boards,desky n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
boards,prkna n: Zdeněk Brož
boards,tabule pl. Zdeněk Brož
boards \boards\ n.
1. the boarding that surrounds an ice hockey rink.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. the stage; as, to walk the boards, i.e. to act on stage.

3. board examinations (in a profession, as in medicine); --
an informal contraction; as, to take the boards; he
flunked the boards.
n 1: the stage of a theater; "most actors love to stride the
2: the boarding that surrounds an ice hockey rink
podobné slovodefinícia
blackboards,tabule n: Zdeněk Brož
chairman of the boards (hockey)
chairman of the boards (hockey),
cupboards,skříně na nádobí Zdeněk Brož
go by the boards
go by the boards,
joint ad hoc committee of arrangements for the annual meetings of the boards of governors of the bank and the fund
Joint Ad Hoc Committee of Arrangements for the Annual Meetings of the
Boards of Governors of the Bank and the Fund,
joint ministerial committee of the boards of governors of the bank and the fund on the transfer of real resources to developing countries
Joint Ministerial Committee of the Boards of Governors of the Bank and
the Fund on the Transfer of Real Resources to Developing Countries,
keyboards,klávesnice pl. Zdeněk Brož
noticeboards,nástěnky n: pl. Zdeněk Brožnoticeboards,vývěsky n: pl. Zdeněk Brož
Ceiling boards
Ceiling \Ceil"ing\, n. [See Cell, v. t.]
1. (Arch.)
(a) The inside lining of a room overhead; the under side
of the floor above; the upper surface opposite to the
(b) The lining or finishing of any wall or other surface,
with plaster, thin boards, etc.; also, the work when
[1913 Webster]

2. (Naut.) The inner planking of a vessel.
[1913 Webster]

Camp ceiling. See under Camp.

Ceiling boards, Thin narrow boards used to ceil with.
[1913 Webster]
Blackboard \Black"board`\ (bl[a^]k"b[=o]rd`), n.
A broad board painted black, or any black surface on which
writing, drawing, or the working of mathematical problems can
be done with chalk or crayons. It is much used in schools. In
late 20th century similar boards of a green slate as well as
some colored white became common; wrioting on the slate
bioards may be done with chalk, but writing on the white
boards is done with colored pens, such as grease pens, which
leaves a trace that can be easily erased. The newer boards,
usualy called chalkboards are nevertheless still sometimes
referred to as blackboards.
[1913 Webster]
Limber boards
Limber \Lim"ber\ (l[i^]m"b[~e]r), n. [For limmer, Icel. limar
branches, boughs, pl. of lim; akin to E. limb. See Limb a
1. pl. The shafts or thills of a wagon or carriage. [Prov.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Mil.) The detachable fore part of a gun carriage,
consisting of two wheels, an axle, and a shaft to which
the horses are attached. On top is an ammunition box upon
which the cannoneers sit.
[1913 Webster]

3. pl. (Naut.) Gutters or conduits on each side of the
keelson to afford a passage for water to the pump well.
[1913 Webster]

Limber boards (Naut.), short pieces of plank forming part
of the lining of a ship's floor immediately above the
timbers, so as to prevent the limbers from becoming

Limber box or Limber chest (Mil.), a box on the limber
for carrying ammunition.

Limber rope, Limber chain or Limber clearer (Naut.), a
rope or chain passing through the limbers of a ship, by
which they may be cleared of dirt that chokes them.

Limber strake (Shipbuilding), the first course of inside
planking next the keelson.
[1913 Webster]
Louver boards
Louver \Lou"ver\, Louvre \Lou"vre\, n. [OE. lover, OF. lover,
lovier; or l'ouvert the opening, fr. overt, ouvert, p. p. of
ovrir, ouvrir, to open, F. ouvrir. Cf. Overt.] (Arch.)
A small lantern. See Lantern, 2
(a) . [Written also lover, loover, lovery, and

2. Same as louver boards, below

3. A set of slats resembling louver boards, arranged in a
vertical row and attached at each slat end to a frame
inserted in or part of a door or window; the slats may be
made of wood, plastic, or metal, and the angle of
inclination of the slats may be adjustable simultaneously,
to allow more or less light or air into the enclosure.

Louver boards or Louver boarding, the sloping boards set
to shed rainwater outward in openings which are to be left
otherwise unfilled; as belfry windows, the openings of a
louver, etc.

