Dominic,Dominic n: [jmén.] příjmení, mužské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
Dominic,Dominicn: [jmén.] příjmení, mužské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
n 1: (Roman Catholic Church) Spanish priest who founded an order
whose members became known as Dominicans or Black Friars
(circa 1170-1221) [syn: Dominic, Saint Dominic, {St.
Dominic}, Domingo de Guzman]
podobné slovodefinícia
- Dominické spoločenstvo
dominican republic
Dominican Republic
- Dominikánska republika
dominické spoločenstvo
Dominické spoločenstvo
- DM, DMA, Dominica
dominicke spolocenstvo
Dominicke spolocenstvo
- DM, DMA, Dominica
Dominica,ženské křestní jméno n: [female] [jmén.] Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
dominical, adj:
Dominican,dominikán n: Zdeněk BrožDominican,dominikánský adj: Zdeněk Brož
dominican republic
Dominican Republic,Dominikánská Republika n: [jmén.] Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
Dominick,Dominick n: [jmén.] příjmení, mužské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož
a automatický překlad
Dominick,Dominickn: [jmén.] příjmení, mužské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
c Dominicans or Black Friars
Friar \Fri"ar\, n. [OR. frere, F. fr[`e]re brother, friar, fr.
L. frater brother. See Brother.]
1. (R. C. Ch.) A brother or member of any religious order,
but especially of one of the four mendicant orders, viz:
(a) Minors, Gray Friars, or Franciscans. {(b)
Augustines}. (c) Dominicans or Black Friars. {(d) White
Friars or Carmelites.} See these names in the Vocabulary.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Print.) A white or pale patch on a printed page.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Zool.) An American fish; the silversides.
[1913 Webster]

Friar bird (Zool.), an Australian bird ({Tropidorhynchus
corniculatus}), having the head destitute of feathers; --
called also coldong, leatherhead, pimlico; {poor
soldier}, and four-o'clock. The name is also applied to
several other species of the same genus.

Friar's balsam (Med.), a stimulating application for wounds
and ulcers, being an alcoholic solution of benzoin,
styrax, tolu balsam, and aloes; compound tincture of
benzoin. --Brande & C.

Friar's cap (Bot.), the monkshood.

Friar's cowl (Bot.), an arumlike plant (Arisarum vulgare)
with a spathe or involucral leaf resembling a cowl.

Friar's lantern, the ignis fatuus or Will-o'-the-wisp.

Friar skate (Zool.), the European white or sharpnosed skate
(Raia alba); -- called also Burton skate, {border
ray}, scad, and doctor.
[1913 Webster]
Charadrius dominicus
Golden \Gold"en\ (g[=o]ld"'n), a. [OE. golden; cf. OE. gulden,
AS. gylden, from gold. See Gold, and cf. Guilder.]
[1913 Webster]
1. Made of gold; consisting of gold.
[1913 Webster]

2. Having the color of gold; as, the golden grain.
[1913 Webster]

3. Very precious; highly valuable; excellent; eminently
auspicious; as, golden opinions.
[1913 Webster]

Golden age.
(a) The fabulous age of primeval simplicity and purity of
manners in rural employments, followed by the {silver
age}, bronze age, and iron age. --Dryden.
(b) (Roman Literature) The best part (B. C. 81 -- A. D.
14) of the classical period of Latinity; the time when
Cicero, C[ae]sar, Virgil, etc., wrote. Hence:
(c) That period in the history of a literature, etc., when
it flourishes in its greatest purity or attains its
greatest glory; as, the Elizabethan age has been
considered the golden age of English literature.

Golden balls, three gilt balls used as a sign of a
pawnbroker's office or shop; -- originally taken from the
coat of arms of Lombardy, the first money lenders in
London having been Lombards.

Golden bull. See under Bull, an edict.

Golden chain (Bot.), the shrub Cytisus Laburnum, so named
from its long clusters of yellow blossoms.

Golden club (Bot.), an aquatic plant ({Orontium
aquaticum}), bearing a thick spike of minute yellow

Golden cup (Bot.), the buttercup.

