Elba,ženské křestní jméno n: [female] [jmén.] Zdeněk Brož a automatický
podobné slovodefinícia
- fire, shooting
kielbasa,druh klobásy Zdeněk Brož
kielbasi,druh klobásy Zdeněk Brož
kielbasy,druh klobásy Zdeněk Brož
melba toast
Melba toast,
peach melba
peach melba, n:
wheelbarrow,kolečko n: Zdeněk Brožwheelbarrow,trakař n: Zdeněk Brož
wheelbase,rozvod kol n: Zdeněk Brožwheelbase,rozvor Alois Musilwheelbase,rozvor kol Zdeněk Brož
dělostřelba,cannonaden: Zdeněk Broždělostřelba,shellfiren: Zdeněk Brož
lukostřelba,archeryn: Zdeněk Brož
střelba,firen: Zdeněk Brožstřelba,firingn: Zdeněk Brožstřelba,fusilladen: Zdeněk Brožstřelba,gun firingn: josestřelba,shootingn: Zdeněk Brož
střelba na asfaltové holuby
střelba na asfaltové holuby,trapshootingn: [sport.] Jiří Dadák
střelba naslepo
střelba naslepo,blank fire
střelba vedená s cílem poškodit
střelba vedená s cílem poškodit,fire in anger[voj.] (na rozdíl od
varovného nebo cvičného výstřelu) Petr Prášek
střelba z mušket
střelba z mušket,musketry Zdeněk Brož
Camel-backed \Cam"el-backed`\, a.
Having a back like a camel; humpbacked. --Fuller.
[1913 Webster]
Cypselus melba
Swift \Swift\, n.
1. The current of a stream. [R.] --Walton.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Zool.) Any one of numerous species of small, long-winged,
insectivorous birds of the family Micropodidae. In form
and habits the swifts resemble swallows, but they are
destitute of complex vocal muscles and are not singing
birds, but belong to a widely different group allied to
the humming birds.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The common European swift (Cypselus apus syn.
Micropus apus) nests in church steeples and under the
tiles of roofs, and is noted for its rapid flight and
shrill screams. It is called also black martin,
black swift, hawk swallow, devil bird,
swingdevil, screech martin, and shriek owl. The
common American, or chimney, swift ({Chaetura
pelagica}) has sharp rigid tips to the tail feathers.
It attaches its nest to the inner walls of chimneys,
and is called also chimney swallow. The Australian
swift (Chaetura caudacuta) also has sharp naked tips
to the tail quills. The European Alpine swift
(Cypselus melba) is whitish beneath, with a white
band across the breast. The common Indian swift is
Cypselus affinis. See also Palm swift, under
Palm, and Tree swift, under Tree.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Zool.) Any one of several species of lizards, as the pine
[1913 Webster]

4. (Zool.) The ghost moth. See under Ghost.
[1913 Webster]

5. [Cf. Swivel.] A reel, or turning instrument, for winding
yarn, thread, etc.; -- used chiefly in the plural.
[1913 Webster]

6. The main card cylinder of a flax-carding machine.
[1913 Webster]
Heelball \Heel"ball`\, n.
A composition of wax and lampblack, used by shoemakers for
polishing, and by antiquaries in copying inscriptions.
[1913 Webster]
Mackerel-back sky
Mackerel \Mack`er*el\, n. [OF. maquerel, F. maquereau (LL.
macarellus), prob. for maclereau, fr. L. macula a spot, in
allusion to the markings on the fish. See Mail armor.]
Any species of the genus Scomber of the family
Scombridae, and of several related genera. They are finely
formed and very active oceanic fishes. Most of them are
highly prized for food.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The common mackerel (Scomber scombrus), which
inhabits both sides of the North Atlantic, is one of
the most important food fishes. It is mottled with
green and blue. The Spanish mackerel ({Scomberomorus
maculatus}), of the American coast, is covered with
bright yellow circular spots.
[1913 Webster]

Bull mackerel, Chub mackerel. (Zool.) See under Chub.

Frigate mackerel. See under Frigate.