Louver work, slatted work.
To enter on the boards
Board \Board\ (b[=o]rd), n. [OE. bord, AS. bord board,
shipboard; akin to bred plank, Icel. bor[eth] board, side of
a ship, Goth. f[=o]tu-baurd footstool, D. bord board, G.
brett, bort. See def. 8. [root]92.]
1. A piece of timber sawed thin, and of considerable length
and breadth as compared with the thickness, -- used for
building, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Note: When sawed thick, as over one and a half or two inches,
it is usually called a plank.
[1913 Webster]

2. A table to put food upon.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The term board answers to the modern table, but it was
often movable, and placed on trestles. --Halliwell.
[1913 Webster]

Fruit of all kinds . . .
She gathers, tribute large, and on the board
Heaps with unsparing hand. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

3. Hence: What is served on a table as food; stated meals;
provision; entertainment; -- usually as furnished for pay;
as, to work for one's board; the price of board.
[1913 Webster]

4. A table at which a council or court is held. Hence: A
council, convened for business, or any authorized assembly
or meeting, public or private; a number of persons
appointed or elected to sit in council for the management
or direction of some public or private business or trust;
as, the Board of Admiralty; a board of trade; a board of
directors, trustees, commissioners, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Both better acquainted with affairs than any other
who sat then at that board. --Clarendon.
[1913 Webster]

We may judge from their letters to the board.
[1913 Webster]

5. A square or oblong piece of thin wood or other material
used for some special purpose, as, a molding board; a
board or surface painted or arranged for a game; as, a
chessboard; a backgammon board.
[1913 Webster]

6. Paper made thick and stiff like a board, for book covers,
etc.; pasteboard; as, to bind a book in boards.
[1913 Webster]

7. pl. The stage in a theater; as, to go upon the boards, to
enter upon the theatrical profession.
[1913 Webster]

8. [In this use originally perh. a different word meaning
border, margin; cf. D. boord, G. bord, shipboard, and G.
borte trimming; also F. bord (fr. G.) the side of a ship.
Cf. Border.] The border or side of anything. (Naut.)
(a) The side of a ship. "Now board to board the rival
vessels row." --Dryden. See On board, below.
(b) The stretch which a ship makes in one tack.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Board is much used adjectively or as the last part of a
compound; as, fir board, clapboard, floor board,
shipboard, sideboard, ironing board, chessboard,
cardboard, pasteboard, seaboard; board measure.
[1913 Webster]

The American Board, a shortened form of "The American Board
of Commissioners for Foreign Missions" (the foreign
missionary society of the American Congregational

Bed and board. See under Bed.

Board and board (Naut.), side by side.

Board of control, six privy councilors formerly appointed
to superintend the affairs of the British East Indies.

Board rule, a figured scale for finding without calculation
the number of square feet in a board. --Haldeman.

Board of trade, in England, a committee of the privy
council appointed to superintend matters relating to
trade. In the United States, a body of men appointed for
the advancement and protection of their business
interests; a chamber of commerce.

Board wages.
(a) Food and lodging supplied as compensation for
services; as, to work hard, and get only board wages.
(b) Money wages which are barely sufficient to buy food
and lodging.
(c) A separate or special allowance of wages for the
procurement of food, or food and lodging. --Dryden.

By the board, over the board, or side. "The mast went by
the board." --Totten. Hence (Fig.),

To go by the board, to suffer complete destruction or

To enter on the boards, to have one's name inscribed on a
board or tablet in a college as a student. [Cambridge,
England.] "Having been entered on the boards of Trinity
college." --Hallam.

To make a good board (Naut.), to sail in a straight line
when close-hauled; to lose little to leeward.

To make short boards, to tack frequently.

On board.
(a) On shipboard; in a ship or a boat; on board of; as, I
came on board early; to be on board ship.
(b) In or into a railway car or train. [Colloq. U. S.]

Returning board, a board empowered to canvass and make an
official statement of the votes cast at an election.
[1913 Webster]
To lap boards
Lap \Lap\, v. t. [OE. lappen to fold (see Lap, n.); cf. also
OE. wlappen, perh. another form of wrappen, E, wrap.]
1. To fold; to bend and lay over or on something; as, to lap
a piece of cloth.
[1913 Webster]

2. To wrap or wind around something.
[1913 Webster]

About the paper . . . I lapped several times a
slender thread of very black silk. --Sir I.
[1913 Webster]

3. To infold; to hold as in one's lap; to cherish.
[1913 Webster]

Her garment spreads, and laps him in the folds.
[1913 Webster]

4. To lay or place over anything so as to partly or wholly
cover it; as, to lap one shingle over another; to lay
together one partly over another; as, to lap
weather-boards; also, to be partly over, or by the side of
(something); as, the hinder boat lapped the foremost one.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Carding & Spinning) To lay together one over another, as
fleeces or slivers for further working.
[1913 Webster]

To lap boards, shingles, etc., to lay one partly over

To lap timbers, to unite them in such a way as to preserve
the same breadth and depth throughout, as by scarfing.
[1913 Webster]
To make short boards
Board \Board\ (b[=o]rd), n. [OE. bord, AS. bord board,
shipboard; akin to bred plank, Icel. bor[eth] board, side of
a ship, Goth. f[=o]tu-baurd footstool, D. bord board, G.
brett, bort. See def. 8. [root]92.]
1. A piece of timber sawed thin, and of considerable length
and breadth as compared with the thickness, -- used for
building, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Note: When sawed thick, as over one and a half or two inches,
it is usually called a plank.
[1913 Webster]

