Derf \Derf\, a. [Icel. djafr.]
Strong; powerful; fierce. [Obs.] -- Derf"ly, adv. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]


1. v. The act of exploiting a terminal which someone else has
absentmindedly left logged on, to use that person's account, especially to
post articles intended to make an ass of the victim you're impersonating.
It has been alleged that the term originated as a reversal of the name of
the gentleman who most usually left himself vulnerable to it, who also
happened to be the head of the department that handled PLATO at the
University of Delaware. Compare baggy pantsing.

2. n. The victim of an act of derfing, sense 1. The most typical posting
from a derfed account read “I am a derf.”.
podobné slovodefinícia
- nováčik
- obdivuhodný, úžasný, skvelý, nádherný
- výborne
elderflower,bezový květ Jaroslav Šedivý
rudderfish, n:
spiderflower, n:
tenderfoot,nováček n: Zdeněk Brožtenderfoot,zelenáč n: Zdeněk Brož
underfed,podvyživený adj: Zdeněk Brož
underfeed,podvyživit Zdeněk Brož
underfelt, n:
underfloor,podlahový adj: Jaroslav Šedivý
underflow,nenaplnění n: Zdeněk Brožunderflow,podtečení n: Zdeněk Brož
underfoot,pod nohama n: Zdeněk Brož
underframe,podvozek n: Zdeněk Brož
underfund,poskytnout málo peněz Zdeněk Brož
underfunded,bez financí adj: Zdeněk Brož
underfur,podsada n: srst
wonderful,báječný adj: Zdeněk Brožwonderful,nádherný adj: lunowonderful,obdivuhodný adj: PetrVwonderful,podivuhodný adj: Zdeněk Brožwonderful,skvělý adj: Zdeněk Brožwonderful,úžasný adj: PetrV
wonderfully,nádherně adv: Zdeněk Brožwonderfully,skvěle adv: Zdeněk Brož
wonderfulness,báječnost n: Zdeněk Brožwonderfulness,úžasnost n: Zdeněk Brož
alderfly \al"der*fly`\, Alder fly \Al"der fly\
1. Any of numerous dark-colored neuropterous insects of the
genus Sialis or allied genera. They have predaceous
aquatic larv[ae], which are used for bait.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

2. (Angling) An artificial fly with brown mottled wings, body
of peacock harl, and black legs.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Derf \Derf\, a. [Icel. djafr.]
Strong; powerful; fierce. [Obs.] -- Derf"ly, adv. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
Derf \Derf\, a. [Icel. djafr.]
Strong; powerful; fierce. [Obs.] -- Derf"ly, adv. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
Holder-forth \Hold"er-forth`\, n.
One who speaks in public; an haranguer; a preacher. See {hold
(b) under hold. --Addison.
[1913 Webster]
Powderflask \Pow"der*flask`\, n.
A flask in which gunpowder is carried, having a charging tube
at the end.
[1913 Webster]
Tenderfoot \Ten"der*foot`\, n.
1. A delicate person; one not inured to the hardship and
rudeness of pioneer life. [Slang, Western U. S.]
[1913 Webster]

2. See Boy scout.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]Boy scout \Boy scout\
Orig., a member of the "Boy Scouts," an organization of boys
founded in 1908, by Sir R. S. S. Baden-Powell, to promote
good citizenship by creating in them a spirit of civic duty
and of usefulness to others, by stimulating their interest in
wholesome mental, moral, industrial, and physical activities,
etc. Hence, a member of any of the other similar
organizations, which are now worldwide. In "The Boy Scouts of
America" the local councils are generally under a scout
commissioner, under whose supervision are scout masters, each
in charge of a troop of two or more patrols of eight scouts
each, who are of three classes, tenderfoot, {second-class
scout}, and first-class scout.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Tenderfoot \Ten"der*foot`\, n.
1. A delicate person; one not inured to the hardship and
rudeness of pioneer life. [Slang, Western U. S.]
[1913 Webster]

