slovo | definícia |
broken arrow (foldoc) | broken arrow
The error code displayed on line 25 of a {IBM
3270} terminal (or a terminal emulator emulating a 3270)
for various kinds of protocol violations and "unexpected"
error conditions (including connection to a down computer).
On a PC, simulated with "->/_", with the two centre characters
"Broken arrow" is also military jargon for an accident
involving nuclear weapons.
[Jargon File]
broken arrow (jargon) | broken arrow
[IBM] The error code displayed on line 25 of a 3270 terminal (or a PC
emulating a 3270) for various kinds of protocol violations and “unexpected”
error conditions (including connection to a down computer). On a PC,
simulated with ‘->/_’, with the two center characters overstruck.
Note: to appreciate this term fully, it helps to know that “broken arrow”
is also military jargon for an accident involving nuclear weapons....
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