Gunning Transceiver Logic

standard for electrical signals in CMOS circuits used to
provide higher data transfer speeds with smaller voltage
swings [compared with what?].

The GTL signal swings between 0.4 volts and 1.2 volts with a
reference voltage of about 0.8 volts. Only a small deviation
of 0.4 volts (or thereabouts) from the reference voltage is
required to switch between on and off states. Therefore, a
GTL signal is said to be a low voltage swing logic signal.

Gunning Transceiver Logic has several advantages. The
resistive termination of a GTL signal provides a clean
signalling environment [what?]. Moreover, the low terminating
voltage of 1.2 volts results in reduced voltage drops across
the resistive elements. GTL has low power dissipation and can
operate at high frequency and causes less {electromagnetic
interference} (EMI).

{GTL/BTL: A Low-Swing Solution for High-Speed Digital Logic

Gunning Tranceiver Logic+ [bus] (Intel, SMP), "GTL+"
podobné slovodefinícia
Generic Top Level Domain (Internet, ICANN), "gTLD"

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