Fault Tolerant Unix

(FTX) Stratus's own Unix System V
Release 4 multiprocessor operating system. In 2016, FTX
is supported but no longer developed.

FTX was one of three operating systems supplied by Stratus on
their hardware, the other two, HP-UX and VOS, were the
more common choices, FTX was only sold on an exceptional

Early FTX 3.x releases used an in-house virtual disk layer
(VDL) driver, but later releases switched to a version of
Veritas VxVM.

FTX supported many of the proprietary communications boards
(ISDN, serial, parallel, X.25, etc.).


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online slovník, sk-spell - slovníkové dáta, IZ Bratislava, Malé Karpaty - turistika, Michal Páleník, správy, údaje o okresoch V4