2. See Boy scout.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]Boy scout \Boy scout\
Orig., a member of the "Boy Scouts," an organization of boys
founded in 1908, by Sir R. S. S. Baden-Powell, to promote
good citizenship by creating in them a spirit of civic duty
and of usefulness to others, by stimulating their interest in
wholesome mental, moral, industrial, and physical activities,
etc. Hence, a member of any of the other similar
organizations, which are now worldwide. In "The Boy Scouts of
America" the local councils are generally under a scout
commissioner, under whose supervision are scout masters, each
in charge of a troop of two or more patrols of eight scouts
each, who are of three classes, tenderfoot, {second-class
scout}, and first-class scout.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]
Thunderfish \Thun"der*fish`\, n. (Zool.)
A large European loach (Misgurnus fossilis).
[1913 Webster]
Underfaction \Un"der*fac`tion\, n.
A subordinate party or faction.
[1913 Webster]
Underfaculty \Un"der*fac`ul*ty\, n.
An inferior or subordinate faculty.
[1913 Webster]
Underfarmer \Un"der*farm`er\, n.
An assistant farmer.
[1913 Webster]
Underfeed \Un`der*feed"\, v. t.
To feed with too little food; to supply with an insufficient
quantity of food.
[1913 Webster]
Underfellow \Un"der*fel`low\, n.
An underling; a mean, low fellow. [R.] -- Sir P. Sidney.
[1913 Webster]
Underfilling \Un"der*fill`ing\, n.
The filling below or beneath; the under part of a building.
--Sir H. Wotton.
[1913 Webster]
Underfollow \Un`der*fol"low\, v. t.
To follow closely or immediately after. [Obs.] --Wyclif.
[1913 Webster]
Underfong \Un`der*fong"\, v. t. [AS. underfongen, p. p. of
underf[=o]n to undertake; under under + f[=o]n to take. See
Fang to seize.]
1. To undertake; to take in hand; to receive. [Obs.] --Piers
Plowman. --Rom. of R.
[1913 Webster]

2. To insnare; to circumvent. [Obs.] --Spenser.
[1913 Webster]

3. To sustain; to support; to guard. [Obs.] --Nash.
[1913 Webster]
Underfoot \Un`der*foot"\, adv.
Under the feet; underneath; below. See Under foot, under
Foot, n.
[1913 Webster]Underfoot \Un`der*foot"\, a.
Low; base; abject; trodden down.
[1913 Webster]
Underfringe \Un"der*fringe`\, n.
A lower fringe; a fringe underneath something.
[1913 Webster]

Broad-faced, with underfringe of russet beard.
[1913 Webster]
Underfurnish \Un`der*fur"nish\, v. t.
To supply with less than enough; to furnish insufficiently.
[1913 Webster]
Underfurrow \Un`der*fur"row\, v. t.
To cover as under a furrow; to plow in; as, to underfurrow
seed or manure.
[1913 Webster]
Wonderful \Won"der*ful\, a.
Adapted to excite wonder or admiration; surprising; strange;
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Marvelous; amazing. See Marvelous.
[1913 Webster] -- Won"der*ful*ly, adv. --
Won"der*ful*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]
Wonderful \Won"der*ful\, a.
Adapted to excite wonder or admiration; surprising; strange;
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Marvelous; amazing. See Marvelous.
[1913 Webster] -- Won"der*ful*ly, adv. --
Won"der*ful*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]
Wonderful \Won"der*ful\, a.
Adapted to excite wonder or admiration; surprising; strange;
[1913 Webster]

Syn: Marvelous; amazing. See Marvelous.
[1913 Webster] -- Won"der*ful*ly, adv. --
Won"der*ful*ness, n.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: dark-colored insect having predaceous aquatic larvae [syn:
alderfly, alder fly, Sialis lutaria]
banded rudderfish
banded rudderfish
n 1: fish having the habit of following ships; found in North
American and South American coastal waters [syn:
rudderfish, banded rudderfish, Seriola zonata]
black rudderfish
black rudderfish
n 1: blackish fish of New England waters [syn: barrelfish,
black rudderfish, Hyperglyphe perciformis]
n 1: food and game fish around Bermuda and Florida; often follow
ships [syn: Bermuda chub, rudderfish, {Kyphosus
2: fish having the habit of following ships; found in North
American and South American coastal waters [syn:
rudderfish, banded rudderfish, Seriola zonata]
n 1: any of various often strong-smelling plants of the genus
Cleome having showy spider-shaped flowers [syn:
spiderflower, cleome]
n 1: an inexperienced person (especially someone inexperienced
in outdoor living)
adj 1: not getting adequate food; "gaunt underfed children";
"badly undernourished" [syn: ill-fed, underfed,
n 1: a carpet pad of thick felt
adv 1: under the feet; "trampled the beans underfoot"; "green
grass growing underfoot"
2: in the way and hindering progress; "a house with children and
pets and toys always underfoot"
n 1: the internal supporting structure that gives an artifact
its shape; "the building has a steel skeleton" [syn:
skeleton, skeletal frame, frame, underframe]
n 1: thick soft fur lying beneath the longer and coarser guard
hair [syn: undercoat, underfur]
adj 1: extraordinarily good or great ; used especially as
intensifiers; "a fantastic trip to the Orient"; "the film
was fantastic!"; "a howling success"; "a marvelous
collection of rare books"; "had a rattling conversation
about politics"; "a tremendous achievement" [syn:
fantastic, grand, howling(a), marvelous,
marvellous, rattling(a), terrific, tremendous,
wonderful, wondrous]
adv 1: (used as an intensifier) extremely well; "her voice is
superbly disciplined"; "the colors changed wondrously
slowly" [syn: wonderfully, wondrous, wondrously,
superbly, toppingly, marvellously, terrifically,
n 1: admirable excellence [syn: admirability, admirableness,
floating point underflow
floating point underflow
floating underflow

