briga,brign: Zdeněk Brož
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brigade,brigáda n: Zdeněk Brož
brigadier,brigádní generál Zdeněk Brožbrigadier,brigádník n: Zdeněk Brožbrigadier,brigadýr n: Zdeněk Brož
brigadier general
brigadier general,brigádní generál Zdeněk Brož
brigand,bandita n: Zdeněk Brožbrigand,lupič Zdeněk Brožbrigand,zbojník n: Zdeněk Brož
brigandage,loupení n: Zdeněk Brožbrigandage,lupičství n: Zdeněk Brož
brigantine,brigantina n: Zdeněk Brož
fire brigade
fire brigade,požární sbor Zdeněk Brož
fire-brigade,požární sbor Zdeněk Brož
brigadýr,brigadiern: Zdeněk Brož
brigantina,brigantinen: Zdeněk Brož
Brigade \Bri*gade"\, n. [F. brigade, fr. It. brigata troop,
crew, brigade, originally, a contending troop, fr. briga
trouble, quarrel. See Brigand.]
1. (Mil.) A body of troops, whether cavalry, artillery,
infantry, or mixed, consisting of two or more regiments,
under the command of a brigadier general.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Two or more brigades constitute a division, commanded
by a major general; two or more divisions constitute an
army corps, or corps d'arm['e]e. [U.S.]
[1913 Webster]

2. Any body of persons organized for acting or marching
together under authority; as, a fire brigade.
[1913 Webster]

Brigade inspector, an officer whose duty is to inspect
troops in companies before they are mustered into service.

Brigade major, an officer who may be attached to a brigade
to assist the brigadier in his duties.
[1913 Webster]Brigade \Bri*gade"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Brigaded; p. pr. &
vb. n. Brigading.] (Mil.)
To form into a brigade, or into brigades.
[1913 Webster]
Brigade inspector
Brigade \Bri*gade"\, n. [F. brigade, fr. It. brigata troop,
crew, brigade, originally, a contending troop, fr. briga
trouble, quarrel. See Brigand.]
1. (Mil.) A body of troops, whether cavalry, artillery,
infantry, or mixed, consisting of two or more regiments,
under the command of a brigadier general.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Two or more brigades constitute a division, commanded
by a major general; two or more divisions constitute an
army corps, or corps d'arm['e]e. [U.S.]
[1913 Webster]

2. Any body of persons organized for acting or marching
together under authority; as, a fire brigade.
[1913 Webster]

Brigade inspector, an officer whose duty is to inspect
troops in companies before they are mustered into service.

Brigade major, an officer who may be attached to a brigade
to assist the brigadier in his duties.
[1913 Webster]
Brigade major
Brigade \Bri*gade"\, n. [F. brigade, fr. It. brigata troop,
crew, brigade, originally, a contending troop, fr. briga
trouble, quarrel. See Brigand.]
1. (Mil.) A body of troops, whether cavalry, artillery,
infantry, or mixed, consisting of two or more regiments,
under the command of a brigadier general.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Two or more brigades constitute a division, commanded
by a major general; two or more divisions constitute an
army corps, or corps d'arm['e]e. [U.S.]
[1913 Webster]

2. Any body of persons organized for acting or marching
together under authority; as, a fire brigade.
[1913 Webster]

Brigade inspector, an officer whose duty is to inspect
troops in companies before they are mustered into service.

Brigade major, an officer who may be attached to a brigade
to assist the brigadier in his duties.
[1913 Webster]
Brigade \Bri*gade"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Brigaded; p. pr. &
vb. n. Brigading.] (Mil.)
To form into a brigade, or into brigades.
[1913 Webster]
Brigadier general \Brig`a*dier" gen"er*al\ [F. brigadier, fr.
brigade.] (Mil.)
An officer in rank next above a colonel, and below a major
general. He commands a brigade, and is sometimes called, by a
shortening of his title, simple a brigadier.
[1913 Webster]
Brigadier general
Brigadier general \Brig`a*dier" gen"er*al\ [F. brigadier, fr.
brigade.] (Mil.)
An officer in rank next above a colonel, and below a major
general. He commands a brigade, and is sometimes called, by a
shortening of his title, simple a brigadier.
[1913 Webster]
Brigade \Bri*gade"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Brigaded; p. pr. &
vb. n. Brigading.] (Mil.)
To form into a brigade, or into brigades.
[1913 Webster]
Brigand \Brig"and\ (br[i^]g"and), n. [F. brigand, OF. brigant
light-armed soldier, fr. LL. brigans light-armed soldier (cf.
It. brigante.) fr. brigare to strive, contend, fr. briga
quarrel; prob. of German origin, and akin to E. break; cf.
Goth. brikan to break, brakja strife. Cf. Brigue.]
1. A light-armed, irregular foot soldier. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

