geocentric,geocentrický adj: Zdeněk Brož
Geocentric \Ge`o*cen"tric\, Geocentrical \Ge`o*cen"tric*al\, a.
[Gr. ge`a, gh^, the earth + ke`ntron center: cf. F.
g['e]ocentrique.] (Astron.)
(a) Having, considering, or based on, the earth as center;
as, the geocentric theory of the universe; in relation to
or seen from the earth, -- usually opposed to
heliocentric, as seen from the sun; as, the geocentric
longitude or latitude of a planet.
[1913 Webster + Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Geocentric latitude (of place) the angle included between
the radius of the earth through the place and the plane of
the equator, in distinction from geographic latitude. It
is a little less than the geographic latitude.
[1913 Webster]
adj 1: having the earth as the center [ant: heliocentric]
podobné slovodefinícia
geocentric parallax
geocentric parallax, n:
geocentrický,geocentricadj: Zdeněk Brož
Geocentric \Ge`o*cen"tric\, Geocentrical \Ge`o*cen"tric*al\, a.
[Gr. ge`a, gh^, the earth + ke`ntron center: cf. F.
g['e]ocentrique.] (Astron.)
(a) Having, considering, or based on, the earth as center;
as, the geocentric theory of the universe; in relation to
or seen from the earth, -- usually opposed to
heliocentric, as seen from the sun; as, the geocentric
longitude or latitude of a planet.
[1913 Webster + Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Geocentric latitude (of place) the angle included between
the radius of the earth through the place and the plane of
the equator, in distinction from geographic latitude. It
is a little less than the geographic latitude.
[1913 Webster]
Geocentric latitude
Geocentric \Ge`o*cen"tric\, Geocentrical \Ge`o*cen"tric*al\, a.
[Gr. ge`a, gh^, the earth + ke`ntron center: cf. F.
g['e]ocentrique.] (Astron.)
(a) Having, considering, or based on, the earth as center;
as, the geocentric theory of the universe; in relation to
or seen from the earth, -- usually opposed to
heliocentric, as seen from the sun; as, the geocentric
longitude or latitude of a planet.
[1913 Webster + Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Geocentric latitude (of place) the angle included between
the radius of the earth through the place and the plane of
the equator, in distinction from geographic latitude. It
is a little less than the geographic latitude.
[1913 Webster]
Geocentric longitude
Longitude \Lon"gi*tude\, n. [F., fr. L. longitudo, fr. longus
1. Length; measure or distance along the longest line; --
distinguished from breadth or thickness; as, the
longitude of a room; rare now, except in a humorous sense.
--Sir H. Wotton.
[1913 Webster]

The longitude of their cloaks. --Sir. W.
[1913 Webster]

Mine [shadow] spindling into longitude immense.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Geog.) The arc or portion of the equator intersected
between the meridian of a given place and the meridian of
some other place from which longitude is reckoned, as from
Greenwich, England, or sometimes from the capital of a
country, as from Washington or Paris. The longitude of a
place is expressed either in degrees or in time; as, that
of New York is 74[deg] or 4 h. 56 min. west of Greenwich.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Astron.) The distance in degrees, reckoned from the
vernal equinox, on the ecliptic, to a circle at right
angles to the ecliptic passing through the heavenly body
whose longitude is designated; as, the longitude of
Capella is 79[deg].
[1913 Webster]

Geocentric longitude (Astron.), the longitude of a heavenly
body as seen from the earth.

Heliocentric longitude, the longitude of a heavenly body,
as seen from the sun's center.

Longitude stars, certain stars whose position is known, and
the data in regard to which are used in observations for
finding the longitude, as by lunar distances.
[1913 Webster]
Geocentric parallax
Parallax \Par"al*lax\, n. [Gr. ? alternation, the mutual
inclination of two lines forming an angle, fr. ? to change a
little, go aside, deviate; para` beside, beyond + ? to
change: cf. F. parallaxe. Cf. Parallel.]
1. The apparent displacement, or difference of position, of
an object, as seen from two different stations, or points
of view.
[1913 Webster]

2. (Astron.) The apparent difference in position of a body
(as the sun, or a star) as seen from some point on the
earth's surface, and as seen from some other conventional
point, as the earth's center or the sun.
[1913 Webster]

3. (Astron.) The annual parallax. See annual parallax,

Annual parallax, the greatest value of the heliocentric
parallax, or the greatest annual apparent change of place
of a body as seen from the earth and sun; it is equivalent
to the parallax of an astronomical object which would be
observed by taking observations of the object at two
different points one astronomical unit (the distance of
the Earth from the sun) apart, if the line joining the two
observing points is perpendicular to the direction to the
observed object; as, the annual parallax of a fixed star.
The distance of an astronomical object from the Earth is
inversely proportional to the annual parallax. A star
which has an annual parallax of one second of an arc is
considered to be one parsec (3.26 light years) distant
from the earth; a star with an annual parallax of
one-hundredth second of an arc is 326 light years distant.
See parsec in the vocabulary, and stellar parallax,

Binocular parallax, the apparent difference in position of
an object as seen separately by one eye, and then by the
other, the head remaining unmoved.

Diurnal parallax or Geocentric parallax, the parallax of
a body with reference to the earth's center. This is the
kind of parallax that is generally understood when the
term is used without qualification.

Heliocentric parallax, the parallax of a body with
reference to the sun, or the angle subtended at the body
by lines drawn from it to the earth and sun; as, the
heliocentric parallax of a planet.

Horizontal parallax, the geocentric parallx of a heavenly
body when in the horizon, or the angle subtended at the
body by the earth's radius.

Optical parallax, the apparent displacement in position
undergone by an object when viewed by either eye singly.
--Brande & C.

Parallax of the cross wires (of an optical instrument),
their apparent displacement when the eye changes its
position, caused by their not being exactly in the focus
of the object glass.

Stellar parallax, the annual parallax of a fixed star.
[1913 Webster]
Geocentric \Ge`o*cen"tric\, Geocentrical \Ge`o*cen"tric*al\, a.
[Gr. ge`a, gh^, the earth + ke`ntron center: cf. F.
g['e]ocentrique.] (Astron.)
(a) Having, considering, or based on, the earth as center;
as, the geocentric theory of the universe; in relation to
or seen from the earth, -- usually opposed to
heliocentric, as seen from the sun; as, the geocentric
longitude or latitude of a planet.
[1913 Webster + Webster 1913 Suppl.]

Geocentric latitude (of place) the angle included between
the radius of the earth through the place and the plane of
the equator, in distinction from geographic latitude. It
is a little less than the geographic latitude.
[1913 Webster]
Geocentrically \Ge`o*cen"tric*al*ly\, adv.
In a geocentric manner.
[1913 Webster]
geocentric parallax
geocentric parallax
n 1: the parallax of a celestial body using two points on the
surface of the earth as the earth rotates [syn: {geocentric
parallax}, diurnal parallax]

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