- Armenian
podobné slovodefinícia
- Arménsko
- arménsky, Armén, arménčina
- pohladenie
- textília, ošatenie, ošatiť
- spodné prádlo
- Armenian
- AM, ARM, Armenia
- Armenian
Armenia,Arménie n: [zem.] Petr PrášekArmenia,město - Kolumbie n: [jmén.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Armenian,arménský adj:
barmen,číšníci n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
Carmen,Carmen n: [jmén.] příjmení, město - Mexiko, ženské křestní jméno,
mužské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a automatický překladCarmen,Karmen Zdeněk Brož
disbarment,vyloučení n: někoho od někud, ze seznamu ap. Pino
endearment,laskání n: Zdeněk Brožendearment,pohlazení n: Zdeněk Brožendearment,zalíbení Pavel Cvrček
foundation garment
foundation garment, n:
garment,šat Pavel Machek
garment bag
garment bag, n:
garment cutter
garment cutter, n:
garment industry
garment industry,oděvní průmysl n: Pavel Cvrček
garment worker
garment worker, n:
garment-worker, n:
garmented, adj:
garmentless, adj:
garmentmaker, n:
garments,šaty Zdeněk Brož
outer garment
outer garment, n:
overgarment, n:
protective garment
protective garment, n:
undergarment,spodní prádlo Zdeněk Brož
ungarmented, adj:
varment, n:
Carmen,Carmenn: [jmén.] příjmení, město - Mexiko, ženské křestní jméno,
mužské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a automatický překlad
Karmen,Carmen Zdeněk Brož
appareled attired clad dressed garbed garmented habilimented robed
clothed \clothed\ adj.
1. wearing clothing. [Narrower terms: {adorned(predicate),
bedecked(predicate), decked(predicate), decked
out(predicate)}; {appareled, attired, clad, dressed,
garbed, garmented, habilimented, robed}; {arrayed,
panoplied}; breeched, pantalooned, trousered;
bundled-up; caparisoned; cassocked: costumed:
decent] [Narrower terms: dight] [Narrower terms:
{dressed-up, dressed to the nines(predicate), dressed to
kill(predicate), dolled up, spruced up, spiffed up}]
[Narrower terms: gowned] [Narrower terms: habited]
[Narrower terms: heavy-coated] [Narrower terms:
overdressed] [Narrower terms: petticoated] [Narrower
terms: red-coated, lobster-backed] [Narrower terms:
surpliced] [Narrower terms: {togged dressed esp in smart
clothes)}] [Narrower terms: turned out] [Narrower terms:
underdressed] [Narrower terms: uniformed] [Narrower
terms: vestmented] Also See: adorned, decorated.
Antonym: unclothed.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. covered with or as if with clothes or a wrap or cloak.
fog-cloaked meadows

Syn: cloaked, draped, mantled, wrapped.
[WordNet 1.5]
Armenia \Armenia\ n.
1. a country in the Caucasus, formerly a part of the Soviet
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
Armenian \Ar*me"ni*an\, a. [Cf. F. Arm['e]nien, L. Armenias, fr.
Of or pertaining to Armenia.
[1913 Webster]

Armenian bole, a soft clayey earth of a bright red color
found in Armenia, Tuscany, etc.

Armenian stone.
(a) The commercial name of lapis lazuli.
(b) Emery.
[1913 Webster]Armenian \Ar*me"ni*an\, n.
1. A native or one of the people of Armenia; also, the
language of the Armenians.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Eccl. Hist.) An adherent of the Armenian Church, an
organization similar in some doctrines and practices to
the Greek Church, in others to the Roman Catholic.
[1913 Webster]
Armenian bole
Armenian \Ar*me"ni*an\, a. [Cf. F. Arm['e]nien, L. Armenias, fr.
Of or pertaining to Armenia.
[1913 Webster]

Armenian bole, a soft clayey earth of a bright red color
found in Armenia, Tuscany, etc.

Armenian stone.
(a) The commercial name of lapis lazuli.
(b) Emery.
[1913 Webster]Bole \Bole\, n. [Gr. ? a clod or lump of earth: cf. F. bol, and
also L. bolus morsel. Cf. Bolus.]
1. Any one of several varieties of friable earthy clay,
usually colored more or less strongly red by oxide of
iron, and used to color and adulterate various substances.
It was formerly used in medicine. It is composed
essentially of hydrous silicates of alumina, or more
rarely of magnesia. See Clay, and Terra alba.
[1913 Webster]

2. A bolus; a dose. --Coleridge.
[1913 Webster]

Armenian bole. See under Armenian.