(or "floating point underflow", "floating
underflow", after "overflow") A condition that can occur
when the result of a floating-point operation would be
smaller in magnitude (closer to zero, either positive or
negative) than the smallest quantity representable. Underflow
is actually (negative) overflow of the exponent of the
floating point quantity. For example, an eight-bit {twos
complement} exponent can represent multipliers of 2^-128 to
2^127. A result less than 2^-128 would cause underflow.

Depending on the processor, the programming language and the
run-time system, underflow may set a status bit, raise an
exception or generate a hardware interrupt or some
combination of these effects. Alternatively, it may just be
ignored and zero substituted for the unrepresentable value,
though this might lead to a later divide by zero error which
cannot be so easily ignored.

floating underflow
floating point underflow
floating underflow

(or "floating point underflow", "floating
underflow", after "overflow") A condition that can occur
when the result of a floating-point operation would be
smaller in magnitude (closer to zero, either positive or
negative) than the smallest quantity representable. Underflow
is actually (negative) overflow of the exponent of the
floating point quantity. For example, an eight-bit {twos
complement} exponent can represent multipliers of 2^-128 to
2^127. A result less than 2^-128 would cause underflow.

Depending on the processor, the programming language and the
run-time system, underflow may set a status bit, raise an
exception or generate a hardware interrupt or some
combination of these effects. Alternatively, it may just be
ignored and zero substituted for the unrepresentable value,
though this might lead to a later divide by zero error which
cannot be so easily ignored.

lost in the underflow
lost in the underflow

Too small to be worth considering; more specifically,
small beyond the limits of accuracy or measurement. This is a
reference to "floating point underflow".

The Hacker's Jargon File claimed that it is also a pun on
"undertow" (a kind of fast, cold current that sometimes runs
just offshore and can be dangerous to swimmers).

"Well, sure, photon pressure from the stadium lights alters
the path of a thrown baseball, but that effect gets lost in
the underflow".

Compare epsilon, epsilon squared; see also overflow bit.

floating point underflow
floating underflow

(or "floating point underflow", "floating
underflow", after "overflow") A condition that can occur
when the result of a floating-point operation would be
smaller in magnitude (closer to zero, either positive or
negative) than the smallest quantity representable. Underflow
is actually (negative) overflow of the exponent of the
floating point quantity. For example, an eight-bit {twos
complement} exponent can represent multipliers of 2^-128 to
2^127. A result less than 2^-128 would cause underflow.

Depending on the processor, the programming language and the
run-time system, underflow may set a status bit, raise an
exception or generate a hardware interrupt or some
combination of these effects. Alternatively, it may just be
ignored and zero substituted for the unrepresentable value,
though this might lead to a later divide by zero error which
cannot be so easily ignored.

lost in the underflow
lost in the underflow

Too small to be worth considering; more specifically, small beyond the
limits of accuracy or measurement. This is a reference to floating
underflow, a condition that can occur when a floating-point arithmetic
processor tries to handle quantities smaller than its limit of magnitude.
It is also a pun on ‘undertow’ (a kind of fast, cold current that sometimes
runs just offshore and can be dangerous to swimmers). “Well, sure, photon
pressure from the stadium lights alters the path of a thrown baseball, but
that effect gets lost in the underflow.” Compare epsilon, {epsilon
squared}; see also overflow bit.

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