slovo | definícia |
cross-post (foldoc) | cross-post
[Usenet] To post a single article simultaneously to several
newsgroups. Distinguished from posting the article
repeatedly, once to each newsgroup, which causes people to see
it multiple times (which is very bad form). Gratuitous
cross-posting without a Followup-To line directing responses
to a single followup group is frowned upon, as it tends to
cause followup articles to go to inappropriate newsgroups
when people respond to only one part of the original posting.
[Jargon File]
cross-post (jargon) | cross-post
[Usenet; very common] To post a single article simultaneously to several
newsgroups. Distinguished from posting the article repeatedly, once to each
newsgroup, which causes people to see it multiple times (which is very bad
form). Gratuitous cross-posting without a Followup-To line directing
responses to a single followup group is frowned upon, as it tends to cause
followup articles to go to inappropriate newsgroups when people respond
to various parts of the original posting.
| |
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