slovo | definícia |
cytoskeleton (encz) | cytoskeleton, n: |
cytoskeleton (gcide) | cytoskeleton \cy`to*skel"e*ton\
(s[imac]`t[-o]*sk[e^]l"[i^]*t'n), n. (Cell Biology)
An arrangement of microtubules, microfilaments, and larger
filaments within a cell serving to provide structural support
of components of the cell, and to transport components from
one part of the cell to another; the filaments are composed
of protein and form a latticelike arrangement which may
change rapidly with time.
[PJC] |
cytoskeleton (wn) | cytoskeleton
n 1: a microscopic network of actin filaments and microtubules
in the cytoplasm of many living cells that gives the cell
shape and coherence |
| |
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