n 1: English theoretical physicist who applied relativity theory
to quantum mechanics and predicted the existence of
antimatter and the positron (1902-1984) [syn: Dirac,
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac]
podobné slovodefinícia
diracův impuls
Diracův impuls,delta function[mat.] Marek Běl
Azadirachta \Azadirachta\ n.
a genus of large important East Indian trees: the neem trees.

Syn: genus Azadirachta.
[WordNet 1.5]
Azadirachta indica
azadirachtin \azadirachtin\ n.
1. a triterpenoid (C35H44O16) isolated from the seeds of
the neem tree (Azadirachta indica), used as an
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
azadirachtin \azadirachtin\ n.
1. a triterpenoid (C35H44O16) isolated from the seeds of
the neem tree (Azadirachta indica), used as an
[WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
Melia Azadirachta
Margosa \Mar*go"sa\, n. [Pg. amargoso bitter.] (Bot.)
A large tree of the genus Melia (Melia Azadirachta) found
in India. Its bark is bitter, and used as a tonic. A valuable
oil is expressed from its seeds, and a tenacious gum exudes
from its trunk. The Melia Azedarach is a much more showy
tree, and is cultivated in the Southern United States, where
it is known as Pride of India, Pride of China, or {bead
tree}. Various parts of the tree are considered anthelmintic.
[1913 Webster]

The margosa oil . . . is a most valuable balsam for
wounds, having a peculiar smell which prevents the
attacks of flies. --Sir S.
[1913 Webster] MargravateNeem tree \Neem" tree`\ [Hind. n[imac]m.] (Bot.)
An Asiatic name for Melia Azadirachta, and {Melia
Azedarach}. See Margosa.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: genus of large important East Indian trees: neem trees
[syn: Azadirachta, genus Azadirachta]
azadirachta indica
Azadirachta indica
n 1: large semi-evergreen tree of the East Indies; trunk exudes
a tenacious gum; bitter bark used as a tonic; seeds yield
an aromatic oil; sometimes placed in genus Melia [syn:
neem, neem tree, nim tree, margosa, arishth,
Azadirachta indica, Melia Azadirachta]
n 1: insecticide
fermi-dirac statistics
Fermi-Dirac statistics
n 1: (physics) law obeyed by a systems of particles whose wave
function changes when two particles are interchanged (the
Pauli exclusion principle applies)
genus azadirachta
genus Azadirachta
n 1: genus of large important East Indian trees: neem trees
[syn: Azadirachta, genus Azadirachta]
melia azadirachta
Melia Azadirachta
n 1: large semi-evergreen tree of the East Indies; trunk exudes
a tenacious gum; bitter bark used as a tonic; seeds yield
an aromatic oil; sometimes placed in genus Melia [syn:
neem, neem tree, nim tree, margosa, arishth,
Azadirachta indica, Melia Azadirachta]
paul adrien maurice dirac
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac
n 1: English theoretical physicist who applied relativity theory
to quantum mechanics and predicted the existence of
antimatter and the positron (1902-1984) [syn: Dirac,
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac]

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