Elettaria Cardamomum
Cardamom \Car"da*mom\ (k[aum]r"d[.a]*m[u^]m), n. [L. cardamomun,
Gr. karda`mwmon]
1. The aromatic fruit, or capsule with its seeds, of several
plants of the Ginger family growing in the East Indies and
elsewhere, and much used as a condiment, and in medicine.
[Also spelled cardamum.]

Syn: cardamon.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) A rhizomatous herb which produces cardamoms, esp.
Elettaria Cardamomum and several species of Amomum.
[1913 Webster]
elettaria cardamomum
Elettaria cardamomum
n 1: rhizomatous herb of India having aromatic seeds used as
seasoning [syn: cardamom, cardamon, {Elettaria
podobné slovodefinícia
Elettaria Cardamomum
Cardamom \Car"da*mom\ (k[aum]r"d[.a]*m[u^]m), n. [L. cardamomun,
Gr. karda`mwmon]
1. The aromatic fruit, or capsule with its seeds, of several
plants of the Ginger family growing in the East Indies and
elsewhere, and much used as a condiment, and in medicine.
[Also spelled cardamum.]

Syn: cardamon.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Bot.) A rhizomatous herb which produces cardamoms, esp.
Elettaria Cardamomum and several species of Amomum.
[1913 Webster]

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