dalai lama
Dalai Lama,Dálaj Láma Jiri Syrovy
dalai lama
Dalai Lama,dalajláma Martin M.
Dalai Lama
Lama \La"ma\, n. [Tibet. blama (pronounced l[aum]"ma) a chief, a
high priest.]
In Tibet, Mongolia, etc., a priest or monk of the belief
called Lamaism.
[1913 Webster]

The Grand Lama, or Dalai Lama [lit., Ocean Lama], the
supreme pontiff in the lamaistic hierarchy. Until the
Chinese occupied Tibet he resided in Lhasa, but now (1998)
is in exile. See Lamaism.
[1913 Webster +PJC]
dalai lama
Dalai Lama
n 1: chief lama and once ruler of Tibet [syn: Dalai Lama,
Grand Lama]
podobné slovodefinícia
Dalai Lama
Lama \La"ma\, n. [Tibet. blama (pronounced l[aum]"ma) a chief, a
high priest.]
In Tibet, Mongolia, etc., a priest or monk of the belief
called Lamaism.
[1913 Webster]

The Grand Lama, or Dalai Lama [lit., Ocean Lama], the
supreme pontiff in the lamaistic hierarchy. Until the
Chinese occupied Tibet he resided in Lhasa, but now (1998)
is in exile. See Lamaism.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

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