podobné slovo | definícia |
accrued expenses (encz) | accrued expenses,výdaje příštích období [ekon.] rozvaha/balance
sheet Ivan Masár |
allowable expenses (encz) | allowable expenses,dovolené výdaje [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskačallowable expenses,odpočitatelné výdaje |
ancillary expenses (encz) | ancillary expenses,vícenáklady Zdeněk Brož |
deferred expenses (encz) | deferred expenses,náklady příštích období [ekon.] rozvaha/balance
sheet Ivan Masár |
eligible expenses (encz) | eligible expenses,způsobilé výdaje [ekon.] Ivan Masár |
expenses associated with financial assets (encz) | expenses associated with financial assets,náklady z finančního
majetku [ekon.] výkaz zisku a ztrát=profit/loss account Ivan Masár |
expenses on sold goods (encz) | expenses on sold goods,náklady vynaložené na prodané zboží [ekon.] výkaz
zisku a ztrát=profit/loss account Ivan Masár |
extraordinary expenses (encz) | extraordinary expenses,mimořádné náklady [ekon.] výkaz zisku a
ztrát=profit/loss account Ivan Masár |
fixed expenses (encz) | fixed expenses,fixní náklady [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač |
general expenses (encz) | general expenses,všeobecné výdaje n: [ekon.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač |
incidental and unforeseen expenses (encz) | incidental and unforeseen expenses, |
incorporation expenses (encz) | incorporation expenses,zřizovací výdaje [ekon.] rozvaha/balance
sheet Ivan Masár |
interest expenses (encz) | interest expenses,nákladové úroky [ekon.] výkaz zisku a
ztrát=profit/loss account Ivan Masár |
investment expenses (encz) | investment expenses,investiční výdaje [ekon.] Ivan Masár |
non-eligible expenses (encz) | non-eligible expenses,nezpůsobilé výdaje [ekon.] Ivan Masár |
non-investment expenses (encz) | non-investment expenses,neinvestiční výdaje [ekon.] Ivan Masár |
other financial expenses (encz) | other financial expenses,ostatní finanční náklady [ekon.] výkaz zisku a
ztrát=profit/loss account Ivan Masár |
other operating expenses (encz) | other operating expenses,ostatní provozní náklady [ekon.] výkaz zisku a
ztrát=profit/loss account Ivan Masár |
other social expenses (encz) | other social expenses,sociální náklady [ekon.] výkaz zisku a
ztrát=profit/loss account Ivan Masár |
overhead expenses (encz) | overhead expenses,režijní náklady Zdeněk Brož |
personnel expenses (encz) | personnel expenses,osobní náklady [ekon.] výkaz zisku a
ztrát=profit/loss account Ivan Masár |
representation expenses (encz) | representation expenses, |
social security expenses and health insurance (encz) | social security expenses and health insurance,náklady na sociální
zabezpečení a zdravotní pojištění [ekon.] výkaz zisku a
ztrát=profit/loss account Ivan Masár |
statement of expenses (encz) | statement of expenses,výkaz výdajů [eko.] RNDr. Pavel Piskač |
statement of income and expenses (encz) | statement of income and expenses, |
transfer of financial expenses (encz) | transfer of financial expenses,převod finančních nákladů [ekon.] výkaz
zisku a ztrát=profit/loss account Ivan Masár |
transfer of operating expenses (encz) | transfer of operating expenses,převod provozních nákladů [ekon.] výkaz
zisku a ztrát=profit/loss account Ivan Masár |
travelling expenses (encz) | travelling expenses,cestovné Zdeněk Brož |
unforeseen expenses (encz) | unforeseen expenses, |
Overhead expenses (gcide) | Overhead charges \O`ver*head" char"ges\, Overhead expenses
\O`ver*head" expenses\, etc. (Accounting)
Those general charges or expenses in any business which
cannot be charged up as belonging exclusively to any
particular part of the work or product, as where different
kinds of goods are made, or where there are different
departments in a business; -- called also fixed charges,
establishment charges, or (in a manufacturing business)
administration charges, selling charges, and
distribution charges, etc.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.] |
FAMILY EXPENSES (bouvier) | FAMILY EXPENSES. The sum which it costs a man to maintain a family.
2. Merchants and traders who desire to exhibit the true state of their
affairs in their books, keep an exact account of family expenses, which, in
case of failure, is very important, and at all times proper.
FUNERAL EXPENSES (bouvier) | FUNERAL EXPENSES. Money expended in procuring the interment of a corpse.
2. The person who orders the funeral is responsible personally for the
expenses, and if the estate of the deceased should be insolvent, he must
lose the amount. But if there are assets sufficient to pay these expenses,
the executor or administrator is bound, upon an implied assumpsit, to pay
them. 1 Campb. N. P. R. 298; Holt, 309 Com. on Contr. 529; 1 Hawke's R. 394;
13 Vin. Ab. 563.
3. Frequent questions arise as to the amount which is to be allowed to
the executor or administrator for such expenses. It is exceedingly difficult
to gather from the numerous cases which have been, decided upon this
subject, any certain rule. Courts of equity have taken into consideration
the circumstances of each case, and when the executors have acted with
common prudence and in obedience to the will, their expenses have been
allowed. In a case where the testator directed that his remains should be
buried at a church thirty miles distant from the place of his death, the sum
of sixty pounds sterling was allowed. 3 Atk. 119. In another case, under
peculiar circumstances, six hundred pounds were allowed. Preced. in Ch. 29.
In a case in Pennsylvania, where the intestate left a considerable estate,
and no children, the sum of two hundred and fifty-eight dollars and seventy-
five cents was allowed, the greater part of which had been expended in
erecting a tombstone over a vault in which the body was interred. 14 Serg. &
Rawle, 64.
4. It seems doubtful whether the husband can call upon the separate
personal estate of his wife, to pay her funeral expenses. 6 Madd. R. 90.
Vide 2 Bl. Com. 508; Godolph. p. 2 3 Atk. 249 Off. Ex. 174; Bac. Ab.
Executors, &c., L 4; Vin. Ab. h.t.