calipers,posuvná měřítka Zdeněk Brož
Calipers \Cal"i*pers\, n. pl. [Corrupted from caliber.]
An instrument, usually resembling a pair of dividers or
compasses with curved legs, for measuring the diameter or
thickness of bodies, as of work shaped in a lathe or planer,
timber, masts, shot, etc.; or the bore of firearms, tubes,
etc.; -- called also caliper compasses, or {caliber
[1913 Webster]

Caliper square, a draughtsman's or mechanic's square,
having a graduated bar and adjustable jaw or jaws.

Vernier calipers. See Vernier.
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
Calipers \Cal"i*pers\, n. pl. [Corrupted from caliber.]
An instrument, usually resembling a pair of dividers or
compasses with curved legs, for measuring the diameter or
thickness of bodies, as of work shaped in a lathe or planer,
timber, masts, shot, etc.; or the bore of firearms, tubes,
etc.; -- called also caliper compasses, or {caliber
[1913 Webster]

Caliper square, a draughtsman's or mechanic's square,
having a graduated bar and adjustable jaw or jaws.

Vernier calipers. See Vernier.
[1913 Webster]
Vernier calipers
Vernier \Ver"ni*er\, n. [So named after the inventor, Pierre
A short scale made to slide along the divisions of a
graduated instrument, as the limb of a sextant, or the scale
of a barometer, for indicating parts of divisions. It is so
graduated that a certain convenient number of its divisions
are just equal to a certain number, either one less or one
more, of the divisions of the instrument, so that parts of a
division are determined by observing what line on the vernier
coincides with a line on the instrument.
[1913 Webster]

Vernier calipers, Vernier gauge, a gauge with a graduated
bar and a sliding jaw bearing a vernier, used for accurate

Vernier compass, a surveyor's compass with a vernier for
the accurate adjustment of the zero point in accordance
with magnetic variation.

Vernier transit, a surveyor's transit instrument with a
vernier compass.
[1913 Webster]Calipers \Cal"i*pers\, n. pl. [Corrupted from caliber.]
An instrument, usually resembling a pair of dividers or
compasses with curved legs, for measuring the diameter or
thickness of bodies, as of work shaped in a lathe or planer,
timber, masts, shot, etc.; or the bore of firearms, tubes,
etc.; -- called also caliper compasses, or {caliber
[1913 Webster]

Caliper square, a draughtsman's or mechanic's square,
having a graduated bar and adjustable jaw or jaws.

Vernier calipers. See Vernier.
[1913 Webster]

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