compressed tight
closed \closed\ adj.
1. having an opening obstructed. [Narrower terms: blind]
Also See: obstructed, sealed, shut, unopen,
closed. Antonym: open.
[WordNet 1.5]

2. (Math.) of a curve or surface: having no end points or
boundary curves; of a set: having members that can be
produced by a specific operation on other members of the
same set; of an interval: containing both its endpoints.
[WordNet 1.5]

3. Being in a position to obstruct an opening; -- especially
of doors. [Narrower terms: fastened, latched] Also See:
closed. Antonym: open.

Syn: shut, unopen.
[WordNet 1.5]

4. having skin drawn so as to obstruct the opening; -- used
of mouth or eyes. Opposite of open. he sat quietly with
closed eyes [Narrower terms: blinking, winking;
compressed, tight; squinched, squinting]

Syn: shut.
[WordNet 1.5]

5. requiring union membership; -- of a workplace; as, a
closed shop. [prenominal]
[WordNet 1.5]

6. closed with shutters.
[WordNet 1.5]

7. hidden from the public; as, a closed ballot.
[WordNet 1.5]

8. not open to the general public; as, a closed meeting.
[WordNet 1.5]

9. unsympathetic; -- of a person's attitude. a closed mind
unreceptive to new ideas
[WordNet 1.5]

10. surrounded by walls. a closed porch

Syn: closed in(predicate).
[WordNet 1.5]

11. made compact by bending or doubling over; as, a closed

Syn: folded.
[WordNet 1.5]

12. closed or fastened with or as if with buttons. [Narrower
terms: buttoned (vs. unbuttoned)]
[WordNet 1.5]

13. not engaged in activity; -- of an organization or
business establishment. the airport is closed because of
the weather; the many closed shops and factories made the
town look deserted

Syn: shut down.
[WordNet 1.5]
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