dauphin,dauphin n: Zdeněk Brož
dauphin,následník trůnu Jiri Syrovy
dauphin,dauphinn: Zdeněk Brož
Dauphin \Dau"phin\, n. [F. dauphin, prop., a dolphin, from L.
delphinus. See Dolphin. The name was given, for some reason
unexplained, to Guigo, count of Vienne, in the 12th century,
and was borne by succeeding counts of Vienne. In 1349,
Dauphiny was bequeathed to Philippe de Valois, king of
France, on condition that the heir of the crown should always
hold the title of Dauphin de Viennois.]
The title of the eldest son of the king of France, and heir
to the crown. Since the revolution of 1830, the title has
been discontinued. Dauphiness
n 1: formerly, the eldest son of the King of France and direct
heir to the throne
podobné slovodefinícia
Dauphin \Dau"phin\, n. [F. dauphin, prop., a dolphin, from L.
delphinus. See Dolphin. The name was given, for some reason
unexplained, to Guigo, count of Vienne, in the 12th century,
and was borne by succeeding counts of Vienne. In 1349,
Dauphiny was bequeathed to Philippe de Valois, king of
France, on condition that the heir of the crown should always
hold the title of Dauphin de Viennois.]
The title of the eldest son of the king of France, and heir
to the crown. Since the revolution of 1830, the title has
been discontinued. Dauphiness
Dauphiness \Dau"phin*ess\, or Dauphine \Dau"phine\, n.
The title of the wife of the dauphin.
[1913 Webster]
Dauphiness \Dau"phin*ess\, or Dauphine \Dau"phine\, n.
The title of the wife of the dauphin.
[1913 Webster]

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