dasyure, n:
dasyure \das"y*ure\ (d[a^]s"[i^]*[=u]r), n. [Gr. dasy`s thick,
shaggy + o'yra` tail: cf. F. dasyure.]
1. (Zool.) A carnivorous catlike marsupial quadruped of
Australia, belonging to the genus Dasyurus, called also
native cat. There are several species.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

2. (Zool.) any of several related animals, such as the
Tasmanian devil; -- called also ursine dasyure.
n 1: any of several more or less arboreal marsupials somewhat
resembling martens
podobné slovodefinícia
eastern dasyure
eastern dasyure, n:
ursine dasyure
ursine dasyure, n:
Ursine dasyure
Ursine \Ur"sine\, a. [L. ursinus, from ursus a bear. See
Of or pertaining to a bear; resembling a bear.
[1913 Webster]

Ursine baboon. (Zool.) See Chacma.

Ursine dasyure (Zool.), the Tasmanian devil.

Ursine howler (Zool.), the araguato. See Illust. under

Ursine seal. (Zool.) See Sea bear, and the Note under 1st
[1913 Webster]dasyure \das"y*ure\ (d[a^]s"[i^]*[=u]r), n. [Gr. dasy`s thick,
shaggy + o'yra` tail: cf. F. dasyure.]
1. (Zool.) A carnivorous catlike marsupial quadruped of
Australia, belonging to the genus Dasyurus, called also
native cat. There are several species.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

2. (Zool.) any of several related animals, such as the
Tasmanian devil; -- called also ursine dasyure.
ursine dasyure
Ursine \Ur"sine\, a. [L. ursinus, from ursus a bear. See
Of or pertaining to a bear; resembling a bear.
[1913 Webster]

Ursine baboon. (Zool.) See Chacma.

Ursine dasyure (Zool.), the Tasmanian devil.

Ursine howler (Zool.), the araguato. See Illust. under

Ursine seal. (Zool.) See Sea bear, and the Note under 1st
[1913 Webster]dasyure \das"y*ure\ (d[a^]s"[i^]*[=u]r), n. [Gr. dasy`s thick,
shaggy + o'yra` tail: cf. F. dasyure.]
1. (Zool.) A carnivorous catlike marsupial quadruped of
Australia, belonging to the genus Dasyurus, called also
native cat. There are several species.
[1913 Webster +PJC]

2. (Zool.) any of several related animals, such as the
Tasmanian devil; -- called also ursine dasyure.
eastern dasyure
eastern dasyure
n 1: a variety of dasyure [syn: eastern dasyure, {Dasyurus
ursine dasyure
ursine dasyure
n 1: small ferocious carnivorous marsupial having a mostly black
coat and long tail [syn: Tasmanian devil, {ursine
dasyure}, Sarcophilus hariisi]

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