glandula pituitaria
Pituitary \Pi*tu"i*ta*ry\, a. [L. pituita phlegm, pituite: cf.
F. pituitarie.] (Anat.)
(a) Secreting mucus or phlegm; as, the pituitary membrane, or
the mucous membrane which lines the nasal cavities.
(b) Of or pertaining to the pituitary body; as, the pituitary
[1913 Webster]

Pituitary body or Pituitary gland (Anat.), a a small,
somewhat cherry-shaped endocrine gland, situated in the
pituitary fossa, and suspended from the base of the
hypothalamus; the hypophysis; -- called also {glandula
pituitaria}, and basilaris. It secretes th pituitary
hormones: oxytocin; vasopresin; antidiuretic hormone;
luteinizing hormone; somatotropins; prolactin; thyroid
stimulating hormone; gonadotropins; adrenal corticotropin
and other peptide hormones. It affects all hormonal
functions, and is thus called the "master gland".

Pituitary fossa (Anat.), the ephippium.
[1913 Webster +PJC]
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