fishing smack
fishing smack, n:
Fishing smack
Fishing \Fish"ing\, a. [From Fishing, n.]
Pertaining to fishing; used in fishery; engaged in fishing;
as, fishing boat; fishing tackle; fishing village.
[1913 Webster]

Fishing fly, an artificial fly for fishing.

Fishing line, a line used in catching fish.

Fishing net, a net of various kinds for catching fish;
including the bag net, casting net, drag net, landing net,
seine, shrimping net, trawl, etc.

Fishing rod, a long slender rod, to which is attached the
line for angling.

Fishing smack, a sloop or other small vessel used in sea

Fishing tackle, apparatus used in fishing, as hook, line,
rod, etc.

Fishing tube (Micros.), a glass tube for selecting a
microscopic object in a fluid.
[1913 Webster]
fishing smack
fishing smack
n 1: a vessel for fishing; often has a well to keep the catch
alive [syn: fishing boat, fishing smack, {fishing
podobné slovodefinícia
Fishing smack
Fishing \Fish"ing\, a. [From Fishing, n.]
Pertaining to fishing; used in fishery; engaged in fishing;
as, fishing boat; fishing tackle; fishing village.
[1913 Webster]

Fishing fly, an artificial fly for fishing.

Fishing line, a line used in catching fish.

Fishing net, a net of various kinds for catching fish;
including the bag net, casting net, drag net, landing net,
seine, shrimping net, trawl, etc.

Fishing rod, a long slender rod, to which is attached the
line for angling.

Fishing smack, a sloop or other small vessel used in sea

Fishing tackle, apparatus used in fishing, as hook, line,
rod, etc.

Fishing tube (Micros.), a glass tube for selecting a
microscopic object in a fluid.
[1913 Webster]

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