Horse mackerel . See under Horse.

Mackerel bird (Zool.), the wryneck; -- so called because it
arrives in England at the time when mackerel are in

Mackerel cock (Zool.), the Manx shearwater; -- so called
because it precedes the appearance of the mackerel on the
east coast of Ireland.

Mackerel guide. (Zool.) See Garfish
(a) .

Mackerel gull (Zool.) any one of several species of gull
which feed upon or follow mackerel, as the kittiwake.

Mackerel midge (Zool.), a very small oceanic gadoid fish of
the North Atlantic. It is about an inch and a half long
and has four barbels on the upper jaw. It is now
considered the young of the genus Onos, or Motella.

Mackerel plow, an instrument for creasing the sides of lean
mackerel to improve their appearance. --Knight.

Mackerel shark (Zool.), the porbeagle.

Mackerel sky, or Mackerel-back sky, a sky flecked with
small white clouds; a cirro-cumulus. See Cloud.
[1913 Webster]

Mackerel sky and mare's-tails
Make tall ships carry low sails. --Old Rhyme.
[1913 Webster] mackerel scad
Wheelband \Wheel"band`\, n.
The tire of a wheel.
[1913 Webster]
Wheelbarrow \Wheel"bar`row\, n.
A light vehicle for conveying small loads. It has two handles
and one wheel, and is rolled by a single person.
[1913 Webster]
dame nellie melba
Dame Nellie Melba
n 1: Australian operatic soprano (1861-1931) [syn: Melba,
Dame Nellie Melba, Helen Porter Mitchell]
n 1: Australian operatic soprano (1861-1931) [syn: Melba,
Dame Nellie Melba, Helen Porter Mitchell]
melba toast
Melba toast
n 1: very thin crisp brown toast
peach melba
peach melba
n 1: ice cream and peaches with a liqueur
rosa melba ponselle
Rosa Melba Ponselle
n 1: United States soprano (1897-1981) [syn: Ponselle, {Rosa
Ponselle}, Rosa Melba Ponselle]
n 1: periwinkle plant derivative used as an antineoplastic drug
(trade name Velban) that disrupts cell division [syn:
vinblastine, Velban]
n 1: a cart for carrying small loads; has handles and one or
more wheels [syn: barrow, garden cart, lawn cart,
v 1: transport in a wheelbarrow
n 1: the distance from the center of a car's front wheel to the
rear axle
douglas engelbart
Douglas Engelbart
Engelbart, Douglas

Douglas C. Engelbart, the inventor of the mouse.

On 1968-12-09, Douglas C. Engelbart and the group of 17
researchers working with him in the {Augmentation Research
Center} at Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park,
California, USA, presented a 90-minute live public
demonstration of the on live system, NLS, they had been
working on since 1962. The presentation was a session in the
of the Fall Joint Computer Conference held at the Convention
Center in San Francisco, and it was attended by about 1000
computer professionals. This was the public debut of the
computer mouse, hypertext, object addressing, dynamic file
linking and shared-screen collaboration involving two persons
at different sites communicating over a network with audio and
video interface.

The original 90-minute video: {Hyperlinks
(}, {Mouse

Biography (

{Tia O'Brien, "The Mouse", Silicon Valley News


engelbart, douglas
Douglas Engelbart
Engelbart, Douglas

Douglas C. Engelbart, the inventor of the mouse.

On 1968-12-09, Douglas C. Engelbart and the group of 17
researchers working with him in the {Augmentation Research
Center} at Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park,
California, USA, presented a 90-minute live public
demonstration of the on live system, NLS, they had been
working on since 1962. The presentation was a session in the
of the Fall Joint Computer Conference held at the Convention
Center in San Francisco, and it was attended by about 1000
computer professionals. This was the public debut of the
computer mouse, hypertext, object addressing, dynamic file
linking and shared-screen collaboration involving two persons
at different sites communicating over a network with audio and
video interface.

The original 90-minute video: {Hyperlinks
(}, {Mouse

Biography (

{Tia O'Brien, "The Mouse", Silicon Valley News



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