
/don'gl disk/ (Or "key disk") A kind of dongle consisting of
a special floppy disk that is required in order to perform
some task. Some contain special coding that allows an
application to identify it uniquely, others *are* special code
that does something that normally-resident programs don't or

For example, AT&T's "Unix PC" would only come up in {root
mode} with a special boot disk.

[Jargon File]

/don'gl disk/, n.

A special floppy disk that is required in order to perform some task. Some
contain special coding that allows an application to identify it uniquely,
others are special code that does something that normally-resident programs
don't or can't. (For example, AT&T's “Unix PC” would only come up in {root
mode} with a special boot disk.) Also called a key disk. See dongle.
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