n 1: a member of a pastoral and nomadic people of western
Africa; they are traditionally cattle herders of Muslim
faith [syn: Fulani, Fula, Fulah, Fellata, Fulbe]
podobné slovodefinícia
Fulahs \Fu"lahs`\, Foolahs \Foo"lahs`\, Fulani \Fu"la*ni\, n.
pl.; sing. Fulah, Foolah. (Ethnol.)
A peculiar African race of uncertain origin, but distinct
from the negro tribes, inhabiting an extensive region of
Western Soudan. Their color is brown or yellowish bronze.
They are Mohammedans. Called also Fellatahs, Foulahs, and
Fellani. Fulah and Fulani are also used adjectively; as,
Fulah or Fulani empire, tribes, language.
[1913 Webster]

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