come out
come out
- vyjsť, vychádzať, vyjsť
come out
come out,být publikován Zdeněk Brož
come out
come out,veřejně se přihlásit ke své homosexualitě v: [slang.]
come out
come out,vycházet
come out
come out,vyjet
come out
come out,vyjít
come out
come out,vyjít najevo Zdeněk Brož
come out
come out,vyjíždět
come out
come out,vynořit se v: Zdeněk Brož
come out
come out,vyvstat v: Zdeněk Brož
come out
come out
v 1: appear or become visible; make a showing; "She turned up at
the funeral"; "I hope the list key is going to surface
again" [syn: come on, come out, turn up, surface,
show up]
2: be issued or published; "Did your latest book appear yet?";
"The new Woody Allen film hasn't come out yet" [syn:
appear, come out]
3: come out of; "Water issued from the hole in the wall"; "The
words seemed to come out by themselves" [syn: issue,
emerge, come out, come forth, go forth, egress]
4: result or end; "How will the game turn out?" [syn: {turn
out}, come out]
5: come off; "His hair and teeth fell out" [syn: come out,
fall out]
6: take a place in a competition; often followed by an ordinal;
"Jerry came in third in the Marathon" [syn: place, {come
in}, come out]
7: make oneself visible; take action; "Young people should step
to the fore and help their peers" [syn: come to the fore,
step forward, come forward, step up, {step to the
fore}, come out]
8: bulge outward; "His eyes popped" [syn: start, protrude,
pop, pop out, bulge, bulge out, bug out, {come
9: to state openly and publicly one's homosexuality; "This actor
outed last year" [syn: come out of the closet, out, {come
10: be made known; be disclosed or revealed; "The truth will
out" [syn: out, come out]
11: break out; "The tooth erupted and had to be extracted" [syn:
erupt, come out, break through, push through]
podobné slovodefinícia
come out with
come out with
- povedať
come out in the wash
come out in the wash,až usadí prach Zdeněk Brož
come out of the closet
come out of the closet, v:
come out with
come out with,říci Zdeněk Brož
will come out
will come out,vyjde v: will come out,vyjede v:
To come out
Come \Come\, v. i. [imp. Came; p. p. Come; p. pr & vb. n.
Coming.] [OE. cumen, comen, AS. cuman; akin to OS.kuman, D.
komen, OHG. queman, G. kommen, Icel. koma, Sw. komma, Dan.
komme, Goth. giman, L. venire (gvenire), Gr. ? to go, Skr.
gam. [root]23. Cf. Base, n., Convene, Adventure.]
1. To move hitherward; to draw near; to approach the speaker,
or some place or person indicated; -- opposed to go.
[1913 Webster]

Look, who comes yonder? --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

I did not come to curse thee. --Tennyson.
[1913 Webster]

2. To complete a movement toward a place; to arrive.
[1913 Webster]

When we came to Rome. --Acts xxviii.
[1913 Webster]

Lately come from Italy. --Acts xviii.
[1913 Webster]

3. To approach or arrive, as if by a journey or from a
distance. "Thy kingdom come." --Matt. vi. 10.
[1913 Webster]

The hour is coming, and now is. --John. v. 25.
[1913 Webster]

So quick bright things come to confusion. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

4. To approach or arrive, as the result of a cause, or of the
act of another.
[1913 Webster]

From whence come wars? --James iv. 1.
[1913 Webster]

Both riches and honor come of thee ! --1 Chron.
xxix. 12.
[1913 Webster]

5. To arrive in sight; to be manifest; to appear.
[1913 Webster]

Then butter does refuse to come. --Hudibras.
[1913 Webster]

6. To get to be, as the result of change or progress; -- with
a predicate; as, to come untied.
[1913 Webster]

How come you thus estranged? --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

How come her eyes so bright? --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Am come, is come, etc., are frequently used instead of
have come, has come, etc., esp. in poetry. The verb to
be gives a clearer adjectival significance to the
participle as expressing a state or condition of the
subject, while the auxiliary have expresses simply the
completion of the action signified by the verb.
[1913 Webster]

Think not that I am come to destroy. --Matt. v.
[1913 Webster]

We are come off like Romans. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

