cockney,londýnský dialekt Zdeněk Brož
Cockney \Cock"ney\, a.
Of or relating to, or like, cockneys.
[1913 Webster]
Cockney \Cock"ney\ (k[o^]k"n[y^]), n.; pl. Cockneys (-n[i^]z).
[OE. cocknay, cokenay, a spoiled child, effeminate person, an
egg; prob. orig. a cock's egg, a small imperfect egg; OE. cok
cock + nay, neye, for ey egg (cf. Newt), AS. [ae]g. See 1st
Cock, Egg, n.]
1. An effeminate person; a spoilt child. "A young heir or
cockney, that is his mother's darling." --Nash (1592).
[1913 Webster]

This great lubber, the world, will prove a cockney.
[1913 Webster]

2. A native or resident of the city of London, especially one
living in the East End district; -- sometimes used
[1913 Webster +PJC]

A cockney in a rural village was stared at as much
as if he had entered a kraal of Hottentots.
[1913 Webster]

3. the distinctive dialect of a cockney[2].
adj 1: characteristic of Cockneys or their dialect; "cockney
2: relating to or resembling a cockney; "Cockney street urchins"
n 1: a native of the east end of London
2: the nonstandard dialect of natives of the east end of London
podobné slovodefinícia
Cockney \Cock"ney\, a.
Of or relating to, or like, cockneys.
[1913 Webster]Cockney \Cock"ney\ (k[o^]k"n[y^]), n.; pl. Cockneys (-n[i^]z).
[OE. cocknay, cokenay, a spoiled child, effeminate person, an
egg; prob. orig. a cock's egg, a small imperfect egg; OE. cok
cock + nay, neye, for ey egg (cf. Newt), AS. [ae]g. See 1st
Cock, Egg, n.]
1. An effeminate person; a spoilt child. "A young heir or
cockney, that is his mother's darling." --Nash (1592).
[1913 Webster]

This great lubber, the world, will prove a cockney.
[1913 Webster]

2. A native or resident of the city of London, especially one
living in the East End district; -- sometimes used
[1913 Webster +PJC]

A cockney in a rural village was stared at as much
as if he had entered a kraal of Hottentots.
[1913 Webster]

3. the distinctive dialect of a cockney[2].
Cockneydom \Cock"ney*dom\ (k[o^]k"n[i^]*d[u^]m), n.
The region or home of cockneys; cockneys, collectively.
[1913 Webster]
Cockneyfy \Cock"ney*fy\ (-f[imac]), v. t. [Cockney + -fy.]
To form with the manners or character of a cockney. [Colloq.]
[1913 Webster]
Cockneyish \Cock"ney*ish\, a.
Characteristic of, or resembling, cockneys.
[1913 Webster]
Cockneyism \Cock"ney*ism\ (k[o^]k"n[i^]*[i^]z'm), n.
The characteristics, manners, or dialect, of a cockney.
[1913 Webster] cock of the rock
Cockney \Cock"ney\ (k[o^]k"n[y^]), n.; pl. Cockneys (-n[i^]z).
[OE. cocknay, cokenay, a spoiled child, effeminate person, an
egg; prob. orig. a cock's egg, a small imperfect egg; OE. cok
cock + nay, neye, for ey egg (cf. Newt), AS. [ae]g. See 1st
Cock, Egg, n.]
1. An effeminate person; a spoilt child. "A young heir or
cockney, that is his mother's darling." --Nash (1592).
[1913 Webster]

This great lubber, the world, will prove a cockney.
[1913 Webster]

2. A native or resident of the city of London, especially one
living in the East End district; -- sometimes used
[1913 Webster +PJC]

A cockney in a rural village was stared at as much
as if he had entered a kraal of Hottentots.
[1913 Webster]

3. the distinctive dialect of a cockney[2].

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