slovo | definícia |
frotz (jargon) | frotz
1. n. See frobnitz.
2. mumble frotz: An interjection of mildest disgust. The word ‘frotzen’ is
live in this sense in some eastern German dialects; the safe bet is that it
came to hackers via Yiddish.
| podobné slovo | definícia |
frotzed (foldoc) | frotzed
/frotst/ down because of hardware problems.
Compare fried. A machine that is merely frotzed may be
fixable without replacing parts, but a fried machine is more
seriously damaged.
frotzed (jargon) | frotzed
/frotst/, adj.
To be down because of hardware problems. Compare fried. A machine that
is merely frotzed may be fixable without replacing parts, but a fried
machine is more seriously damaged.
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