The melancholy days are come, the saddest of the
year. --Bryant.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Come may properly be used (instead of go) in speaking
of a movement hence, or away, when there is reference
to an approach to the person addressed; as, I shall
come home next week; he will come to your house to-day.
It is used with other verbs almost as an auxiliary,
indicative of approach to the action or state expressed
by the verb; as, how came you to do it? Come is used
colloquially, with reference to a definite future time
approaching, without an auxiliary; as, it will be two
years, come next Christmas; i. e., when Christmas shall
[1913 Webster]

They were cried
In meeting, come next Sunday. --Lowell.
Come, in the imperative, is used to excite attention,
or to invite to motion or joint action; come, let us
go. "This is the heir; come, let us kill him." --Matt.
xxi. 38. When repeated, it sometimes expresses haste,
or impatience, and sometimes rebuke. "Come, come, no
time for lamentation now." --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

To come, yet to arrive, future. "In times to come."
--Dryden. "There's pippins and cheese to come." --Shak.

To come about.
(a) To come to pass; to arrive; to happen; to result; as,
how did these things come about?
(b) To change; to come round; as, the ship comes about.
"The wind is come about." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

On better thoughts, and my urged reasons,
They are come about, and won to the true side.
--B. Jonson.

To come abroad.
(a) To move or be away from one's home or country. "Am
come abroad to see the world." --Shak.
(b) To become public or known. [Obs.] "Neither was
anything kept secret, but that it should come abroad."
--Mark. iv. 22.

To come across, to meet; to find, esp. by chance or
suddenly. "We come across more than one incidental mention
of those wars." --E. A. Freeman. "Wagner's was certainly
one of the strongest and most independent natures I ever
came across." --H. R. Haweis.

To come after.
(a) To follow.
(b) To come to take or to obtain; as, to come after a

To come again, to return. "His spirit came again and he
revived." --Judges. xv. 19. -

To come and go.
(a) To appear and disappear; to change; to alternate. "The
color of the king doth come and go." --Shak.
(b) (Mech.) To play backward and forward.

To come at.
(a) To reach; to arrive within reach of; to gain; as, to
come at a true knowledge of ourselves.
(b) To come toward; to attack; as, he came at me with

To come away, to part or depart.

To come between, to intervene; to separate; hence, to cause

To come by.
(a) To obtain, gain, acquire. "Examine how you came by all
your state." --Dryden.
(b) To pass near or by way of.

To come down.
(a) To descend.
(b) To be humbled.

To come down upon, to call to account, to reprimand.
[Colloq.] --Dickens.

To come home.
(a) To return to one's house or family.
(b) To come close; to press closely; to touch the
feelings, interest, or reason.
(c) (Naut.) To be loosened from the ground; -- said of an

To come in.
(a) To enter, as a town, house, etc. "The thief cometh
in." --Hos. vii. 1.
(b) To arrive; as, when my ship comes in.
(c) To assume official station or duties; as, when Lincoln
came in.
(d) To comply; to yield; to surrender. "We need not fear
his coming in" --Massinger.
(e) To be brought into use. "Silken garments did not come
in till late." --Arbuthnot.
(f) To be added or inserted; to be or become a part of.
(g) To accrue as gain from any business or investment.
(h) To mature and yield a harvest; as, the crops come in
(i) To have sexual intercourse; -- with to or unto. --Gen.
xxxviii. 16.
(j) To have young; to bring forth; as, the cow will come
in next May. [U. S.]

To come in for, to claim or receive. "The rest came in for
subsidies." --Swift.

To come into, to join with; to take part in; to agree to;
to comply with; as, to come into a party or scheme.

To come it over, to hoodwink; to get the advantage of.

To come near or To come nigh, to approach in place or
quality; to be equal to. "Nothing ancient or modern seems
to come near it." --Sir W. Temple.

To come of.
(a) To descend or spring from. "Of Priam's royal race my
mother came." --Dryden.
(b) To result or follow from. "This comes of judging by
the eye." --L'Estrange.

