Cambria \Cam"bri*a\, n.
The ancient Latin name of Wales. It is used by modern poets.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: one of the four countries that make up the United Kingdom
of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; during Roman times
the region was known as Cambria [syn: Wales, Cymru,
podobné slovodefinícia
Cambrian,kambrium n: [geol.] první perioda prvohor Pino
Precambrian,prekambrium n: [geol.] Pino
Cambria \Cam"bri*a\, n.
The ancient Latin name of Wales. It is used by modern poets.
[1913 Webster]
Primordial \Pri*mor"di*al\, a. [L. primordialis, from primordium
the first beginning; primus first + ordiri to begin a web, to
begin: cf. F. primordial.]
1. First in order; primary; original; of earliest origin; as,
primordial condition. "The primordial facts of our
intelligent nature." --Sir W. Hamilton.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Geol.) Of or pertaining to the lowest beds of the
Silurian age, corresponding to the Acadian and Potsdam
periods in American geology. It is called also Cambrian,
and by many geologists is separated from the Silurian.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Biol.) Originally or earliest formed in the growth of an
individual or organ; as, a primordial leaf; a primordial
[1913 Webster]

Primordial utricle (Bot.), the interior lining of a young
vegetable cell.
[1913 Webster]Cambrian \Cam"bri*an\, a.
1. (Geog.) Of or pertaining to Cambria or Wales.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Geol.) Of or pertaining to the lowest subdivision of the
rocks of the Silurian or Molluscan age; -- sometimes
described as inferior to the Silurian. It is named from
its development in Cambria or Wales. See the Diagram under
[1913 Webster]Cambrian \Cam"bri*an\, n.
1. A native of Cambria or Wales.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Geol.) The Cambrian formation.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: of or relating to or characteristic of Wales or its
people or their language; "the Welsh coast"; "Welsh
syntax" [syn: Welsh, Cambrian]
n 1: from 544 million to about 500 million years ago; marine
invertebrates [syn: Cambrian, Cambrian period]
2: a native or resident of Wales [syn: Welshman, Welsh,
Cambrian, Cymry]
cambrian mountains
Cambrian Mountains
n 1: a rugged plateau that runs north to south through central
cambrian period
Cambrian period
n 1: from 544 million to about 500 million years ago; marine
invertebrates [syn: Cambrian, Cambrian period]
n 1: the eon following the Hadean time and preceding the
Phanerozoic eon; from about 3,800 million years ago until
544 million years ago [syn: Precambrian, {Precambrian
eon}, Precambrian aeon, Precambrian period]
precambrian aeon
Precambrian aeon
n 1: the eon following the Hadean time and preceding the
Phanerozoic eon; from about 3,800 million years ago until
544 million years ago [syn: Precambrian, {Precambrian
eon}, Precambrian aeon, Precambrian period]
precambrian eon
Precambrian eon
n 1: the eon following the Hadean time and preceding the
Phanerozoic eon; from about 3,800 million years ago until
544 million years ago [syn: Precambrian, {Precambrian
eon}, Precambrian aeon, Precambrian period]
precambrian period
Precambrian period
n 1: the eon following the Hadean time and preceding the
Phanerozoic eon; from about 3,800 million years ago until
544 million years ago [syn: Precambrian, {Precambrian
eon}, Precambrian aeon, Precambrian period]

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