically, the Pantheon near
Ratisbon, in Bavaria, consecrated to the illustrious dead
of all Germany.
[1913 Webster] Valiance
Valhalla \Val*hal"la\, n. [Icel. valh["o]ll, literally, hall of
the slain; valr the slain (akin to AS. w[ae]l, OHG. wal
battlefield, wuol defeat, slaughter, AS. w[=o]l pestilence) +
h["o]ll a royal hall. See Hall, and cf. Walhalla.]
[Written also walhalla.]
[1913 Webster]
1. (Scand. Myth.) The palace of immortality, inhabited by the
souls of heroes slain in battle.
[1913 Webster]

2. Fig.: A hall or temple adorned with statues and memorials
of a nation's heroes; specifically, the Pantheon near
Ratisbon, in Bavaria, consecrated to the illustrious dead
of all Germany.
[1913 Webster] ValianceWalhalla \Wal*hal"la\, n. [Cf. G. walhalla, See Valhalla.]
See Valhalla.
[1913 Webster]
Valhalla \Val*hal"la\, n. [Icel. valh["o]ll, literally, hall of
the slain; valr the slain (akin to AS. w[ae]l, OHG. wal
battlefield, wuol defeat, slaughter, AS. w[=o]l pestilence) +
h["o]ll a royal hall. See Hall, and cf. Walhalla.]
[Written also walhalla.]
[1913 Webster]
1. (Scand. Myth.) The palace of immortality, inhabited by the
souls of heroes slain in battle.
[1913 Webster]

2. Fig.: A hall or temple adorned with statues and memorials
of a nation's heroes; specifically, the Pantheon near
Ratisbon, in Bavaria, consecrated to the illustrious dead
of all Germany.
[1913 Webster] ValianceWalhalla \Wal*hal"la\, n. [Cf. G. walhalla, See Valhalla.]
See Valhalla.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: an Egyptian polymath (born in Iraq) whose research in
geometry and optics was influential into the 17th century;
established experiments as the norm of proof in physics
(died in 1040) [syn: Alhazen, Alhacen, al-Haytham,
Ibn al-Haytham, Al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham]
n 1: a fortified Moorish palace built near Granada by Muslim
kings in the Middle Ages
n 1: an Egyptian polymath (born in Iraq) whose research in
geometry and optics was influential into the 17th century;
established experiments as the norm of proof in physics
(died in 1040) [syn: Alhazen, Alhacen, al-Haytham,
Ibn al-Haytham, Al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham]
n 1: a collection of blood under the scalp of a newborn; caused
by pressure during birth [syn: cephalhematoma,
n 1: a bin for holding coal [syn: coalbin, coalhole]
fernao magalhaes
Fernao Magalhaes
n 1: Portuguese navigator in the service of Spain; he commanded
an expedition that was the first to circumnavigate the
world (1480-1521) [syn: Magellan, Ferdinand Magellan,
Fernao Magalhaes]
lena calhoun horne
Lena Calhoun Horne
n 1: United States singer and actress (born in 1917) [syn:
Horne, Lena Horne, Lena Calhoun Horne]
malheur wire lettuce
malheur wire lettuce
n 1: a small plant of Oregon resembling mustard; a threatened
species [syn: malheur wire lettuce, {Stephanomeria
n 1: a fan of heavy metal music
stephanomeria malheurensis
Stephanomeria malheurensis
n 1: a small plant of Oregon resembling mustard; a threatened
species [syn: malheur wire lettuce, {Stephanomeria
n 1: (Norse mythology) the hall in which the souls of heros
slain in battle were received by Odin [syn: Valhalla,
n 1: (Norse mythology) the hall in which the souls of heros
slain in battle were received by Odin [syn: Valhalla,

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