To come off.
(a) To depart or pass off from.
(b) To get free; to get away; to escape.
(c) To be carried through; to pass off; as, it came off
(d) To acquit one's self; to issue from (a contest, etc.);
as, he came off with honor; hence, substantively, a
come-off, an escape; an excuse; an evasion. [Colloq.]
(e) To pay over; to give. [Obs.]
(f) To take place; to happen; as, when does the race come
(g) To be or become after some delay; as, the weather came
off very fine.
(h) To slip off or be taken off, as a garment; to
(i) To hurry away; to get through. --Chaucer.

To come off by, to suffer. [Obs.] "To come off by the
worst." --Calamy.

To come off from, to leave. "To come off from these grave
disquisitions." --Felton.

To come on.
(a) To advance; to make progress; to thrive.
(b) To move forward; to approach; to supervene.

To come out.
(a) To pass out or depart, as from a country, room,
company, etc. "They shall come out with great
substance." --Gen. xv. 14.
(b) To become public; to appear; to be published. "It is
indeed come out at last." --Bp. Stillingfleet.
(c) To end; to result; to turn out; as, how will this
affair come out? he has come out well at last.
(d) To be introduced into society; as, she came out two
seasons ago.
(e) To appear; to show itself; as, the sun came out.
(f) To take sides; to announce a position publicly; as, he
came out against the tariff.
(g) To publicly admit oneself to be homosexual.

To come out with, to give publicity to; to disclose.

To come over.
(a) To pass from one side or place to another.
"Perpetually teasing their friends to come over to
them." --Addison.
(b) To rise and pass over, in distillation.

To come over to, to join.

To come round.
(a) To recur in regular course.
(b) To recover. [Colloq.]
(c) To change, as the wind.
(d) To relent. --J. H. Newman.
(e) To circumvent; to wheedle. [Colloq.]

To come short, to be deficient; to fail of attaining. "All
have sinned and come short of the glory of God." --Rom.
iii. 23.

To come to.
(a) To consent or yield. --Swift.
(b) (Naut.) (with the accent on to) To luff; to bring the
ship's head nearer the wind; to anchor.
(c) (with the accent on to) To recover, as from a swoon.
(d) To arrive at; to reach.
(e) To amount to; as, the taxes come to a large sum.
(f) To fall to; to be received by, as an inheritance.

To come to blows. See under Blow.

To come to grief. See under Grief.

To come to a head.
(a) To suppurate, as a boil.
(b) To mature; to culminate; as a plot.

To come to one's self, to recover one's senses.

To come to pass, to happen; to fall out.

To come to the scratch.
(a) (Prize Fighting) To step up to the scratch or mark
made in the ring to be toed by the combatants in
beginning a contest; hence:
(b) To meet an antagonist or a difficulty bravely.

To come to time.
(a) (Prize Fighting) To come forward in order to resume
the contest when the interval allowed for rest is over
and "time" is called; hence:
(b) To keep an appointment; to meet expectations.

To come together.
(a) To meet for business, worship, etc.; to assemble.
--Acts i. 6.
(b) To live together as man and wife. --Matt. i. 18.

To come true, to happen as predicted or expected.

To come under, to belong to, as an individual to a class.

To come up
(a) to ascend; to rise.
(b) To be brought up; to arise, as a question.
(c) To spring; to shoot or rise above the earth, as a
(d) To come into use, as a fashion.

To come up the capstan (Naut.), to turn it the contrary
way, so as to slacken the rope about it.

To come up the tackle fall (Naut.), to slacken the tackle
gently. --Totten.

To come up to, to rise to; to equal.

To come up with, to overtake or reach by pursuit.

To come upon.
(a) To befall.
(b) To attack or invade.
(c) To have a claim upon; to become dependent upon for
support; as, to come upon the town.
(d) To light or chance upon; to find; as, to come upon hid
[1913 Webster]Out \Out\ (out), adv. [OE. out, ut, oute, ute, AS. [=u]t, and
[=u]te, [=u]tan, fr. [=u]t; akin to D. uit, OS. [=u]t, G.
aus, OHG. [=u]z, Icel. [=u]t, Sw. ut, Dan. ud, Goth. ut, Skr.
ud. [root]198. Cf. About, But, prep., Carouse, Utter,
In its original and strict sense, out means from the interior
of something; beyond the limits or boundary of somethings; in
a position or relation which is exterior to something; --
opposed to in or into. The something may be expressed
after of, from, etc. (see Out of, below); or, if not
expressed, it is implied; as, he is out; or, he is out of the
house, office, business, etc.; he came out; or, he came out
from the ship, meeting, sect, party, etc. Out is used in a
variety of applications, as:
[1913 Webster]

