fig leaf
fig leaf, n:
Fig leaf
Fig \Fig\ (f[i^]g), n. [F. figue the fruit of the tree, Pr.
figa, fr. L. ficus fig tree, fig. Cf. Fico.]
1. (Bot.) A small fruit tree (Ficus Carica) with large
leaves, known from the remotest antiquity. It was probably
native from Syria westward to the Canary Islands.
[1913 Webster]

2. The fruit of a fig tree, which is of round or oblong
shape, and of various colors.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The fruit of a fig tree is really the hollow end of a
stem, and bears numerous achenia inside the cavity.
Many species have little, hard, inedible figs, and in
only a few does the fruit become soft and pulpy. The
fruit of the cultivated varieties is much prized in its
fresh state, and also when dried or preserved. See
[1913 Webster]

3. A small piece of tobacco. [U.S.]
[1913 Webster]

4. The value of a fig, practically nothing; a fico; -- used
in scorn or contempt. "A fig for Peter." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Cochineal fig. See Conchineal fig.

Fig dust, a preparation of fine oatmeal for feeding caged

Fig faun, one of a class of rural deities or monsters
supposed to live on figs. "Therefore shall dragons dwell
there with the fig fauns." --Jer. i. 39. (Douay version).

Fig gnat (Zool.), a small fly said to be injurious to figs.

Fig leaf, the leaf tree; hence, in allusion to the first
clothing of Adam and Eve (Genesis iii.7), a covering for a
thing that ought to be concealed; esp., an inadequate
covering; a symbol for affected modesty.

Fig marigold (Bot.), the name of several plants of the
genus Mesembryanthemum, some of which are prized for the
brilliancy and beauty of their flowers.

Fig tree (Bot.), any tree of the genus Ficus, but
especially F. Carica which produces the fig of commerce.
[1913 Webster]
fig leaf
fig leaf \fig leaf\
1. The leaf from a fig tree.

2. An ornamental design shaped like the leaf of a fig tree,
used in architecture; also, a design shaped like a fig
leaf to cover genitalia in sculpture or paintings -- in
reference to the biblical story in Genesis of Adam and
Eve, who covered their privates with fig leaves.

3. Hence: [figurative] Anything used to conceal what is
considered embarrassing or indecent. See sense 2.
fig leaf
fig leaf
n 1: a leaf from a fig tree
2: a covering consisting of anything intended to conceal
something regarded as shameful
podobné slovodefinícia
Fig leaf
Fig \Fig\ (f[i^]g), n. [F. figue the fruit of the tree, Pr.
figa, fr. L. ficus fig tree, fig. Cf. Fico.]
1. (Bot.) A small fruit tree (Ficus Carica) with large
leaves, known from the remotest antiquity. It was probably
native from Syria westward to the Canary Islands.
[1913 Webster]

2. The fruit of a fig tree, which is of round or oblong
shape, and of various colors.
[1913 Webster]

Note: The fruit of a fig tree is really the hollow end of a
stem, and bears numerous achenia inside the cavity.
Many species have little, hard, inedible figs, and in
only a few does the fruit become soft and pulpy. The
fruit of the cultivated varieties is much prized in its
fresh state, and also when dried or preserved. See
[1913 Webster]

3. A small piece of tobacco. [U.S.]
[1913 Webster]

4. The value of a fig, practically nothing; a fico; -- used
in scorn or contempt. "A fig for Peter." --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

Cochineal fig. See Conchineal fig.

Fig dust, a preparation of fine oatmeal for feeding caged

Fig faun, one of a class of rural deities or monsters
supposed to live on figs. "Therefore shall dragons dwell
there with the fig fauns." --Jer. i. 39. (Douay version).

Fig gnat (Zool.), a small fly said to be injurious to figs.

Fig leaf, the leaf tree; hence, in allusion to the first
clothing of Adam and Eve (Genesis iii.7), a covering for a
thing that ought to be concealed; esp., an inadequate
covering; a symbol for affected modesty.

Fig marigold (Bot.), the name of several plants of the
genus Mesembryanthemum, some of which are prized for the
brilliancy and beauty of their flowers.

Fig tree (Bot.), any tree of the genus Ficus, but
especially F. Carica which produces the fig of commerce.
[1913 Webster]fig leaf \fig leaf\
1. The leaf from a fig tree.

2. An ornamental design shaped like the leaf of a fig tree,
used in architecture; also, a design shaped like a fig
leaf to cover genitalia in sculpture or paintings -- in
reference to the biblical story in Genesis of Adam and
Eve, who covered their privates with fig leaves.

3. Hence: [figurative] Anything used to conceal what is
considered embarrassing or indecent. See sense 2.

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