glucoside,glykosid n: Zdeněk Brož
Glucoside \Glu"co*side\, n. [See Glucose.] (Chem.)
One of a large series of amorphous or crystalline substances,
occurring very widely distributed in plants, rarely in
animals, and regarded as influental agents in the formation
and disposition of the sugars. They are frequently of a
bitter taste, but, by the action of ferments, or of dilute
acids and alkalies, always break down into some
characteristic substance (acid, aldehyde, alcohol, phenole,
or alkaloid) and glucose (or some other sugar); hence the
name. They are of the nature of complex and compound ethers,
and ethereal salts of the sugar carbohydrates.
[1913 Webster]
n 1: a glycoside derived from glucose
podobné slovodefinícia
cardiac glucoside
cardiac glucoside, n:
Glucoside \Glu"co*side\, n. [See Glucose.] (Chem.)
One of a large series of amorphous or crystalline substances,
occurring very widely distributed in plants, rarely in
animals, and regarded as influental agents in the formation
and disposition of the sugars. They are frequently of a
bitter taste, but, by the action of ferments, or of dilute
acids and alkalies, always break down into some
characteristic substance (acid, aldehyde, alcohol, phenole,
or alkaloid) and glucose (or some other sugar); hence the
name. They are of the nature of complex and compound ethers,
and ethereal salts of the sugar carbohydrates.
[1913 Webster]
cardiac glucoside
cardiac glucoside
n 1: obtained from a number of plants and used to stimulate the
heart in cases of heart failure [syn: cardiac glycoside,
cardiac glucoside]

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