2. A table to put food upon.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The term board answers to the modern table, but it was
often movable, and placed on trestles. --Halliwell.
[1913 Webster]

Fruit of all kinds . . .
She gathers, tribute large, and on the board
Heaps with unsparing hand. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

3. Hence: What is served on a table as food; stated meals;
provision; entertainment; -- usually as furnished for pay;
as, to work for one's board; the price of board.
[1913 Webster]

4. A table at which a council or court is held. Hence: A
council, convened for business, or any authorized assembly
or meeting, public or private; a number of persons
appointed or elected to sit in council for the management
or direction of some public or private business or trust;
as, the Board of Admiralty; a board of trade; a board of
directors, trustees, commissioners, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Both better acquainted with affairs than any other
who sat then at that board. --Clarendon.
[1913 Webster]

We may judge from their letters to the board.
[1913 Webster]

5. A square or oblong piece of thin wood or other material
used for some special purpose, as, a molding board; a
board or surface painted or arranged for a game; as, a
chessboard; a backgammon board.
[1913 Webster]

6. Paper made thick and stiff like a board, for book covers,
etc.; pasteboard; as, to bind a book in boards.
[1913 Webster]

7. pl. The stage in a theater; as, to go upon the boards, to
enter upon the theatrical profession.
[1913 Webster]

8. [In this use originally perh. a different word meaning
border, margin; cf. D. boord, G. bord, shipboard, and G.
borte trimming; also F. bord (fr. G.) the side of a ship.
Cf. Border.] The border or side of anything. (Naut.)
(a) The side of a ship. "Now board to board the rival
vessels row." --Dryden. See On board, below.
(b) The stretch which a ship makes in one tack.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Board is much used adjectively or as the last part of a
compound; as, fir board, clapboard, floor board,
shipboard, sideboard, ironing board, chessboard,
cardboard, pasteboard, seaboard; board measure.
[1913 Webster]

The American Board, a shortened form of "The American Board
of Commissioners for Foreign Missions" (the foreign
missionary society of the American Congregational

Bed and board. See under Bed.

Board and board (Naut.), side by side.

Board of control, six privy councilors formerly appointed
to superintend the affairs of the British East Indies.

Board rule, a figured scale for finding without calculation
the number of square feet in a board. --Haldeman.

Board of trade, in England, a committee of the privy
council appointed to superintend matters relating to
trade. In the United States, a body of men appointed for
the advancement and protection of their business
interests; a chamber of commerce.

Board wages.
(a) Food and lodging supplied as compensation for
services; as, to work hard, and get only board wages.
(b) Money wages which are barely sufficient to buy food
and lodging.
(c) A separate or special allowance of wages for the
procurement of food, or food and lodging. --Dryden.

By the board, over the board, or side. "The mast went by
the board." --Totten. Hence (Fig.),

To go by the board, to suffer complete destruction or

To enter on the boards, to have one's name inscribed on a
board or tablet in a college as a student. [Cambridge,
England.] "Having been entered on the boards of Trinity
college." --Hallam.

To make a good board (Naut.), to sail in a straight line
when close-hauled; to lose little to leeward.

To make short boards, to tack frequently.

On board.
(a) On shipboard; in a ship or a boat; on board of; as, I
came on board early; to be on board ship.
(b) In or into a railway car or train. [Colloq. U. S.]

Returning board, a board empowered to canvass and make an
official statement of the votes cast at an election.
[1913 Webster]
Trail boards
Trail \Trail\, n.
1. A track left by man or beast; a track followed by the
hunter; a scent on the ground by the animal pursued; as, a
deer trail.
[1913 Webster]

They traveled in the bed of the brook, leaving no
dangerous trail. --Cooper.
[1913 Webster]

How cheerfully on the false trail they cry! --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. A footpath or road track through a wilderness or wild
region; as, an Indian trail over the plains.
[1913 Webster]

3. Anything drawn out to a length; as, the trail of a meteor;
a trail of smoke.
[1913 Webster]

When lightning shoots in glittering trails along.
[1913 Webster]

4. Anything drawn behind in long undulations; a train. "A
radiant trail of hair." --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

5. Anything drawn along, as a vehicle. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

6. A frame for trailing plants; a trellis. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

7. The entrails of a fowl, especially of game, as the
woodcock, and the like; -- applied also, sometimes, to the
entrails of sheep.
[1913 Webster]

The woodcock is a favorite with epicures, and served
with its trail in, is a delicious dish. --Baird.
[1913 Webster]

8. (Mil.) That part of the stock of a gun carriage which
rests on the ground when the piece is unlimbered. See
Illust. of Gun carriage, under Gun.
[1913 Webster]

9. The act of taking advantage of the ignorance of a person;
an imposition. [Prov. Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

Trail boards (Shipbuilding), the carved boards on both
sides of the cutwater near the figurehead.

Trail net, a net that is trailed or drawn behind a boat.
[1913 Webster]

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