caprylic acid
caprylic acid, n:
Caprylic acid
Capric \Cap"ric\, a. [L. caper goat.] (Chem.)
Of or pertaining to capric acid or its derivatives.
[1913 Webster]

Capric acid (also called decanoic acid), C9H19.CO.OH,
Caprylic acid (also called octanoic acid), C7H15.CO2.H,
and Caproic acid (also called hexanoic acid),
C5H11.CO2.H, are fatty acids occurring in small
quantities in butter, cocoanut oil, etc., united with
glycerin; they are colorless oils, or white crystalline
solids, of an unpleasant odor like that of goats or sweat.
[1913 Webster]
caprylic acid
caprylic acid
n 1: a fatty acid having a rancid taste; found in butter and
other fats and oils
podobné slovodefinícia
Caprylic acid
Capric \Cap"ric\, a. [L. caper goat.] (Chem.)
Of or pertaining to capric acid or its derivatives.
[1913 Webster]

Capric acid (also called decanoic acid), C9H19.CO.OH,
Caprylic acid (also called octanoic acid), C7H15.CO2.H,
and Caproic acid (also called hexanoic acid),
C5H11.CO2.H, are fatty acids occurring in small
quantities in butter, cocoanut oil, etc., united with
glycerin; they are colorless oils, or white crystalline
solids, of an unpleasant odor like that of goats or sweat.
[1913 Webster]

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