slovo | definícia |
cellophane (encz) | cellophane,celofán Jiří Šmoldas |
cellophane (gcide) | cellophane \cellophane\ (s[e^]l"[-o]*f[=a]n`), n.
a transparent paper-like product made of regenerated
cellulose, produced in sheets and rolls, which is impervious
to moisture and germs, and which is used to wrap candy,
cigarettes, and a wide variety of other products for
distribution and retail sale; as, a pack of cigarettes in a
cellophane wrapper.
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC] |
cellophane (wn) | cellophane
n 1: a transparent paperlike product that is impervious to
moisture and used to wrap candy or cigarettes etc. |
| |
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