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podobné slovodefinícia
Edmund,Edmund n: [jmén.] příjmení, mužské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
Edmund,Edmundn: [jmén.] příjmení, mužské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
nadmutí,inflationn: PetrV
nadmutý,bloatedadj: Zdeněk Brož
pokradmu,on the sly Zdeněk Brož
vydmutí,entasis Zdeněk Brož
n 1: (Greek mythology) the brother of Europa and traditional
founder of Thebes in Boeotia
n 1: a doctor's degree in music [syn: Doctor of Music, DMus,
edmund burke
Edmund Burke
n 1: British statesman famous for his oratory; pleaded the cause
of the American colonists in British Parliament and
defended the parliamentary system (1729-1797) [syn:
Burke, Edmund Burke]
edmund cartwright
Edmund Cartwright
n 1: English clergyman who invented the power loom (1743-1823)
[syn: Cartwright, Edmund Cartwright]
edmund charles edouard genet
Edmund Charles Edouard Genet
n 1: French diplomat who in 1793 tried to draw the United States
into the war between France and England (1763-1834) [syn:
Genet, Edmund Charles Edouard Genet, Citizen Genet]
edmund halley
Edmund Halley
n 1: English astronomer who used Newton's laws of motion to
predict the period of a comet (1656-1742) [syn: Halley,
Edmond Halley, Edmund Halley]
edmund hillary
Edmund Hillary
n 1: New Zealand mountaineer who in 1953 first attained the
summit of Mount Everest with his Sherpa guide Tenzing
Norgay (born in 1919) [syn: Hillary, Edmund Hillary,
Sir Edmund Hillary, Sir Edmund Percival Hillary]
edmund husserl
Edmund Husserl
n 1: German philosopher who developed phenomenology (1859-1938)
[syn: Husserl, Edmund Husserl]
edmund i
Edmund I
n 1: king of the English who succeeded Athelstan; he drove out
the Danes and made peace with Scotland (921-946)
edmund ii
Edmund II
n 1: king of the English who led resistance to Canute but was
defeated and forced to divide the kingdom with Canute
(980-1016) [syn: Edmund II, Edmund Ironside]
edmund ironside
Edmund Ironside
n 1: king of the English who led resistance to Canute but was
defeated and forced to divide the kingdom with Canute
(980-1016) [syn: Edmund II, Edmund Ironside]
edmund john millington synge
Edmund John Millington Synge
n 1: Irish poet and playwright whose plays are based on rural
Irish life (1871-1909) [syn: Synge, J. M. Synge, {John
Millington Synge}, Edmund John Millington Synge]
edmund kean
Edmund Kean
n 1: English actor noted for his portrayals of Shakespeare's
great tragic characters (1789-1833) [syn: Kean, {Edmund
edmund malone
Edmund Malone
n 1: English scholar remembered for his chronology of
Shakespeare's plays and his editions of Shakespeare and
Dryden (1741-1812) [syn: Malone, Edmund Malone, {Edmond
edmund spenser
Edmund Spenser
n 1: English poet who wrote an allegorical romance celebrating
Elizabeth I in the Spenserian stanza (1552-1599) [syn:
Spenser, Edmund Spenser]
edmund wilson
Edmund Wilson
n 1: United States literary critic (1895-1972) [syn: Wilson,
Edmund Wilson]
james edmund scripps
James Edmund Scripps
n 1: United States newspaper publisher and half-brother of
Edward Wyllis Scripps (1835-1908) [syn: Scripps, {James
Edmund Scripps}]
sir edmund hillary
Sir Edmund Hillary
n 1: New Zealand mountaineer who in 1953 first attained the
summit of Mount Everest with his Sherpa guide Tenzing
Norgay (born in 1919) [syn: Hillary, Edmund Hillary,
Sir Edmund Hillary, Sir Edmund Percival Hillary]
sir edmund percival hillary
Sir Edmund Percival Hillary
n 1: New Zealand mountaineer who in 1953 first attained the
summit of Mount Everest with his Sherpa guide Tenzing
Norgay (born in 1919) [syn: Hillary, Edmund Hillary,
Sir Edmund Hillary, Sir Edmund Percival Hillary]
n 1: a member of the Finno-Ugric-speaking people living in
eastern European Russia [syn: Udmurt, Votyak]
2: the Finnic language spoken by the Votyak [syn: Udmurt,
Command and Data Management Unit (ESA, Venus-Express, CDMS)

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