2. A lawless fellow who lives by plunder; one of a band of
robbers; especially, one of a gang living in mountain
retreats; a highwayman; a freebooter.
[1913 Webster]

Giving them not a little the air of brigands or
banditti. --Jeffery.
[1913 Webster]
Brigandage \Brig"and*age\ (-[asl]j), n. [F. brigandage.]
Life and practice of brigands; highway robbery; plunder.
[1913 Webster]
Brigandine \Brig"an*dine\, n. [F. brigandine (cf. It.
brigantina), fr. OF. brigant. See Brigand.]
A coast of armor for the body, consisting of scales or
plates, sometimes overlapping each other, generally of metal,
and sewed to linen or other material. It was worn in the
Middle Ages. [Written also brigantine.] --Jer. xlvi. 4.
[1913 Webster]

Then put on all thy gorgeous arms, thy helmet,
And brigandine of brass. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]
Brigandish \Brig"and*ish\, a.
Like a brigand or freebooter; robberlike.
[1913 Webster]
Brigandism \Brig"and*ism\, n.
[1913 Webster]
Brigantine \Brig"an*tine\, n. [F. brigantin, fr. It. brigantino,
originally, a practical vessel. See Brigand, and cf.
1. A practical vessel. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

2. A two-masted, square-rigged vessel, differing from a brig
in that she does not carry a square mainsail.
[1913 Webster]

3. See Brigandine.
[1913 Webster]Brigandine \Brig"an*dine\, n. [F. brigandine (cf. It.
brigantina), fr. OF. brigant. See Brigand.]
A coast of armor for the body, consisting of scales or
plates, sometimes overlapping each other, generally of metal,
and sewed to linen or other material. It was worn in the
Middle Ages. [Written also brigantine.] --Jer. xlvi. 4.
[1913 Webster]

Then put on all thy gorgeous arms, thy helmet,
And brigandine of brass. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]
Brigantine \Brig"an*tine\, n. [F. brigantin, fr. It. brigantino,
originally, a practical vessel. See Brigand, and cf.
1. A practical vessel. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

2. A two-masted, square-rigged vessel, differing from a brig
in that she does not carry a square mainsail.
[1913 Webster]

3. See Brigandine.
[1913 Webster]Brigandine \Brig"an*dine\, n. [F. brigandine (cf. It.
brigantina), fr. OF. brigant. See Brigand.]
A coast of armor for the body, consisting of scales or
plates, sometimes overlapping each other, generally of metal,
and sewed to linen or other material. It was worn in the
Middle Ages. [Written also brigantine.] --Jer. xlvi. 4.
[1913 Webster]

Then put on all thy gorgeous arms, thy helmet,
And brigandine of brass. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]
Demibrigade \Dem"i*bri*gade"\, n. [Cf. F. demi- brigade.]
A half brigade.
[1913 Webster]
Fire brigade
Fire \Fire\ (f[imac]r), n. [OE. fir, fyr, fur AS. f[=y]r; akin
to D. vuur, OS. & OHG. fiur, G. feuer, Icel. f[=y]ri,
f[=u]rr, Gr. py^r, and perh. to L. purus pure, E. pure Cf.
Empyrean, Pyre.]
1. The evolution of light and heat in the combustion of
bodies; combustion; state of ignition.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The form of fire exhibited in the combustion of gases
in an ascending stream or current is called flame.
Anciently, fire, air, earth, and water were regarded as
the four elements of which all things are composed.
[1913 Webster]

2. Fuel in a state of combustion, as on a hearth, or in a
stove or a furnace.
[1913 Webster]

3. The burning of a house or town; a conflagration.
[1913 Webster]

4. Anything which destroys or affects like fire.
[1913 Webster]

5. Ardor of passion, whether love or hate; excessive warmth;
consuming violence of temper.
[1913 Webster]

he had fire in his temper. --Atterbury.
[1913 Webster]

6. Liveliness of imagination or fancy; intellectual and moral
enthusiasm; capacity for ardor and zeal.
[1913 Webster]

And bless their critic with a poet's fire. --Pope.
[1913 Webster]

7. Splendor; brilliancy; luster; hence, a star.
[1913 Webster]

Stars, hide your fires. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

As in a zodiac
representing the heavenly fires. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

8. Torture by burning; severe trial or affliction.
[1913 Webster]

9. The discharge of firearms; firing; as, the troops were
exposed to a heavy fire.
[1913 Webster]

Blue fire, Red fire, Green fire (Pyrotech.),
compositions of various combustible substances, as
sulphur, niter, lampblack, etc., the flames of which are
colored by various metallic salts, as those of antimony,
strontium, barium, etc.

Fire alarm
(a) A signal given on the breaking out of a fire.
(b) An apparatus for giving such an alarm.

