domain theory
domain theory

A branch of mathematics introduced by Dana Scott in
1970 as a mathematical theory of programming languages, and
for nearly a quarter of a century developed almost exclusively
in connection with denotational semantics in computer

In denotational semantics of programming languages, the
meaning of a program is taken to be an element of a domain. A
domain is a mathematical structure consisting of a set of
values (or "points") and an ordering relation, Y which is the set of
functions from domain X to domain Y with the ordering f D. The
equivalent equation has no non-trivial solution in {set

There are many definitions of domains, with different
properties and suitable for different purposes. One commonly
used definition is that of Scott domains, often simply called
domains, which are omega-algebraic, consistently complete

There are domain-theoretic computational models in other
branches of mathematics including dynamical systems,
fractals, measure theory, integration theory,
probability theory, and stochastic processes.

See also abstract interpretation, bottom, {pointed

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