1. Away; abroad; off; from home, or from a certain, or a
usual, place; not in; not in a particular, or a usual,
place; as, the proprietor is out, his team was taken out.
Opposite of in. "My shoulder blade is out." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

He hath been out (of the country) nine years.
[1913 Webster]

2. Beyond the limits of concealment, confinement, privacy,
constraint, etc., actual or figurative; hence, not in
concealment, constraint, etc., in, or into, a state of
freedom, openness, disclosure, publicity, etc.; a matter
of public knowledge; as, the sun shines out; he laughed
out, to be out at the elbows; the secret has leaked out,
or is out; the disease broke out on his face; the book is
[1913 Webster]

Leaves are out and perfect in a month. --Bacon.
[1913 Webster]

She has not been out [in general society] very long.
--H. James.
[1913 Webster]

3. Beyond the limit of existence, continuance, or supply; to
the end; completely; hence, in, or into, a condition of
extinction, exhaustion, completion; as, the fuel, or the
fire, has burned out; that style is on the way out. "Hear
me out." --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

Deceitful men shall not live out half their days.
--Ps. iv. 23.
[1913 Webster]

When the butt is out, we will drink water. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

4. Beyond possession, control, or occupation; hence, in, or
into, a state of want, loss, or deprivation; -- used of
office, business, property, knowledge, etc.; as, the
Democrats went out and the Whigs came in; he put his money
out at interest. "Land that is out at rack rent." --Locke.
"He was out fifty pounds." --Bp. Fell.
[1913 Webster]

I have forgot my part, and I am out. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

5. Beyond the bounds of what is true, reasonable, correct,
proper, common, etc.; in error or mistake; in a wrong or
incorrect position or opinion; in a state of disagreement,
opposition, etc.; in an inharmonious relation. "Lancelot
and I are out." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Wicked men are strangely out in the calculating of
their own interest. --South.
[1913 Webster]

Very seldom out, in these his guesses. --Addison.
[1913 Webster]

6. Not in the position to score in playing a game; not in the
state or turn of the play for counting or gaining scores.
[1913 Webster]

7. Out of fashion; unfashionable; no longer in current vogue;

Note: Out is largely used in composition as a prefix, with
the same significations that it has as a separate word;
as outbound, outbreak, outbuilding, outcome, outdo,
outdoor, outfield. See also the first Note under
Over, adv.
[1913 Webster]

Day in, day out, from the beginning to the limit of each of
several days; day by day; every day.

Out at, Out in, Out on, etc., elliptical phrases, that
to which out refers as a source, origin, etc., being
omitted; as, out (of the house and) at the barn; out (of
the house, road, fields, etc., and) in the woods.

Three fishers went sailing out into the west,
Out into the west, as the sun went down. --C.

Note: In these lines after out may be understood, "of the
harbor," "from the shore," "of sight," or some similar
phrase. The complete construction is seen in the
saying: "Out of the frying pan into the fire."

Out from, a construction similar to out of (below). See
Of and From.

Out of, a phrase which may be considered either as composed
of an adverb and a preposition, each having its
appropriate office in the sentence, or as a compound
preposition. Considered as a preposition, it denotes, with
verbs of movement or action, from the interior of; beyond
the limit: from; hence, origin, source, motive, departure,
separation, loss, etc.; -- opposed to in or into; also
with verbs of being, the state of being derived, removed,
or separated from. Examples may be found in the phrases
below, and also under Vocabulary words; as, out of breath;
out of countenance.

Out of cess, beyond measure, excessively. --Shak.

Out of character, unbecoming; improper.

Out of conceit with, not pleased with. See under Conceit.

Out of date, not timely; unfashionable; antiquated.

Out of door, Out of doors, beyond the doors; from the
house; not inside a building; in, or into, the open air;
hence, figuratively, shut out; dismissed. See under
Door, also, Out-of-door, Outdoor, Outdoors, in the
Vocabulary. "He 's quality, and the question's out of
door," --Dryden.

