slovo | definícia |
fuzzball (foldoc) | fuzzball
A DEC LSI-11 running a particular suite of homebrewed
software written by Dave Mills and assorted co-conspirators,
used in the early 1980s for Internet protocol testbedding
and experimentation. These were used as NSFnet backbone
sites in its early 56KB-line days. A few were still active on
the Internet in early 1991, doing odd jobs such as network
time service.
[Jargon File]
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Nenašli ste slovo čo ste hľadali ? Doplňte ho do slovníka.
na vytvorenie tejto webstránky bol pužitý dictd server s dátami z a z iných voľne dostupných dictd databáz. Ak máte klienta na dictd protokol (napríklad kdict), použite zdroj a port 2628.
online slovník, sk-spell - slovníkové dáta, IZ Bratislava, Malé Karpaty - turistika, Michal Páleník, správy, údaje o okresoch V4