- český
bohemian,bohém n: Zdeněk Brož
bohemian,bohémský adj: Zdeněk Brož
Bohemian \Bo*he"mi*an\, a.
1. Of or pertaining to Bohemia, or to the language of its
ancient inhabitants or their descendants. See Bohemian,
n., 2.
[1913 Webster]

2. Of or pertaining to a social gypsy or "Bohemian" (see
Bohemian, n., 3); vagabond; unconventional; free and
easy. [Modern]
[1913 Webster]

Hers was a pleasant Bohemian life till she was five
and thirty. --Blackw. Mag.
[1913 Webster]

Artists have abandoned their Bohemian manners and
customs nowadays. --W. Black.
[1913 Webster]

Bohemian chatterer, or Bohemian waxwing (Zool.), a small
bird of Europe and America (Ampelis garrulus); the

Bohemian glass, a variety of hard glass of fine quality,
made in Bohemia. It is of variable composition, containing
usually silica, lime, and potash, rarely soda, but no
lead. It is often remarkable for beauty of color.
[1913 Webster]
Bohemian \Bo*he"mi*an\, n.
1. A native of Bohemia.
[1913 Webster]

2. The language of the Czechs (the ancient inhabitants of
Bohemia), the richest and most developed of the dialects
of the Slavic family.
[1913 Webster]

3. A restless vagabond; -- originally, an idle stroller or
gypsy (as in France) thought to have come from Bohemia; in
later times often applied to an adventurer in art or
literature, of irregular, unconventional habits,
questionable tastes, or free morals. [Modern]
[1913 Webster]

Note: In this sense from the French boh['e]mien, a gypsy;
also, a person of irregular habits.
[1913 Webster]

She was of a wild, roving nature, inherited from
father and mother, who were both Bohemians by
taste and circumstances. --Thackeray.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: of or relating to Bohemia or its language or people
2: unconventional in especially appearance and behavior; "a
bohemian life style"
n 1: a member of a people with dark skin and hair who speak
Romany and who traditionally live by seasonal work and
fortunetelling; they are believed to have originated in
northern India but now are living on all continents (but
mostly in Europe, North Africa, and North America) [syn:
Gypsy, Gipsy, Romany, Rommany, Romani, Roma,
2: a native or inhabitant of Bohemia in the Czech Republic
3: a nonconformist writer or artist who lives an unconventional
podobné slovodefinícia
bohemian forest
Bohemian Forest,Český les [zem.] n: Bohemian Forest,Šumava [zem.] n:
bohemian waxwing
bohemian waxwing,brkoslav severní n: [zoo.] lat. Bombycilla garrulus,
pták z řádu pěvců Petr Prášek
Bohemians,staří obyvatelé Čech Zdeněk Brož
Bohemian \Bo*he"mi*an\, a.
1. Of or pertaining to Bohemia, or to the language of its
ancient inhabitants or their descendants. See Bohemian,
n., 2.
[1913 Webster]

2. Of or pertaining to a social gypsy or "Bohemian" (see
Bohemian, n., 3); vagabond; unconventional; free and
easy. [Modern]
[1913 Webster]

Hers was a pleasant Bohemian life till she was five
and thirty. --Blackw. Mag.
[1913 Webster]

Artists have abandoned their Bohemian manners and
customs nowadays. --W. Black.
[1913 Webster]

Bohemian chatterer, or Bohemian waxwing (Zool.), a small
bird of Europe and America (Ampelis garrulus); the

Bohemian glass, a variety of hard glass of fine quality,
made in Bohemia. It is of variable composition, containing
usually silica, lime, and potash, rarely soda, but no
lead. It is often remarkable for beauty of color.
[1913 Webster]Bohemian \Bo*he"mi*an\, n.
1. A native of Bohemia.
[1913 Webster]

2. The language of the Czechs (the ancient inhabitants of
Bohemia), the richest and most developed of the dialects
of the Slavic family.
[1913 Webster]

3. A restless vagabond; -- originally, an idle stroller or
gypsy (as in France) thought to have come from Bohemia; in
later times often applied to an adventurer in art or
literature, of irregular, unconventional habits,
questionable tastes, or free morals. [Modern]
[1913 Webster]

Note: In this sense from the French boh['e]mien, a gypsy;
also, a person of irregular habits.
[1913 Webster]

She was of a wild, roving nature, inherited from
father and mother, who were both Bohemians by
taste and circumstances. --Thackeray.
[1913 Webster]
Bohemian chatterer
Bohemian \Bo*he"mi*an\, a.
1. Of or pertaining to Bohemia, or to the language of its
ancient inhabitants or their descendants. See Bohemian,
n., 2.
[1913 Webster]

2. Of or pertaining to a social gypsy or "Bohemian" (see
Bohemian, n., 3); vagabond; unconventional; free and
easy. [Modern]
[1913 Webster]

Hers was a pleasant Bohemian life till she was five
and thirty. --Blackw. Mag.
[1913 Webster]

Artists have abandoned their Bohemian manners and
customs nowadays. --W. Black.
[1913 Webster]

