slovo | definícia |
biosafety level (wn) | biosafety level
n 1: the level of safety from exposure to infectious agents;
depends on work practices and safety equipment and
facilities |
| podobné slovo | definícia |
biosafety level 1 (wn) | biosafety level 1
n 1: exposure only to infectious agents that do not ordinarily
cause human disease |
biosafety level 2 (wn) | biosafety level 2
n 1: exposure to infectious agents that can cause disease in
humans but whose potential for transmission is limited |
biosafety level 3 (wn) | biosafety level 3
n 1: exposure to infectious agents that can be transmitted by
the respiratory route and which can cause serious infection |
biosafety level 4 (wn) | biosafety level 4
n 1: exposure to exotic infectious agents that pose a high risk
of life-threatening disease and can be transmitted as an
aerosol and for which there is no vaccine or therapy |
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