Out of favor, disliked; under displeasure.

Out of frame, not in correct order or condition; irregular;
disarranged. --Latimer.

Out of hand, immediately; without delay or preparation;
without hesitation or debate; as, to dismiss a suggestion
out of hand. "Ananias . . . fell down and died out of
hand." --Latimer.

Out of harm's way, beyond the danger limit; in a safe

Out of joint, not in proper connection or adjustment;
unhinged; disordered. "The time is out of joint." --Shak.

Out of mind, not in mind; forgotten; also, beyond the limit
of memory; as, time out of mind.

Out of one's head, beyond commanding one's mental powers;
in a wandering state mentally; delirious. [Colloq.]

Out of one's time, beyond one's period of minority or

Out of order, not in proper order; disarranged; in

Out of place, not in the usual or proper place; hence, not
proper or becoming.

Out of pocket, in a condition of having expended or lost
more money than one has received.

Out of print, not in market, the edition printed being
exhausted; -- said of books, pamphlets, etc.

Out of the question, beyond the limits or range of
consideration; impossible to be favorably considered.

Out of reach, beyond one's reach; inaccessible.

Out of season, not in a proper season or time; untimely;

Out of sorts, wanting certain things; unsatisfied; unwell;
unhappy; cross. See under Sort, n.

Out of temper, not in good temper; irritated; angry.

Out of time, not in proper time; too soon, or too late.

Out of time, not in harmony; discordant; hence, not in an
agreeing temper; fretful.

Out of twist, Out of winding, or Out of wind, not in
warped condition; perfectly plain and smooth; -- said of

Out of use, not in use; unfashionable; obsolete.

Out of the way.
(a) On one side; hard to reach or find; secluded.
(b) Improper; unusual; wrong.

Out of the woods, not in a place, or state, of obscurity or
doubt; free from difficulty or perils; safe. [Colloq.]

Out to out, from one extreme limit to another, including
the whole length, breadth, or thickness; -- applied to

Out West, in or towards, the West; specifically, in some
Western State or Territory. [U. S.]

To come out, To cut out, To fall out, etc. See under
Come, Cut, Fall, etc.

To make out See to make out under make, v. t. and v.

To put out of the way, to kill; to destroy.

Week in, week out. See Day in, day out (above).
[1913 Webster]
To come out with
Come \Come\, v. i. [imp. Came; p. p. Come; p. pr & vb. n.
Coming.] [OE. cumen, comen, AS. cuman; akin to OS.kuman, D.
komen, OHG. queman, G. kommen, Icel. koma, Sw. komma, Dan.
komme, Goth. giman, L. venire (gvenire), Gr. ? to go, Skr.
gam. [root]23. Cf. Base, n., Convene, Adventure.]
1. To move hitherward; to draw near; to approach the speaker,
or some place or person indicated; -- opposed to go.
[1913 Webster]

Look, who comes yonder? --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

I did not come to curse thee. --Tennyson.
[1913 Webster]

2. To complete a movement toward a place; to arrive.
[1913 Webster]

When we came to Rome. --Acts xxviii.
[1913 Webster]

Lately come from Italy. --Acts xviii.
[1913 Webster]

3. To approach or arrive, as if by a journey or from a
distance. "Thy kingdom come." --Matt. vi. 10.
[1913 Webster]

The hour is coming, and now is. --John. v. 25.
[1913 Webster]

So quick bright things come to confusion. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

4. To approach or arrive, as the result of a cause, or of the
act of another.
[1913 Webster]

From whence come wars? --James iv. 1.
[1913 Webster]

Both riches and honor come of thee ! --1 Chron.
xxix. 12.
[1913 Webster]

5. To arrive in sight; to be manifest; to appear.
[1913 Webster]

Then butter does refuse to come. --Hudibras.
[1913 Webster]

6. To get to be, as the result of change or progress; -- with
a predicate; as, to come untied.
[1913 Webster]

How come you thus estranged? --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