Bohemian chatterer, or Bohemian waxwing (Zool.), a small
bird of Europe and America (Ampelis garrulus); the

Bohemian glass, a variety of hard glass of fine quality,
made in Bohemia. It is of variable composition, containing
usually silica, lime, and potash, rarely soda, but no
lead. It is often remarkable for beauty of color.
[1913 Webster]
Bohemian glass
Glass \Glass\ (gl[.a]s), n. [OE. glas, gles, AS. gl[ae]s; akin
to D., G., Dan., & Sw. glas, Icel. glas, gler, Dan. glar; cf.
AS. gl[ae]r amber, L. glaesum. Cf. Glare, n., Glaze, v.
[1913 Webster]
1. A hard, brittle, translucent, and commonly transparent
substance, white or colored, having a conchoidal fracture,
and made by fusing together sand or silica with lime,
potash, soda, or lead oxide. It is used for window panes
and mirrors, for articles of table and culinary use, for
lenses, and various articles of ornament.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Glass is variously colored by the metallic oxides;
thus, manganese colors it violet; copper (cuprous),
red, or (cupric) green; cobalt, blue; uranium,
yellowish green or canary yellow; iron, green or brown;
gold, purple or red; tin, opaque white; chromium,
emerald green; antimony, yellow.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Chem.) Any substance having a peculiar glassy appearance,
and a conchoidal fracture, and usually produced by fusion.
[1913 Webster]

3. Anything made of glass. Especially:
(a) A looking-glass; a mirror.
(b) A vessel filled with running sand for measuring time;
an hourglass; and hence, the time in which such a
vessel is exhausted of its sand.
[1913 Webster]

She would not live
The running of one glass. --Shak.
(c) A drinking vessel; a tumbler; a goblet; hence, the
contents of such a vessel; especially; spirituous
liquors; as, he took a glass at dinner.
(d) An optical glass; a lens; a spyglass; -- in the
plural, spectacles; as, a pair of glasses; he wears
(e) A weatherglass; a barometer.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Glass is much used adjectively or in combination; as,
glass maker, or glassmaker; glass making or
glassmaking; glass blower or glassblower, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Bohemian glass, Cut glass, etc. See under Bohemian,
Cut, etc.

Crown glass, a variety of glass, used for making the finest
plate or window glass, and consisting essentially of
silicate of soda or potash and lime, with no admixture of
lead; the convex half of an achromatic lens is composed of
crown glass; -- so called from a crownlike shape given it
in the process of blowing.

Crystal glass, or Flint glass. See Flint glass, in the

Cylinder glass, sheet glass made by blowing the glass in
the form of a cylinder which is then split longitudinally,
opened out, and flattened.

Glass of antimony, a vitreous oxide of antimony mixed with

Glass cloth, a woven fabric formed of glass fibers.

Glass coach, a coach superior to a hackney-coach, hired for
the day, or any short period, as a private carriage; -- so
called because originally private carriages alone had
glass windows. [Eng.] --Smart.
[1913 Webster]

Glass coaches are [allowed in English parks from
which ordinary hacks are excluded], meaning by this
term, which is never used in America, hired
carriages that do not go on stands. --J. F.

Glass cutter.
(a) One who cuts sheets of glass into sizes for window
panes, ets.
(b) One who shapes the surface of glass by grinding and
(c) A tool, usually with a diamond at the point, for
cutting glass.

Glass cutting.
(a) The act or process of dividing glass, as sheets of
glass into panes with a diamond.
(b) The act or process of shaping the surface of glass by
appylying it to revolving wheels, upon which sand,
emery, and, afterwards, polishing powder, are applied;
especially of glass which is shaped into facets, tooth
ornaments, and the like. Glass having ornamental
scrolls, etc., cut upon it, is said to be engraved.

Glass metal, the fused material for making glass.

Glass painting, the art or process of producing decorative
effects in glass by painting it with enamel colors and
combining the pieces together with slender sash bars of
lead or other metal. In common parlance, glass painting
and glass staining (see Glass staining, below) are used
indifferently for all colored decorative work in windows,
and the like.

Glass paper, paper faced with pulvirezed glass, and used
for abrasive purposes.

Glass silk, fine threads of glass, wound, when in fusion,
on rapidly rotating heated cylinders.

Glass silvering, the process of transforming plate glass
into mirrors by coating it with a reflecting surface, a
deposit of silver, or a mercury amalgam.

Glass soap, or Glassmaker's soap, the black oxide of
manganese or other substances used by glass makers to take
away color from the materials for glass.

Glass staining, the art or practice of coloring glass in
its whole substance, or, in the case of certain colors, in
a superficial film only; also, decorative work in glass.
Cf. Glass painting.

Glass tears. See Rupert's drop.

Glass works, an establishment where glass is made.

Heavy glass, a heavy optical glass, consisting essentially
of a borosilicate of potash.

Millefiore glass. See Millefiore.

Plate glass, a fine kind of glass, cast in thick plates,
and flattened by heavy rollers, -- used for mirrors and
the best windows.

Pressed glass, glass articles formed in molds by pressure
when hot.