Fire annihilator, a machine, device, or preparation to be
kept at hand for extinguishing fire by smothering it with
some incombustible vapor or gas, as carbonic acid.

Fire balloon.
(a) A balloon raised in the air by the buoyancy of air
heated by a fire placed in the lower part.
(b) A balloon sent up at night with fireworks which ignite
at a regulated height. --Simmonds.

Fire bar, a grate bar.

Fire basket, a portable grate; a cresset. --Knight.

Fire beetle. (Zool.) See in the Vocabulary.

Fire blast, a disease of plants which causes them to appear
as if burnt by fire.

Fire box, the chamber of a furnace, steam boiler, etc., for
the fire.

Fire brick, a refractory brick, capable of sustaining
intense heat without fusion, usually made of fire clay or
of siliceous material, with some cementing substance, and
used for lining fire boxes, etc.

Fire brigade, an organized body of men for extinguished

Fire bucket. See under Bucket.

Fire bug, an incendiary; one who, from malice or through
mania, persistently sets fire to property; a pyromaniac.

Fire clay. See under Clay.

Fire company, a company of men managing an engine in
extinguishing fires.

Fire cross. See Fiery cross. [Obs.] --Milton.

Fire damp. See under Damp.

Fire dog. See Firedog, in the Vocabulary.

Fire drill.
(a) A series of evolutions performed by fireman for
(b) An apparatus for producing fire by friction, by
rapidly twirling a wooden pin in a wooden socket; --
used by the Hindoos during all historic time, and by
many savage peoples.

Fire eater.
(a) A juggler who pretends to eat fire.
(b) A quarrelsome person who seeks affrays; a hotspur.

Fire engine, a portable forcing pump, usually on wheels,
for throwing water to extinguish fire.

Fire escape, a contrivance for facilitating escape from
burning buildings.

Fire gilding (Fine Arts), a mode of gilding with an amalgam
of gold and quicksilver, the latter metal being driven off
afterward by heat.

Fire gilt (Fine Arts), gold laid on by the process of fire

Fire insurance, the act or system of insuring against fire;
also, a contract by which an insurance company undertakes,
in consideration of the payment of a premium or small
percentage -- usually made periodically -- to indemnify an
owner of property from loss by fire during a specified

Fire irons, utensils for a fireplace or grate, as tongs,
poker, and shovel.

Fire main, a pipe for water, to be used in putting out

Fire master
(Mil), an artillery officer who formerly supervised the
composition of fireworks.

Fire office, an office at which to effect insurance against

Fire opal, a variety of opal giving firelike reflections.

Fire ordeal, an ancient mode of trial, in which the test
was the ability of the accused to handle or tread upon
red-hot irons. --Abbot.

Fire pan, a pan for holding or conveying fire, especially
the receptacle for the priming of a gun.

Fire plug, a plug or hydrant for drawing water from the
main pipes in a street, building, etc., for extinguishing

Fire policy, the writing or instrument expressing the
contract of insurance against loss by fire.

Fire pot.
(a) (Mil.) A small earthen pot filled with combustibles,
formerly used as a missile in war.
(b) The cast iron vessel which holds the fuel or fire in a
(c) A crucible.
(d) A solderer's furnace.

Fire raft, a raft laden with combustibles, used for setting
fire to an enemy's ships.

Fire roll, a peculiar beat of the drum to summon men to
their quarters in case of fire.

Fire setting (Mining), the process of softening or cracking
the working face of a lode, to facilitate excavation, by
exposing it to the action of fire; -- now generally
superseded by the use of explosives. --Raymond.

Fire ship, a vessel filled with combustibles, for setting
fire to an enemy's ships.

Fire shovel, a shovel for taking up coals of fire.

Fire stink, the stench from decomposing iron pyrites,
caused by the formation of hydrogen sulfide. --Raymond.

Fire surface, the surfaces of a steam boiler which are
exposed to the direct heat of the fuel and the products of
combustion; heating surface.

Fire swab, a swab saturated with water, for cooling a gun
in action and clearing away particles of powder, etc.

Fire teaser, in England, the fireman of a steam emgine.

Fire water, a strong alcoholic beverage; -- so called by
the American Indians.

Fire worship, the worship of fire, which prevails chiefly
in Persia, among the followers of Zoroaster, called
Chebers, or Guebers, and among the Parsees of India.

Greek fire. See under Greek.

On fire, burning; hence, ardent; passionate; eager;

Running fire, the rapid discharge of firearms in succession
by a line of troops.

St. Anthony's fire, erysipelas; -- an eruptive fever which
St. Anthony was supposed to cure miraculously. --Hoblyn.

St. Elmo's fire. See under Saint Elmo.

To set on fire, to inflame; to kindle.

