channel service unit
channel service unit

(CSU) A type of interface used to connect a
terminal or computer to a digital medium in the same way
that a modem is used for connection to an analogue medium.

A CSU is provided by the communication carrier to customers
who wish to use their own equipment to retime and regenerate
the incoming signals. The customer must supply all of the
transmit logic, receive logic and timing recovery in order to
use the CSU, whereas a digital service unit DSU performs
these functions.

podobné slovodefinícia
channel service unit/data service unit
channel service unit/data service unit

(CSU/DSU, or "") A
device that performs both the channel service unit (CSU) and
data service unit (DSU) functions. The Channel Service Unit
(CSU) is used to terminate a DS1 or DS0 (56/64 kb/s)
digital circuit. It peforms line conditioning, protection,
loop-back and timing functions. The Data Service Unit (DSU)
terminates the data circuit to the Data Terminal Equipment
(DTE) and converts the customer's data stream into a bi-polar
format for transmission.


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