Golden eagle (Zool.), a large and powerful eagle ({Aquila
Chrysa["e]tos}) inhabiting Europe, Asia, and North
America. It is so called from the brownish yellow tips of
the feathers on the head and neck. A dark variety is
called the royal eagle; the young in the second year is
the ring-tailed eagle.

Golden fleece.
(a) (Mythol.) The fleece of gold fabled to have been taken
from the ram that bore Phryxus through the air to
Colchis, and in quest of which Jason undertook the
Argonautic expedition.
(b) (Her.) An order of knighthood instituted in 1429 by
Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy; -- called also
Toison d'Or.

Golden grease, a bribe; a fee. [Slang]

Golden hair (Bot.), a South African shrubby composite plant
with golden yellow flowers, the Chrysocoma Coma-aurea.

Golden Horde (Hist.), a tribe of Mongolian Tartars who
overran and settled in Southern Russia early in the 18th

Golden Legend, a hagiology (the "Aurea Legenda") written by
James de Voragine, Archbishop of Genoa, in the 13th
century, translated and printed by Caxton in 1483, and
partially paraphrased by Longfellow in a poem thus

Golden marcasite tin. [Obs.]

Golden mean, the way of wisdom and safety between extremes;
sufficiency without excess; moderation.
[1913 Webster]

Angels guard him in the golden mean. --Pope.

Golden mole (Zool), one of several South African
Insectivora of the family Chrysochlorid[ae], resembling
moles in form and habits. The fur is tinted with green,
purple, and gold.

Golden number (Chronol.), a number showing the year of the
lunar or Metonic cycle. It is reckoned from 1 to 19, and
is so called from having formerly been written in the
calendar in gold.

Golden oriole. (Zool.) See Oriole.

Golden pheasant. See under Pheasant.

Golden pippin, a kind of apple, of a bright yellow color.

Golden plover (Zool.), one of several species of plovers,
of the genus Charadrius, esp. the European ({Charadrius
apricarius}, syn. Charadrius pluvialis; -- called also
yellow plover, black-breasted plover, hill plover,
and whistling plover. The common American species
(Charadrius dominicus) is also called frostbird, and

Golden robin. (Zool.) See Baltimore oriole, in Vocab.

Golden rose (R. C. Ch.), a gold or gilded rose blessed by
the pope on the fourth Sunday in Lent, and sent to some
church or person in recognition of special services
rendered to the Holy See.

Golden rule.
(a) The rule of doing as we would have others do to us.
Cf. --Luke vi. 31.
(b) The rule of proportion, or rule of three.

Golden samphire (Bot.), a composite plant ({Inula
crithmoides}), found on the seashore of Europe.

Golden saxifrage (Bot.), a low herb with yellow flowers
(Chrysosplenium oppositifolium), blossoming in wet
places in early spring.

Golden seal (Bot.), a perennial ranunculaceous herb
(Hydrastis Canadensis), with a thick knotted rootstock
and large rounded leaves.

Golden sulphide of antimony, or {Golden sulphuret of
antimony} (Chem.), the pentasulphide of antimony, a golden or
orange yellow powder.

Golden warbler (Zool.), a common American wood warbler
(Dendroica [ae]stiva); -- called also {blue-eyed yellow
warbler}, garden warbler, and summer yellow bird.

Golden wasp (Zool.), a bright-colored hymenopterous insect,
of the family Chrysidid[ae]. The colors are golden,
blue, and green.

Golden wedding. See under Wedding.
[1913 Webster]
Dominical \Do*min"ic*al\, a. [LL. dominicalis, for L. dominicus
belonging to a master or lord (dominica dies the Lord's day),
fr. dominus master or lord: cf. F. dominical. See Dame.]
1. Indicating, or pertaining to, the Lord's day, or Sunday.
[1913 Webster]

2. Relating to, or given by, our Lord; as, the dominical (or
Lord's) prayer. --Howell.
[1913 Webster]

Some words altered in the dominical Gospels.
[1913 Webster]

Dominical altar (Eccl.), the high altar.