To take fire, to begin to burn; to fly into a passion.
[1913 Webster]
Naval brigade
Naval \Na"val\ (n[=a]"val), a. [L. navalis, fr. navis ship: cf.
F. naval. See Nave of a church.]
Having to do with shipping; of or pertaining to ships or a
navy; consisting of ships; as, naval forces, successes,
stores, etc.
[1913 Webster]

Naval brigade, a body of seamen or marines organized for
military service on land.

Naval officer.
(a) An officer in the navy.
(b) A high officer in some United States customhouses.

Naval tactics, the science of managing or maneuvering
vessels sailing in squadrons or fleets.
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Nautical; marine; maritime.

Usage: Naval, Nautical. Naval is applied to vessels, or a
navy, or the things which pertain to them or in which
they participate; nautical, to seamen and the art of
navigation. Hence we speak of a naval, as opposed to a
military, engagement; naval equipments or stores, a
naval triumph, a naval officer, etc., and of nautical
pursuits or instruction, nautical calculations, a
nautical almanac, etc.
[1913 Webster]
Prunus brigantiaca
Marmottes oil \Mar"mottes oil`\
A fine oil obtained from the kernel of Prunus brigantiaca.
It is used instead of olive or almond oil. --De Colange.
[1913 Webster]
abu hafs al-masri brigades
Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades
n 1: a terrorist group that has worked with Al Qaeda; claimed
responsibility for attacks in Iraq and Turkey
aksa martyrs brigades
Aksa Martyrs Brigades
n 1: a militant offshoot of al-Fatah that is the newest and
strongest and best equipped faction active in the West
Bank; responsible for many deadly attacks in Israel in 2002
[syn: Aksa Martyrs Brigades, al-Aksa Martyrs Brigades,
Martyrs of al-Aqsa]
al-aksa martyrs brigades
al-Aksa Martyrs Brigades
n 1: a militant offshoot of al-Fatah that is the newest and
strongest and best equipped faction active in the West
Bank; responsible for many deadly attacks in Israel in 2002
[syn: Aksa Martyrs Brigades, al-Aksa Martyrs Brigades,
Martyrs of al-Aqsa]
alex boncayao brigade
Alex Boncayao Brigade
n 1: an urban hit squad and guerrilla group of the Communist
Party in the Philippines; formed in the 1980s [syn: {Alex
Boncayao Brigade}, ABB, Revolutionary Proletarian Army,
anti-imperialist international brigade
Anti-Imperialist International Brigade
n 1: a terrorist group organized in 1970 to overthrow the
Japanese government and monarchy and to foment world
revolution; is said to have close ties with Palestinian
terrorists; "in 1972 the Japanese Red Army was responsible
for a massacre at an airport in Israel" [syn: {Japanese Red
Army}, JRA, Anti-Imperialist International Brigade]
arab revolutionary brigades
Arab Revolutionary Brigades
n 1: a Palestinian international terrorist organization that
split from the PLO in 1974; has conducted terrorist attacks
in 20 countries; "in the 1980s the Fatah-RC was considered
the most dangerous and murderous Palestinian terror group"
[syn: Fatah Revolutionary Council, Fatah-RC, {Abu Nidal
Organization}, ANO, Arab Revolutionary Brigades, {Black
September}, {Revolutionary Organization of Socialist
n 1: army unit smaller than a division
v 1: form or unite into a brigade
n 1: a general officer ranking below a major general [syn:
brigadier, brigadier general]
brigadier general
brigadier general
n 1: a general officer ranking below a major general [syn:
brigadier, brigadier general]
n 1: an armed thief who is (usually) a member of a band [syn:
bandit, brigand]
n 1: a medieval coat of chain mail consisting of metal rings
sewn onto leather or cloth
n 1: two-masted sailing vessel square-rigged on the foremast and
fore-and-aft rigged on the mainmast [syn: brigantine,
hermaphrodite brig]
brigate rosse
Brigate Rosse
n 1: a Marxist-Leninist terrorist organization that arose out of
a student protest movement in the late 1960s; wants to
separate Italy from NATO and advocates violence in the
service of class warfare and revolution; mostly inactive
since 1989 [syn: Red Brigades, Brigate Rosse, BR]
fire brigade
fire brigade
n 1: a private or temporary organization of individuals equipped
to fight fires [syn: fire brigade, fire company]
2: British name for a fire department
qassam brigades
Qassam Brigades
n 1: the military arm of Hamas responsible for suicide bombings
and other attacks on Israel [syn: Qassam Brigades, {Salah
al-Din Battalions}, Iz Al-Din Al-Qassam Battalions]
red brigades
Red Brigades
n 1: a Marxist-Leninist terrorist organization that arose out of
a student protest movement in the late 1960s; wants to
separate Italy from NATO and advocates violence in the
service of class warfare and revolution; mostly inactive
since 1989 [syn: Red Brigades, Brigate Rosse, BR]

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