Eupatorium coelestinum
mist \mist\ (m[i^]st), n. [AS. mist; akin to D. & Sw. mist,
Icel. mistr, G. mist dung, Goth. ma['i]hstus, AS. m[imac]gan
to make water, Icel. m[imac]ga, Lith. migla mist, Russ. mgla,
L. mingere, meiere, to make water, Gr. 'omichei^n to make
water, 'omi`chlh mist, Skr. mih to make water, n., a mist
m[=e]gha cloud. [root]102. Cf. Misle, Mizzle, Mixen.]
1. Visible watery vapor suspended in the atmosphere, at or
near the surface of the earth; fog.
[1913 Webster]

2. Coarse, watery vapor, floating or falling in visible
particles, approaching the form of rain; as, Scotch mist.
[1913 Webster]

3. Hence, anything which dims or darkens, and obscures or
intercepts vision.
[1913 Webster]

His passion cast a mist before his sense. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

Mist flower (Bot.), a composite plant ({Eupatorium
coelestinum}), having heart-shaped leaves, and corymbs of
lavender-blue flowers. It is found in the Western and
Southern United States.
[1913 Webster]
eupatorium coelestinum
Eupatorium coelestinum
n 1: rhizomatous plant of central and southeastern United States
and West Indies having large showy heads of clear blue
flowers; sometimes placed in genus Eupatorium [syn:
mistflower, mist-flower, ageratum, {Conoclinium
coelestinum}, Eupatorium coelestinum]
podobné slovodefinícia
Eupatorium coelestinum
mist \mist\ (m[i^]st), n. [AS. mist; akin to D. & Sw. mist,
Icel. mistr, G. mist dung, Goth. ma['i]hstus, AS. m[imac]gan
to make water, Icel. m[imac]ga, Lith. migla mist, Russ. mgla,
L. mingere, meiere, to make water, Gr. 'omichei^n to make
water, 'omi`chlh mist, Skr. mih to make water, n., a mist
m[=e]gha cloud. [root]102. Cf. Misle, Mizzle, Mixen.]
1. Visible watery vapor suspended in the atmosphere, at or
near the surface of the earth; fog.
[1913 Webster]

2. Coarse, watery vapor, floating or falling in visible
particles, approaching the form of rain; as, Scotch mist.
[1913 Webster]

3. Hence, anything which dims or darkens, and obscures or
intercepts vision.
[1913 Webster]

His passion cast a mist before his sense. --Dryden.
[1913 Webster]

Mist flower (Bot.), a composite plant ({Eupatorium
coelestinum}), having heart-shaped leaves, and corymbs of
lavender-blue flowers. It is found in the Western and
Southern United States.
[1913 Webster]

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