Bole Armoniac, or Armoniak, Armenian bole. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
Armenian stone
Lazuli \Laz"u*li\, n. [F. & NL. lapis lazuli, LL. lazulus,
lazurius, lazur from the same Oriental source as E. azure.
See Azure.] (Min.)
A mineral of a fine azure-blue color, usually in small
rounded masses. It is essentially a silicate of alumina,
lime, and soda, with some sodium sulphide, is often marked by
yellow spots or veins of sulphide of iron, and is much valued
for ornamental work. Called also lapis lazuli, and
Armenian stone.
[1913 Webster]Armenian \Ar*me"ni*an\, a. [Cf. F. Arm['e]nien, L. Armenias, fr.
Of or pertaining to Armenia.
[1913 Webster]

Armenian bole, a soft clayey earth of a bright red color
found in Armenia, Tuscany, etc.

Armenian stone.
(a) The commercial name of lapis lazuli.
(b) Emery.
[1913 Webster]
Debarment \De*bar"ment\, n.
Hindrance from approach; exclusion.
[1913 Webster]
Disbarment \Dis*bar"ment\, n.
Act of disbarring.
[1913 Webster]
Endearment \En*dear"ment\, n.
The act of endearing or the state of being endeared; also,
that which manifests, excites, or increases, affection. "The
great endearments of prudent and temperate speech." --Jer.
[1913 Webster]

Her first endearments twining round the soul.
[1913 Webster]
Garment \Gar"ment\, n. [OE. garnement, OF. garnement, garniment,
fr. garnir to garnish. See Garnish.]
Any article of clothing, as a coat, a gown, etc.
[1913 Webster]

No man putteth a piece of new cloth unto old garment.
--Matt. ix.
[1913 Webster]
Garmented \Gar"ment*ed\, p. a.
Having on a garment; attired; enveloped, as with a garment.
[1913 Webster]

A lovely lady garmented in light
From her own beauty. --Shelley.
[1913 Webster]
Garmenture \Gar"men*ture\, n.
Clothing; dress.
[1913 Webster]
Over-garment \O"ver-gar`ment\, n.
An outer garment.
[1913 Webster]
Particularment \Par*tic"u*lar*ment\, n.
A particular; a detail. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
Prunus Armeniaca
Apricot \A"pri*cot\, n. [OE. apricock, abricot, F. abricot, fr.
Sp. albaricoque or Pg. albricoque, fr. Ar. albirq[=u]q,
al-burq[=u]q. Though the E. and F. form abricot is derived
from the Arabic through the Spanish, yet the Arabic word
itself was formed from the Gr. praiko`kia, pl. (Diosc. c.
100) fr. L. praecoquus, praecox, early ripe. The older E.
form apricock was prob. taken direct from Pg. See
Precocious, Cook.] (Bot.)
A fruit allied to the plum, of an orange color, oval shape,
and delicious taste; also, the tree (Prunus Armeniaca of
Linn[ae]us) which bears this fruit. By cultivation it has
been introduced throughout the temperate zone.
[1913 Webster]
Sarment \Sar"ment\, n. [L. sarmentum a twig, fr. sarpere to cut
off, to trim: cf. F. sarment.] (Bot.)
A prostrate filiform stem or runner, as of the strawberry.
See Runner.
[1913 Webster]
Sarmentaceous \Sar`men*ta"ceous\, a. (Bot.)
Bearing sarments, or runners, as the strawberry.
[1913 Webster]
Sarmentose \Sar`men*tose"\ (? or ?), a. [L. sarmentosus: cf. F.
sarmenteux. See Sarment.] (Bot.)
(a) Long and filiform, and almost naked, or having only
leaves at the joints where it strikes root; as, a
sarmentose stem.
(b) Bearing sarments; sarmentaceous.
[1913 Webster]
Sarmentous \Sar*men"tous\, a. (Bot.)
[1913 Webster]
Saxifraga sarmentosa
Strawberry \Straw"ber*ry\, n. [AS. stre['a]wberige; stre['a]w
straw + berie berry; perhaps from the resemblance of the
runners of the plant to straws.] (Bot.)
A fragrant edible berry, of a delicious taste and commonly of
a red color, the fruit of a plant of the genus Fragaria, of
which there are many varieties. Also, the plant bearing the
fruit. The common American strawberry is {Fragaria
virginiana}; the European, Fragaria vesca. There are also
other less common species.
[1913 Webster]

Strawberry bass. (Zool.) See Calico bass, under Calico.

Strawberry blite. (Bot.) See under Blite.

Strawberry borer (Zool.), any one of several species of
insects whose larvae burrow in the crown or roots of the
strawberry vine. Especially:
(a) The root borer (Anarsia lineatella), a very small dark
gray moth whose larvae burrow both in the larger roots
and crown, often doing great damage.
(b) The crown borer (Tyloderma fragariae), a small brown
weevil whose larva burrows in the crown and kills the

Strawberry bush (Bot.), an American shrub ({Euonymus
Americanus}), a kind of spindle tree having crimson pods
and the seeds covered with a scarlet aril.

Strawberry crab (Zool.), a small European spider crab
(Eurynome aspera); -- so called because the back is
covered with pink tubercles.

Strawberry fish (Zool.), the amadavat.

Strawberry geranium (Bot.), a kind of saxifrage ({Saxifraga
sarmentosa}) having reniform leaves, and producing long
runners like those of the strawberry.

