Convergent Technologies Operating System

(CTOS, BTOS, STARSYS) /see-toss/ A modular,
message-passing, multi-process based operating system.

Convergent Technologies' first product was the IWS
(Integrated Workstation) based on the Intel 8086, which had
CTOS as its operating system. It is a modular operating
system with built-in local area networking. CTOS supports
multiple processes or threads and message-based
inter-process communication.

Companies which licensed CTOS included Burroughs (BTOS) and
Bull (STARSYS). The largest customer was Unisys, with
whom Convergent Technologies merged to become one company in
1988. CTOS had over 800,000 users worldwide.

CTOS ran on Intel Pentium computers, and could run
concurrently with Microsoft Windows NT.

Support for existing customers lasted at least until 2001.
Major customers included police forces, banks and airlines.

["Exploring CTOS", Miller E., Crook J., Loy J. - Prentice
Hall, ISBN 0-13-297342-1, 1991].

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