Soluble glass (Chem.), a silicate of sodium or potassium,
found in commerce as a white, glassy mass, a stony powder,
or dissolved as a viscous, sirupy liquid; -- used for
rendering fabrics incombustible, for hardening artificial
stone, etc.; -- called also water glass.

Spun glass, glass drawn into a thread while liquid.

Toughened glass, Tempered glass, glass finely tempered or
annealed, by a peculiar method of sudden cooling by
plunging while hot into oil, melted wax, or paraffine,
etc.; -- called also, from the name of the inventor of the
process, Bastie glass.

Water glass. (Chem.) See Soluble glass, above.

Window glass, glass in panes suitable for windows.
[1913 Webster]Bohemian \Bo*he"mi*an\, a.
1. Of or pertaining to Bohemia, or to the language of its
ancient inhabitants or their descendants. See Bohemian,
n., 2.
[1913 Webster]

2. Of or pertaining to a social gypsy or "Bohemian" (see
Bohemian, n., 3); vagabond; unconventional; free and
easy. [Modern]
[1913 Webster]

Hers was a pleasant Bohemian life till she was five
and thirty. --Blackw. Mag.
[1913 Webster]

Artists have abandoned their Bohemian manners and
customs nowadays. --W. Black.
[1913 Webster]

Bohemian chatterer, or Bohemian waxwing (Zool.), a small
bird of Europe and America (Ampelis garrulus); the

Bohemian glass, a variety of hard glass of fine quality,
made in Bohemia. It is of variable composition, containing
usually silica, lime, and potash, rarely soda, but no
lead. It is often remarkable for beauty of color.
[1913 Webster]
Bohemian olive
Olive \Ol"ive\, n. [F., fr. L. oliva, akin to Gr. ?. See Oil.]
1. (Bot.)
(a) A tree (Olea Europaea) with small oblong or
elliptical leaves, axillary clusters of flowers, and
oval, one-seeded drupes. The tree has been cultivated
for its fruit for thousands of years, and its branches
are the emblems of peace. The wood is yellowish brown
and beautifully variegated.
(b) The fruit of the olive. It has been much improved by
cultivation, and is used for making pickles. Olive oil
is pressed from its flesh.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.)
(a) Any shell of the genus Oliva and allied genera; --
so called from the form. See Oliva.
(b) The oyster catcher. [Prov. Eng.]
[1913 Webster]

(a) The color of the olive, a peculiar dark brownish,
yellowish, or tawny green.
(b) One of the tertiary colors, composed of violet and
green mixed in equal strength and proportion.
[1913 Webster]

4. (Anat.) An olivary body. See under Olivary.
[1913 Webster]

5. (Cookery) A small slice of meat seasoned, rolled up, and
cooked; as, olives of beef or veal.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Olive is sometimes used adjectively and in the
formation of self-explaining compounds; as, olive
brown, olive green, olive-colored, olive-skinned, olive
crown, olive garden, olive tree, olive yard, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Bohemian olive (Bot.), a species of Elaeagnus ({Elaeagnus
angustifolia}), the flowers of which are sometimes used in
Southern Europe as a remedy for fevers.

Olive branch.
(a) A branch of the olive tree, considered an emblem of
(b) (Fig.): A child.

to hold out an olive branch, to offer to make peace (with a
rival or enemy).

Olive brown, brown with a tinge of green.

Olive green, a dark brownish green, like the color of the

Olive oil, an oil expressed from the ripe fruit of the
olive, and much used as a salad oil, also in medicine and
the arts.

Olive ore (Min.), olivenite.

Wild olive (Bot.), a name given to the oleaster or wild
stock of the olive; also variously to several trees more
or less resembling the olive.
[1913 Webster +PJC]
Bohemian waxwing
Bohemian \Bo*he"mi*an\, a.
1. Of or pertaining to Bohemia, or to the language of its
ancient inhabitants or their descendants. See Bohemian,
n., 2.
[1913 Webster]

2. Of or pertaining to a social gypsy or "Bohemian" (see
Bohemian, n., 3); vagabond; unconventional; free and
easy. [Modern]
[1913 Webster]

Hers was a pleasant Bohemian life till she was five
and thirty. --Blackw. Mag.
[1913 Webster]

Artists have abandoned their Bohemian manners and
customs nowadays. --W. Black.
[1913 Webster]

Bohemian chatterer, or Bohemian waxwing (Zool.), a small
bird of Europe and America (Ampelis garrulus); the

Bohemian glass, a variety of hard glass of fine quality,
made in Bohemia. It is of variable composition, containing
usually silica, lime, and potash, rarely soda, but no
lead. It is often remarkable for beauty of color.
[1913 Webster]
Bohemianism \Bo*he"mi*an*ism\, n.
The characteristic conduct or methods of a Bohemian. [Modern]
[1913 Webster]
bohemian waxwing
Bohemian waxwing
n 1: large waxwing of northern North America; similar to but
larger than the cedar waxwing [syn: Bohemian waxwing,
Bombycilla garrulus]
n 1: conduct characteristic of a bohemian

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