Strawberry leaf.
(a) The leaf of the strawberry.
(b) The symbol of the rank or estate of a duke, because the
ducal coronet is twined with strawberry leaves. "The
strawberry leaves on her chariot panels are engraved on
her ladyship's heart." --Thackeray.

Strawberry-leaf roller (Zool.), any one of several species
of moths whose larvae roll up, and feed upon, the leaves
of the strawberry vine; especially, {Phoxopteris
fragariae}, and Eccopsis permundana.

Strawberry moth (Zool.), any one of several species of moth
whose larvae feed on the strawberry vines; as:
(a) The smeared dagger (Apatela oblinita), whose large
hairy larva is velvety black with two rows of bright
yellow spots on each side.
(b) A geometrid (Angerona crocataria) which is yellow with
dusky spots on the wings. Called also currant moth.

Strawberry pear (Bot.), the red ovoid fruit of a West
Indian plant of the genus Cereus ({Cereus
triangularia}). It has a sweetish flavor, and is slightly
acid, pleasant, and cooling. Also, the plant bearing the

Strawberry sawfly (Zool.), a small black sawfly ({Emphytus
maculatus}) whose larva eats the leaves of the strawberry

Strawberry tomato. (Bot.) See Alkekengi.

Strawberry tree. (Bot.) See Arbutus.

Strawberry vine (Bot.), the plant which yields the

Strawberry worm (Zool.), the larva of any moth which feeds
on the strawberry vine.
[1913 Webster]
Shearman \Shear"man\, n.; pl. Shearmen.
One whose occupation is to shear cloth.
[1913 Webster]
Spearman \Spear"man\, n.; pl. Spearmen.
One who is armed with a spear. --Acts xxiii. 23.
[1913 Webster]
Under-garment \Un"der-gar`ment\, n.
A garment worn below another.
[1913 Webster]
Ungarmented \Ungarmented\
See garmented.
n 1: a landlocked republic in southwestern Asia; formerly an
Asian soviet; modern Armenia is but a fragment of ancient
Armenia which was one of the world's oldest civilizations;
throughout 2500 years the Armenian people have been invaded
and oppressed by their neighbors [syn: Armenia, {Republic
of Armenia}, Hayastan]
adj 1: of or pertaining to Armenia or the people or culture of
n 1: a native or inhabitant of Armenia
2: the Indo-European language spoken predominantly in Armenia,
but also in Azerbaijan [syn: Armenian, Armenian language]
3: a writing system having an alphabet of 38 letters in which
the Armenian language is written [syn: Armenian, {Armenian
armenian alphabet
Armenian alphabet
n 1: a writing system having an alphabet of 38 letters in which
the Armenian language is written [syn: Armenian,
Armenian alphabet]
armenian apostolic orthodox church
Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church
n 1: an independent Christian church established in Armenia
since 300; was influenced by both Roman and Byzantine
traditions [syn: Armenian Church, {Armenian Apostolic
Orthodox Church}]
armenian church
Armenian Church
n 1: an independent Christian church established in Armenia
since 300; was influenced by both Roman and Byzantine
traditions [syn: Armenian Church, {Armenian Apostolic
Orthodox Church}]
armenian language
Armenian language
n 1: the Indo-European language spoken predominantly in Armenia,
but also in Azerbaijan [syn: Armenian, {Armenian
armenian monetary unit
Armenian monetary unit
n 1: monetary unit in Armenia
armenian secret army for the liberation of armenia
Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia
n 1: a militant Marxist-Leninist terrorist organization formed
in 1975 to force Turkey to acknowledge killing more than a
million Armenians and forcibly removing them from border
areas in 1915; wants Turkey to pay reparations and cede
territory to Armenia; "ASALA bombing at Orly Airport in
Paris in 1983 killed 8 and wounded 55 people" [syn:
Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia,
ASALA, Orly Group, 3rd October Organization]
burial garment
burial garment
n 1: cloth used to cover a corpse in preparation for burial
capital of armenia
capital of Armenia
n 1: capital of Armenia [syn: Yerevan, Jerevan, Erivan,
capital of Armenia]
n 1: the state of being debarred (excluded from enjoying certain
possessions or rights or practices)
2: the act of prevention by legal means; "they achieved his
debarment from holding public office"
n 1: the act of expelling a lawyer from the practice of law
n 1: the act of showing affection
foundation garment
foundation garment
n 1: a woman's undergarment worn to give shape to the contours
of the body [syn: foundation garment, foundation]
n 1: an article of clothing; "garments of the finest silk"
v 1: provide with clothes or put clothes on; "Parents must feed
and dress their child" [syn: dress, clothe, enclothe,
garb, raiment, tog, garment, habilitate, {fit
out}, apparel] [ant: discase, disrobe, peel,
strip, strip down, uncase, unclothe, undress]
garment bag
garment bag
n 1: a suitcase that unfolds to be hung up
garment cutter
garment cutter
n 1: someone who cuts cloth etc. to measure in making garments

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