freemen,svobodní občané Zdeněk Brož
Freeman \Free"man\, n.; pl. Freemen. [AS. fre['o]man;
fre['o]free + mann man.]
1. One who enjoys liberty, or who is not subject to the will
of another; one not a slave or vassal.
[1913 Webster]

2. A member of a corporation, company, or city, possessing
certain privileges; a member of a borough, town, or State,
who has the right to vote at elections. See Liveryman.
[1913 Webster]

Both having been made freemen on the same day.
[1913 Webster]
podobné slovodefinícia
Freeman \Free"man\, n.; pl. Freemen. [AS. fre['o]man;
fre['o]free + mann man.]
1. One who enjoys liberty, or who is not subject to the will
of another; one not a slave or vassal.
[1913 Webster]

2. A member of a corporation, company, or city, possessing
certain privileges; a member of a borough, town, or State,
who has the right to vote at elections. See Liveryman.
[1913 Webster]

Both having been made freemen on the same day.
[1913 Webster]

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