Greenwich,Greenwich Zdeněk Brož
Greenwich,greenwichský adj: Zdeněk Brož
Greenwich,Greenwich Zdeněk Brož
n 1: a borough of Greater London on the Thames; zero degrees of
longitude runs through Greenwich; time is measured relative
to Greenwich Mean Time
podobné slovodefinícia
greenwich mean time
Greenwich Mean Time
greenwich mean time
Greenwich Mean Time
greenwich village
Greenwich Village,
greenwich mean time
Greenwich Mean Time,GMT[zkr.]
greenwichský,Greenwichadj: Zdeněk Brož
greenwichský poledník
greenwichský poledník,zero meridian tata
greenwich mean time
Greenwich Mean Time
n 1: the local time at the 0 meridian passing through Greenwich,
England; it is the same everywhere [syn: {Greenwich Mean
Time}, Greenwich Time, GMT, universal time, UT,
greenwich meridian
Greenwich Meridian
n 1: the meridian passing through Greenwich; was internationally
adopted as the earth's zero of longitude in 1884
greenwich time
Greenwich Time
n 1: the local time at the 0 meridian passing through Greenwich,
England; it is the same everywhere [syn: {Greenwich Mean
Time}, Greenwich Time, GMT, universal time, UT,
greenwich village
Greenwich Village
n 1: a mainly residential district of Manhattan; `the Village'
became a home for many writers and artists in the 20th
century [syn: Greenwich Village, Village]
greenwich mean time
Greenwich Mean Time

(GMT) The local time on the Greenwich
meridian, based on the hypothetical mean sun (which averages
out the effects of the Earth's elliptical orbit and its tilted
axis). GMT is the basis of the civil time for the UK.

In 1925 the reference point was changed from noon to midnight
and it was recommended that the term "Universal Time" should
be used for the new GMT.

Authorities disagreed on whether GMT equates with UT0 or
UT1, however the differences between the two are of the
order of thousandths of a second. GMT is no longer used for
scientific purposes.


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