antipartticle \an`ti*part"ti*cle\
([a^]n`t[i^]*[aum]r"t[i^]*k'l), n. (Physics)
A fundamental particle which has the same mass as one of the
common fundamental particles, but which has an opposite
charge, and for which certain other of the properties (e. g.
baryon number, strangeness) may be opposite to that of the
normal particle. The antiparticle to an electron is called a
positron; the antiparticle to a proton is called an
antiproton; the antiparticle to a neutron is called an
antineutron. When a particle and its corresponding
antiparticle collide, they typically annihilate each other
with the production of large quantities of energy, usually in
the form of radiation. The interaction of a proton and
antiproton cause annihilation with production of mesons.
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