Chiococca \Chiococca\ n.
a genus of shrubs of tropical and subtropical New World.

Syn: genus Chiococca.
[WordNet 1.5]
n 1: shrubs of tropical and subtropical New World [syn:
Chiococca, genus Chiococca]
podobné slovodefinícia
Chiococca \Chiococca\ n.
a genus of shrubs of tropical and subtropical New World.

Syn: genus Chiococca.
[WordNet 1.5]
Chiococca anguifuga
Cahinca root \Ca*hin"ca root`\ [Written also cainca root.]
[See Cahincic.] (Bot.)
The root of an American shrub (Chiococca racemosa), found
as far north as Florida Keys, from which cahincic acid is
obtained; also, the root of the South American {Chiococca
anguifuga}, a celebrated antidote for snake poison.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Chiococca racemosa
Snowberry \Snow"ber`ry\, n. (Bot.)
A name of several shrubs with white berries; as, the
Symphoricarpus racemosus of the Northern United States, and
the Chiococca racemosa of Florida and tropical America.
[1913 Webster]

Creeping snowberry. (Bot.) See under Creeping.
[1913 Webster]Cahinca root \Ca*hin"ca root`\ [Written also cainca root.]
[See Cahincic.] (Bot.)
The root of an American shrub (Chiococca racemosa), found
as far north as Florida Keys, from which cahincic acid is
obtained; also, the root of the South American {Chiococca
anguifuga}, a celebrated antidote for snake poison.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]Cahincic \Ca*hin"cic\, a.
Pertaining to, or derived from, cahinca, the native name of a
species of Brazilian Chiococca, perhaps {Chiococca
racemosa}; as, cahincic acid.
[1913 Webster]
chiococca alba
Chiococca alba
n 1: evergreen climbing shrub of southern Florida and West
Indies grown for its racemes of fragrant white to creamy
flowers followed by globose white succulent berries [syn:
blolly, West Indian snowberry, Chiococca alba]
genus chiococca
genus Chiococca
n 1: shrubs of tropical and subtropical New World [syn:
Chiococca, genus Chiococca]

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