How come her eyes so bright? --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Am come, is come, etc., are frequently used instead of
have come, has come, etc., esp. in poetry. The verb to
be gives a clearer adjectival significance to the
participle as expressing a state or condition of the
subject, while the auxiliary have expresses simply the
completion of the action signified by the verb.
[1913 Webster]

Think not that I am come to destroy. --Matt. v.
[1913 Webster]

We are come off like Romans. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

The melancholy days are come, the saddest of the
year. --Bryant.
[1913 Webster]

Note: Come may properly be used (instead of go) in speaking
of a movement hence, or away, when there is reference
to an approach to the person addressed; as, I shall
come home next week; he will come to your house to-day.
It is used with other verbs almost as an auxiliary,
indicative of approach to the action or state expressed
by the verb; as, how came you to do it? Come is used
colloquially, with reference to a definite future time
approaching, without an auxiliary; as, it will be two
years, come next Christmas; i. e., when Christmas shall
[1913 Webster]

They were cried
In meeting, come next Sunday. --Lowell.
Come, in the imperative, is used to excite attention,
or to invite to motion or joint action; come, let us
go. "This is the heir; come, let us kill him." --Matt.
xxi. 38. When repeated, it sometimes expresses haste,
or impatience, and sometimes rebuke. "Come, come, no
time for lamentation now." --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

To come, yet to arrive, future. "In times to come."
--Dryden. "There's pippins and cheese to come." --Shak.

To come about.
(a) To come to pass; to arrive; to happen; to result; as,
how did these things come about?
(b) To change; to come round; as, the ship comes about.
"The wind is come about." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

On better thoughts, and my urged reasons,
They are come about, and won to the true side.
--B. Jonson.

To come abroad.
(a) To move or be away from one's home or country. "Am
come abroad to see the world." --Shak.
(b) To become public or known. [Obs.] "Neither was
anything kept secret, but that it should come abroad."
--Mark. iv. 22.

To come across, to meet; to find, esp. by chance or
suddenly. "We come across more than one incidental mention
of those wars." --E. A. Freeman. "Wagner's was certainly
one of the strongest and most independent natures I ever
came across." --H. R. Haweis.

To come after.
(a) To follow.
(b) To come to take or to obtain; as, to come after a

To come again, to return. "His spirit came again and he
revived." --Judges. xv. 19. -

To come and go.
(a) To appear and disappear; to change; to alternate. "The
color of the king doth come and go." --Shak.
(b) (Mech.) To play backward and forward.

To come at.
(a) To reach; to arrive within reach of; to gain; as, to
come at a true knowledge of ourselves.
(b) To come toward; to attack; as, he came at me with

To come away, to part or depart.

To come between, to intervene; to separate; hence, to cause

To come by.
(a) To obtain, gain, acquire. "Examine how you came by all
your state." --Dryden.
(b) To pass near or by way of.

To come down.
(a) To descend.
(b) To be humbled.

To come down upon, to call to account, to reprimand.
[Colloq.] --Dickens.

To come home.
(a) To return to one's house or family.
(b) To come close; to press closely; to touch the
feelings, interest, or reason.
(c) (Naut.) To be loosened from the ground; -- said of an

To come in.
(a) To enter, as a town, house, etc. "The thief cometh
in." --Hos. vii. 1.
(b) To arrive; as, when my ship comes in.
(c) To assume official station or duties; as, when Lincoln
came in.
(d) To comply; to yield; to surrender. "We need not fear
his coming in" --Massinger.
(e) To be brought into use. "Silken garments did not come
in till late." --Arbuthnot.
(f) To be added or inserted; to be or become a part of.
(g) To accrue as gain from any business or investment.
(h) To mature and yield a harvest; as, the crops come in
(i) To have sexual intercourse; -- with to or unto. --Gen.
xxxviii. 16.
(j) To have young; to bring forth; as, the cow will come
in next May. [U. S.]

To come in for, to claim or receive. "The rest came in for
subsidies." --Swift.

To come into, to join with; to take part in; to agree to;
to comply with; as, to come into a party or scheme.

To come it over, to hoodwink; to get the advantage of.

To come near or To come nigh, to approach in place or
quality; to be equal to. "Nothing ancient or modern seems
to come near it." --Sir W. Temple.

