exterior angle
exterior angle, n:
Exterior angle
Exterior \Ex*te"ri*or\, a. [L. exterior, compar. of exter or
exterus on the outside, outward, foreign, strange, a compar.
fr. ex: cf. F. ext['e]rieur. See Ex-, and cf. Extreme,
1. External; outward; pertaining to that which is external;
-- opposed to interior; as, the exterior part of a
[1913 Webster]

Sith nor the exterior nor the inward man
Resemble that it was. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. External; on the outside; without the limits of;
extrinsic; as, an object exterior to a man, opposed to
what is within, or in his mind.
[1913 Webster]

Without exterior help sustained. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

3. Relating to foreign nations; foreign; as, the exterior
relations of a state or kingdom.
[1913 Webster]

Exterior angle (Geom.), the angle included between any side
of a triangle or polygon and the prolongation of the
adjacent side; also, an angle included between a line
crossing two parallel lines and either of the latter on
the outside.

Exterior side (Fort.), the side of the polygon upon which a
front of fortification is formed. --Wilhelm.
[1913 Webster]

Note: See Illust. of Ravelin.
[1913 Webster]
exterior angle
exterior angle
n 1: the supplement of an interior angle of a polygon [syn:
exterior angle, external angle]
podobné slovodefinícia
Exterior angle
Exterior \Ex*te"ri*or\, a. [L. exterior, compar. of exter or
exterus on the outside, outward, foreign, strange, a compar.
fr. ex: cf. F. ext['e]rieur. See Ex-, and cf. Extreme,
1. External; outward; pertaining to that which is external;
-- opposed to interior; as, the exterior part of a
[1913 Webster]

Sith nor the exterior nor the inward man
Resemble that it was. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

2. External; on the outside; without the limits of;
extrinsic; as, an object exterior to a man, opposed to
what is within, or in his mind.
[1913 Webster]

Without exterior help sustained. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

3. Relating to foreign nations; foreign; as, the exterior
relations of a state or kingdom.
[1913 Webster]

Exterior angle (Geom.), the angle included between any side
of a triangle or polygon and the prolongation of the
adjacent side; also, an angle included between a line
crossing two parallel lines and either of the latter on
the outside.

Exterior side (Fort.), the side of the polygon upon which a
front of fortification is formed. --Wilhelm.
[1913 Webster]

Note: See Illust. of Ravelin.
[1913 Webster]

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