Environmental Audio eXtensions

(EAX) Something from Creative Labs for generating
sound effects.

EAX is a competitor to Aureal's A3D.

[Hardware or software?]

Environmental Audio eXtension (audio, Creative Labs)
podobné slovodefinícia
battleaxe,válečná sekera n: Zdeněk Brož
poleax, n:
poleaxe,bitevní sekera n: Zdeněk Brož
zeaxanthin, n:
Battle-ax \Bat"tle-ax`\ Battle-axe \Bat"tle-axe`\(-[a^]ks`), n.
A kind of broadax formerly used as an offensive weapon.
[1913 Webster]
Battle-ax \Bat"tle-ax`\ Battle-axe \Bat"tle-axe`\(-[a^]ks`), n.
A kind of broadax formerly used as an offensive weapon.
[1913 Webster]
Poleax \Pole"ax`\, Poleaxe \Pole"axe`\, n. [OE. pollax; cf. OD.
pollexe. See Poll head, and Ax.]
Anciently, a kind of battle-ax with a long handle; later, an
ax or hatchet with a short handle, and a head variously
patterned; -- used by soldiers, and also by sailors in
boarding a vessel.
[1913 Webster] poleaxepoleax \poleax\, poleaxe \poleaxe\v. t.
1. To fell with or as if with a poleax; -- often used
figuratively; as, the entire department was poleaxed after
the takeover.
[WordNet 1.5 + PJC]

2. Stunned; astonished;; as, we couldn't speak, poleaxed by
the sight in fronnt fo us.
Poleax \Pole"ax`\, Poleaxe \Pole"axe`\, n. [OE. pollax; cf. OD.
pollexe. See Poll head, and Ax.]
Anciently, a kind of battle-ax with a long handle; later, an
ax or hatchet with a short handle, and a head variously
patterned; -- used by soldiers, and also by sailors in
boarding a vessel.
[1913 Webster] poleaxepoleax \poleax\, poleaxe \poleaxe\v. t.
1. To fell with or as if with a poleax; -- often used
figuratively; as, the entire department was poleaxed after
the takeover.
[WordNet 1.5 + PJC]

2. Stunned; astonished;; as, we couldn't speak, poleaxed by
the sight in fronnt fo us.
Poleax \Pole"ax`\, Poleaxe \Pole"axe`\, n. [OE. pollax; cf. OD.
pollexe. See Poll head, and Ax.]
Anciently, a kind of battle-ax with a long handle; later, an
ax or hatchet with a short handle, and a head variously
patterned; -- used by soldiers, and also by sailors in
boarding a vessel.
[1913 Webster] poleaxepoleax \poleax\, poleaxe \poleaxe\v. t.
1. To fell with or as if with a poleax; -- often used
figuratively; as, the entire department was poleaxed after
the takeover.
[WordNet 1.5 + PJC]

2. Stunned; astonished;; as, we couldn't speak, poleaxed by
the sight in fronnt fo us.
Poleax \Pole"ax`\, Poleaxe \Pole"axe`\, n. [OE. pollax; cf. OD.
pollexe. See Poll head, and Ax.]
Anciently, a kind of battle-ax with a long handle; later, an
ax or hatchet with a short handle, and a head variously
patterned; -- used by soldiers, and also by sailors in
boarding a vessel.
[1913 Webster] poleaxepoleax \poleax\, poleaxe \poleaxe\v. t.
1. To fell with or as if with a poleax; -- often used
figuratively; as, the entire department was poleaxed after
the takeover.
[WordNet 1.5 + PJC]

2. Stunned; astonished;; as, we couldn't speak, poleaxed by
the sight in fronnt fo us.
Preaxial \Pre*ax"i*al\, a. (Anat.)
Situated in front of any transverse axis in the body of an
animal; anterior; cephalic; esp., in front, or on the
anterior, or cephalic (that is, radial or tibial) side of the
axis of a limb.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: an ax used to slaughter cattle; has a hammer opposite the
blade [syn: poleax, poleaxe]
2: a battle ax used in the Middle Ages; a long handled ax and a
pick [syn: poleax, poleaxe]
v 1: fell with or as if with a poleax [syn: poleax, poleaxe]
n 1: an ax used to slaughter cattle; has a hammer opposite the
blade [syn: poleax, poleaxe]
2: a battle ax used in the Middle Ages; a long handled ax and a
pick [syn: poleax, poleaxe]
v 1: fell with or as if with a poleax [syn: poleax, poleaxe]
n 1: yellow carotenoid (isomeric with lutein and occurs widely
with it) that is the main pigment in yellow Indian corn

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