To come of.
(a) To descend or spring from. "Of Priam's royal race my
mother came." --Dryden.
(b) To result or follow from. "This comes of judging by
the eye." --L'Estrange.

To come off.
(a) To depart or pass off from.
(b) To get free; to get away; to escape.
(c) To be carried through; to pass off; as, it came off
(d) To acquit one's self; to issue from (a contest, etc.);
as, he came off with honor; hence, substantively, a
come-off, an escape; an excuse; an evasion. [Colloq.]
(e) To pay over; to give. [Obs.]
(f) To take place; to happen; as, when does the race come
(g) To be or become after some delay; as, the weather came
off very fine.
(h) To slip off or be taken off, as a garment; to
(i) To hurry away; to get through. --Chaucer.

To come off by, to suffer. [Obs.] "To come off by the
worst." --Calamy.

To come off from, to leave. "To come off from these grave
disquisitions." --Felton.

To come on.
(a) To advance; to make progress; to thrive.
(b) To move forward; to approach; to supervene.

To come out.
(a) To pass out or depart, as from a country, room,
company, etc. "They shall come out with great
substance." --Gen. xv. 14.
(b) To become public; to appear; to be published. "It is
indeed come out at last." --Bp. Stillingfleet.
(c) To end; to result; to turn out; as, how will this
affair come out? he has come out well at last.
(d) To be introduced into society; as, she came out two
seasons ago.
(e) To appear; to show itself; as, the sun came out.
(f) To take sides; to announce a position publicly; as, he
came out against the tariff.
(g) To publicly admit oneself to be homosexual.

To come out with, to give publicity to; to disclose.

To come over.
(a) To pass from one side or place to another.
"Perpetually teasing their friends to come over to
them." --Addison.
(b) To rise and pass over, in distillation.

To come over to, to join.

To come round.
(a) To recur in regular course.
(b) To recover. [Colloq.]
(c) To change, as the wind.
(d) To relent. --J. H. Newman.
(e) To circumvent; to wheedle. [Colloq.]

To come short, to be deficient; to fail of attaining. "All
have sinned and come short of the glory of God." --Rom.
iii. 23.

To come to.
(a) To consent or yield. --Swift.
(b) (Naut.) (with the accent on to) To luff; to bring the
ship's head nearer the wind; to anchor.
(c) (with the accent on to) To recover, as from a swoon.
(d) To arrive at; to reach.
(e) To amount to; as, the taxes come to a large sum.
(f) To fall to; to be received by, as an inheritance.

To come to blows. See under Blow.

To come to grief. See under Grief.

To come to a head.
(a) To suppurate, as a boil.
(b) To mature; to culminate; as a plot.

To come to one's self, to recover one's senses.

To come to pass, to happen; to fall out.

To come to the scratch.
(a) (Prize Fighting) To step up to the scratch or mark
made in the ring to be toed by the combatants in
beginning a contest; hence:
(b) To meet an antagonist or a difficulty bravely.

To come to time.
(a) (Prize Fighting) To come forward in order to resume
the contest when the interval allowed for rest is over
and "time" is called; hence:
(b) To keep an appointment; to meet expectations.

To come together.
(a) To meet for business, worship, etc.; to assemble.
--Acts i. 6.
(b) To live together as man and wife. --Matt. i. 18.

To come true, to happen as predicted or expected.

To come under, to belong to, as an individual to a class.

To come up
(a) to ascend; to rise.
(b) To be brought up; to arise, as a question.
(c) To spring; to shoot or rise above the earth, as a
(d) To come into use, as a fashion.

To come up the capstan (Naut.), to turn it the contrary
way, so as to slacken the rope about it.

To come up the tackle fall (Naut.), to slacken the tackle
gently. --Totten.

To come up to, to rise to; to equal.

To come up with, to overtake or reach by pursuit.

To come upon.
(a) To befall.
(b) To attack or invade.
(c) To have a claim upon; to become dependent upon for
support; as, to come upon the town.
(d) To light or chance upon; to find; as, to come upon hid
[1913 Webster]
come out of the closet
come out of the closet
v 1: to state openly and publicly one's homosexuality; "This
actor outed last year" [syn: come out of the closet,
out, come out]

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