podobné slovodefinícia
Geoffrey,Geoffrey n: [jmén.] příjmení, mužské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož
a automatický překlad
Geoffrey,Geoffreyn: [jmén.] příjmení, mužské křestní jméno Zdeněk Brož a
automatický překlad
Geoffroea decorticans
chanar \chanar\ n.
a thorny shrub or small tree (Geoffroea decorticans) common
in central Argentina having small orange or yellow flowers
followed by edible berries.

Syn: chanal, Geoffroea decorticans.
[WordNet 1.5]
Geoffroya inermis
Jamaicine \Ja*ma"i*cine\, n. [From Jamaica.] (Chem.)
An alkaloid said to be contained in the bark of {Geoffroya
inermis}, a leguminous tree growing in Jamaica and Surinam;
-- called also jamacina. --Watts.
[1913 Webster]
ateles geoffroyi
Ateles geoffroyi
n 1: arboreal monkey of tropical America with long slender legs
and long prehensile tail [syn: spider monkey, {Ateles
genus geoffroea
genus Geoffroea
n 1: small genus of shrubs or small trees of tropical and
subtropical America [syn: Geoffroea, genus Geoffroea]
geoffrey chaucer
Geoffrey Chaucer
n 1: English poet remembered as author of the Canterbury Tales
(1340-1400) [syn: Chaucer, Geoffrey Chaucer]
geoffrey of monmouth
Geoffrey of Monmouth
n 1: Welsh chronicler who wrote an account of the kings of
Britain which is now believed to contain little historical
fact but it is a source of the Arthurian legend (circa
n 1: small genus of shrubs or small trees of tropical and
subtropical America [syn: Geoffroea, genus Geoffroea]
geoffroea decorticans
Geoffroea decorticans
n 1: thorny shrub or small tree common in central Argentina
having small orange or yellow flowers followed by edible
berries [syn: chanar, chanal, Geoffroea decorticans]
sir geoffrey wilkinson
Sir Geoffrey Wilkinson
n 1: English chemist honored for his research on pollutants in
car exhausts (born in 1921) [syn: Wilkinson, {Sir
Geoffrey Wilkinson}]

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