Dominical letter, the letter which, in almanacs, denotes
Sunday, or the Lord's day (dies Domini). The first seven
letters of the alphabet are used for this purpose, the
same letter standing for Sunday during a whole year
(except in leap year, when the letter is changed at the
end of February). After twenty-eight years the same
letters return in the same order. The dominical letters go
backwards one day every common year, and two every leap
year; e. g., if the dominical letter of a common year be
G, F will be the dominical letter for the next year.
Called also Sunday letter. Cf. Solar cycle, under
Cycle, n.
[1913 Webster]Dominical \Do*min"ic*al\, n.
The Lord's day or Sunday; also, the Lord's prayer. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]
Dominical altar
Dominical \Do*min"ic*al\, a. [LL. dominicalis, for L. dominicus
belonging to a master or lord (dominica dies the Lord's day),
fr. dominus master or lord: cf. F. dominical. See Dame.]
1. Indicating, or pertaining to, the Lord's day, or Sunday.
[1913 Webster]

2. Relating to, or given by, our Lord; as, the dominical (or
Lord's) prayer. --Howell.
[1913 Webster]

Some words altered in the dominical Gospels.
[1913 Webster]

Dominical altar (Eccl.), the high altar.

Dominical letter, the letter which, in almanacs, denotes
Sunday, or the Lord's day (dies Domini). The first seven
letters of the alphabet are used for this purpose, the
same letter standing for Sunday during a whole year
(except in leap year, when the letter is changed at the
end of February). After twenty-eight years the same
letters return in the same order. The dominical letters go
backwards one day every common year, and two every leap
year; e. g., if the dominical letter of a common year be
G, F will be the dominical letter for the next year.
Called also Sunday letter. Cf. Solar cycle, under
Cycle, n.
[1913 Webster]
Dominical letter
Dominical \Do*min"ic*al\, a. [LL. dominicalis, for L. dominicus
belonging to a master or lord (dominica dies the Lord's day),
fr. dominus master or lord: cf. F. dominical. See Dame.]
1. Indicating, or pertaining to, the Lord's day, or Sunday.
[1913 Webster]

2. Relating to, or given by, our Lord; as, the dominical (or
Lord's) prayer. --Howell.
[1913 Webster]

Some words altered in the dominical Gospels.
[1913 Webster]

Dominical altar (Eccl.), the high altar.

Dominical letter, the letter which, in almanacs, denotes
Sunday, or the Lord's day (dies Domini). The first seven
letters of the alphabet are used for this purpose, the
same letter standing for Sunday during a whole year
(except in leap year, when the letter is changed at the
end of February). After twenty-eight years the same
letters return in the same order. The dominical letters go
backwards one day every common year, and two every leap
year; e. g., if the dominical letter of a common year be
G, F will be the dominical letter for the next year.
Called also Sunday letter. Cf. Solar cycle, under
Cycle, n.
[1913 Webster]
Dominican \Do*min"i*can\, prop. a. [NL. Dominicanus, fr.
Dominicus, Dominic, the founder: cf. F. Dominicain.]
Of or pertaining to St. Dominic (Dominic de Guzman), or to
the religious communities named from him.
[1913 Webster]

Dominican nuns, an order of nuns founded by St. Dominic,
and chiefly employed in teaching.

Dominican tertiaries the third order of St. Dominic. See
[1913 Webster]Dominican \Do*min"i*can\, prop. n. (Eccl. Hist.)
One of an order of mendicant monks founded by Dominic de
Guzman, in 1215. A province of the order was established in
England in 1221. The first foundation in the United States
was made in 1807. The Master of the Sacred Palace at Rome is
always a Dominican friar. The Dominicans are called also
preaching friars, friars preachers, black friars (from
their black cloak), brothers of St. Mary, and in France,
[1913 Webster]
Dominican nuns
Dominican \Do*min"i*can\, prop. a. [NL. Dominicanus, fr.
Dominicus, Dominic, the founder: cf. F. Dominicain.]
Of or pertaining to St. Dominic (Dominic de Guzman), or to
the religious communities named from him.
[1913 Webster]

Dominican nuns, an order of nuns founded by St. Dominic,
and chiefly employed in teaching.

Dominican tertiaries the third order of St. Dominic. See
[1913 Webster]
Dominican tertiaries
Dominican \Do*min"i*can\, prop. a. [NL. Dominicanus, fr.
Dominicus, Dominic, the founder: cf. F. Dominicain.]
Of or pertaining to St. Dominic (Dominic de Guzman), or to
the religious communities named from him.
[1913 Webster]

Dominican nuns, an order of nuns founded by St. Dominic,
and chiefly employed in teaching.

Dominican tertiaries the third order of St. Dominic. See
[1913 Webster]
dominicide \do*min"i*cide\, n. [L. dominus master + caedere to
cut down, kill.]
1. The act of killing a master.
[1913 Webster]

2. One who kills his master.
[1913 Webster]
Dominick \Dom"i*nick\ n. (Zool.),
an American breed of chicken having barred gray plumage
raised for meat and brown eggs.

Syn: Dominique.
[WordNet 1.5]
capital of the dominican republic
capital of the Dominican Republic
n 1: the capital and largest city of the Dominican Republic;
"Santo Domingo is the oldest continually inhabited European
settlement in the Americas with the oldest cathedral and
the oldest hospital and the oldest monastery in the Western
Hemisphere" [syn: Santo Domingo, Ciudad Trujillo,
capital of the Dominican Republic]
commonwealth of dominica
Commonwealth of Dominica
n 1: a country on the island of Dominica [syn: Dominica,
Commonwealth of Dominica]
n 1: a country on the island of Dominica [syn: Dominica,
Commonwealth of Dominica]
2: a volcanic island in the Windward Islands that was once a
stronghold of the Carib Indians
adj 1: of or relating to or coming from Jesus Christ
2: of or relating to Sunday as the Lord's Day
adj 1: of or relating to or characteristic of the Dominican
Republic or its people; "the Dominican population"
2: of or relating to Saint Dominic or the Dominican order;
"Dominican monks"
n 1: a Roman Catholic friar wearing the black mantle of the
Dominican order [syn: Dominican, Black Friar,
Blackfriar, friar preacher]
2: a native or inhabitant of the Dominican Republic
dominican dollar
Dominican dollar
n 1: the basic unit of money in Dominica
dominican mahogany
Dominican mahogany
n 1: mahogany tree of West Indies [syn: true mahogany, {Cuban
mahogany}, Dominican mahogany, Swietinia mahogani]
dominican monetary unit
Dominican monetary unit
n 1: monetary unit in the Dominican Republic
dominican order
Dominican order
n 1: a Roman Catholic order of mendicant preachers founded in
the 13th century
dominican peso
Dominican peso
n 1: the basic unit of money in the Dominican Republic; equal to
100 centavos [syn: Dominican peso, peso]
dominican republic
Dominican Republic
n 1: a republic in the West Indies; located on the eastern two-
thirds of the island of Hispaniola
n 1: American breed of chicken having barred grey plumage raised
for meat and brown eggs [syn: Dominique, Dominick]
n 1: first day of the week; observed as a day of rest and
worship by most Christians [syn: Sunday, Lord's Day,
Dominicus, Sun]
mastotermes electrodominicus
Mastotermes electrodominicus
n 1: extinct termite found in amber in the Dominican Republic
saint dominic
Saint Dominic
n 1: (Roman Catholic Church) Spanish priest who founded an order
whose members became known as Dominicans or Black Friars
(circa 1170-1221) [syn: Dominic, Saint Dominic, {St.
Dominic}, Domingo de Guzman]
st. dominic
St. Dominic
n 1: (Roman Catholic Church) Spanish priest who founded an order
whose members became known as Dominicans or Black Friars
(circa 1170-1221) [syn: Dominic, Saint Dominic, {St.
Dominic}, Domingo de Guzman]

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